Theme: Dark modern

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Dec 25, 2017, 10:49:31 AM12/25/17
to Alt-F
Hey Folks

ive been working on a theme for this great firmware and recently commited my first release

So feel free to check it out 

John Durchak

Apr 17, 2019, 7:33:23 PM4/17/19
to Alt-F
What are the install instructions for this? I was unable to find any instructions. 

I am insterested in working on my own updates for this, but I need to be able to install it first so I can understand how everything is inplace. 

I would really appreciate it if someone could provide the instructions or a link to the instructions. 

Please don't take this personally as I love the entire project and the intentions of this theme, but too much is assumed with this entire project as far as how things are supposed to be installed, configured etc.. Better documentation would really help people like me who would love to contribute, but are very much hindered by the lack of documentation. 

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João Cardoso

Apr 18, 2019, 1:29:04 PM4/18/19
to Alt-F

On Thursday, 18 April 2019 00:33:23 UTC+1, John Durchak wrote:
What are the install instructions for this? I was unable to find any instructions. 

in short, create a zip archive (without an enclosing top folder) with *only* 'modern.thm' and the 'modern' folder, and submit it to System->Utilities,Theme
It looks like Google Groups don't allow us to attach zip files

John Durchak

Apr 20, 2019, 10:42:03 AM4/20/19
to Alt-F
Got it thank You! I was able to get it to install with your proceedure.

Now I will be able to make the changes I need to.

I appreciate it as always.


May 2, 2019, 2:02:39 AM5/2/19
to Alt-F
Hey there, I'm not sure if you are still monitoring this thread however I just wa7nted to let you know that I have taken the theme that you started and I created my own Modern Dark Theme from it.

Since I am new to using Git to upload my code I actually created my own project in GitLabs since I don't know how to either fork or branch off of your project.

I have however given you the credit as the original author of the Modern Theme and wanted to check with you to see if that is OK with you or if you would prefer it done a different way.

I used your name and profile name of Toast from your original code..

The changes I made are including a new image for the "logo" of the theme as well as a new css file for the help html files.

I was in the process of uploading everything to GitLabs this evening when my SSD crashed and I lost a days worth of code and the updates to the License and Readme.

If you would prefer things be done differently as the orig author please let me know. As I mentioned this is all very new for me making changes and putting the code up on Git, so I want to be sure I do thing right by you as the orig author.

Hopefully your still actively monitoring this and I will get to hear back from you..

Many thanks,

John aka Dardwizzle

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