Yay changed MTU on my 320 and now I can't connect

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Nicolas Desveaux

Jul 2, 2018, 12:32:12 PM7/2/18
to Alt-F
So silly me, without thinking I looked up my switch it said it supported 9,720 bytes for packets and I set that as MTU on my 320 :( now it won't connect =\

Is there any way to set it back without destroying my data/config?


Nicolas Desveaux

Jul 2, 2018, 3:21:19 PM7/2/18
to Alt-F
I reset the unit (press reset 20secs) I suspect nothing else could be done..

That said is there a way to:

1. get network reset only 
2. determine best max mtu to use?

João Cardoso

Jul 6, 2018, 7:27:51 PM7/6/18
to Alt-F

On Monday, 2 July 2018 20:21:19 UTC+1, Nicolas Desveaux wrote:
I reset the unit (press reset 20secs) I suspect nothing else could be done..

The power button should work, and if you had not yet saved settings (you had not yet tested the changes, so you shouldn't save settings) the previous values would be used.

That said is there a way to:

1. get network reset only 
2. determine best max mtu to use?

Up to 9KB has been tested on several boxes models, but not recently.
Changing network settings over the network on a headless box... is tricky. On the Alt-F simulator:

/ # ifconfig eth0 mtu 3000
e1000: eth0 changing MTU from 1500 to 3000
/ # ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 52:54:00:12:34:56 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

Nicolas Desveaux

Jul 8, 2018, 4:11:54 PM7/8/18
to Alt-F
That makes sense.. next time I'll power off and back on to get back to the previous network settings.
Had quite a scare because like you said it's headless and I was starting to imagine having to solder some serial connect to an obscure region of the pcb :p

Side question is there a way to bench mark write/ read speeds of the volume just to see the kind of performance that can be achieved on the NAS itself.


Side note: Going from a 100Mbps switch to 1Gbps writes to the NAS (Raid1) went from solid 10-11MBps to fluctuating 8-9MBps (hence the attempt at the jumbo frames =\)
Using cat 6 cables throughout :(
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