Samba Shares cannot be found in windows

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May 11, 2012, 5:30:29 PM5/11/12
Hi all,
ok thought id give Alt-f a go, seems to be great but im having lots of problems with setting up my samba shares.
my filesystem is ext3 and setup like this mnt\sda2\media
in the media folder i have a folder for films, one for tv one for music etc
so i want to map samba shares to each, so
and so on.
Im quite new to setting up stuff manually but for some reason i cant get it work work, i can map it fine, when when browsing to it in windows i get "refers to a location that is unavailble"
I can mount \sda2 on its own and i can mount \sda2\media ok and browse to the films folder through that no problem so i dont think its permissions.
anyone got any ideas? ive run out of things to try :(

Joao Cardoso (Alt-F)

May 11, 2012, 7:20:03 PM5/11/12
Have you


and add your shares? then

Services->Network->smb startNow/stopNow?

And have you followed the 'first login tour' and created users?

> thanks


May 12, 2012, 9:25:21 AM5/12/12
Hi, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
yep i have the shares configured, whats strange is shares one level up work fine
mnt\sda2\media   that will work fine but
mnt\sda2\media\films    that wont, its visable to windows when connecting to the NAS but when i click on it it says it cannot find it. all shares are browsable and set to nonpublic. permissions are set to root and root.
yes i have set up one user but i need the shares to be accessable to all.
any suggestions?

Joao Cardoso

May 12, 2012, 9:48:00 AM5/12/12

On Saturday, May 12, 2012 2:25:21 PM UTC+1, Hawke84 wrote:
Hi, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
yep i have the shares configured, whats strange is shares one level up work fine
mnt\sda2\media   that will work fine but
mnt\sda2\media\films    that wont, its visable to windows when connecting to the NAS but when i click on it it says it cannot find it.

It might be the folder permissions, not the samba shares, not being set correctly. Samba can't override the filesystem permissions.

Go to Setup->Folders (Directories), browse to the folder in question (mnt\sda2\media) and compare its ownership and permissions with the sub folders (mnt\sda2\media\films), changing them if needed.
all shares are browsable and set to nonpublic.

You might start setting them to public, to avoid possible password issues
permissions are set to root and root.

You mean ownership, not permissions. After being in the Folder Brosers page, hit the Permissions button and read its online help (hit the (?) icon near the page title)
yes i have set up one user but i need the shares to be accessable to all.

Them set the share as public, and owned by nodoby/nogroup. You might be interested in another relatively recent post related to folders permissions and group ownership inheritance (the set-group-id permission bit, not settable in the Permissions page.
any suggestions?


May 15, 2012, 3:24:02 PM5/15/12
ok thanks for your help, tried all that. see here:
still not working though, shares are visable but i just get this:
any ideas? i really love alt-f and i really dont want to have to backup 2tb worth of stuff to re-format the disk.. (would that even help?)
tell me if u can spot anything ive done wrong but i really cant think of anything else to try, any help would be great!

Tom Schmidt

May 15, 2012, 5:35:44 PM5/15/12
Can you check how your /etc/samba/smb.conf file is sharing each of these directories?  Or post a copy of the contents?  The directory browsing shown in dlink1.jpg is what the Linux installation ownership and permissions are, but the Samba shares used for your Windows mappings are controlled by the smb.conf file.


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Joao Cardoso

May 15, 2012, 7:46:30 PM5/15/12

On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:35:44 PM UTC+1, Tom Schmidt wrote:
Can you check how your /etc/samba/smb.conf file is sharing each of these directories?  Or post a copy of the contents?  The directory browsing shown in dlink1.jpg is what the Linux installation ownership and permissions are, but the Samba shares used for your Windows mappings are controlled by the smb.conf file.

But samba does not override filesystem permissions and ownership, so you always have to set those also.

Hawke, I can't reproduce your problem on Windows Vista. What is your system?

I need some more info:

0-Have you ever hand-edited /etc/samba/smb.conf? Or used the "Advanced"  (swat) button?
1-When you set permissions/ownership using the Permissions web page, have you checked the "Apply recursively to sub-folders" checkbox? (I bet on this)
2-Can you access the Users folder? Using what username/password? The ones you supplied when you created users under Alt-F?
3-Can you access the BT share?
4-Have you ever used the Public shares that appeared when you created your first user under Alt-F?

You said in your first post that "I can mount \sda2 on its own and i can mount \sda2\media", you mean map then as network folders under Windows, right? and you was/are able to browse and read the folders contents?

any ideas? i really love alt-f and i really dont want to have to backup 2tb worth of stuff to re-format the disk.. (would that even help?)

No. There is nothing that a reformat can do that we can't also do (after knowing what the reason is)

Can you post the /etc/samba/smb.conf configuration file? If you have not swat or hand edited it, this it is not necessary to post.
Can you provide the smbd log (or the last page of it, if it is too big) after an unsuccessful access attempt?
Go to System->Utilities->View Logs, and select smbd.log


May 18, 2012, 4:35:29 PM5/18/12
0-Have you ever hand-edited /etc/samba/smb.conf? Or used the "Advanced"  (swat) button?
0- nope dont even know how to get to that location, so no not edited. ive had a look in swat but not changed anything
1-When you set permissions/ownership using the Permissions web page, have you checked the "Apply recursively to sub-folders" checkbox? (I bet on this)
1-yep set recursively as far as i remember, im not 100% sure.
2-Can you access the Users folder? Using what username/password? The ones you supplied when you created users under Alt-F?
2- yes, but i dont need a username / password (account i set up has same username and password as windows account)
3-Can you access the BT share?
3-yep i can access all folders when i setup samba shares to access sda2\  so just root folder, i can browse to anything
4-Have you ever used the Public shares that appeared when you created your first user under Alt-F?
not used them but they are there and i can browse to them
You said in your first post that "I can mount \sda2 on its own and i can mount \sda2\media", you mean map then as network folders under Windows, right? and you was/are able to browse and read the folders contents?
yep its just when setting up samba shares directly into specific folders it doesnt seem to work
Can you post the /etc/samba/smb.conf configuration file? If you have not swat or hand edited it, this it is not necessary to post.
not needed i dont think, dont know how to get it anyway :(
Can you provide the smbd log (or the last page of it, if it is too big) after an unsuccessful access attempt?
Go to System->Utilities->View Logs, and select smbd.log

is there any way to clear the flash saved settings? the clearsettings button is greyed out, id like to start from scratch again

thanks for all your help 

Joao Cardoso

May 18, 2012, 8:45:23 PM5/18/12

On Friday, May 18, 2012 9:35:29 PM UTC+1, Hawke84 wrote:
0-Have you ever hand-edited /etc/samba/smb.conf? Or used the "Advanced"  (swat) button?
0- nope dont even know how to get to that location, so no not edited. ive had a look in swat but not changed anything
1-When you set permissions/ownership using the Permissions web page, have you checked the "Apply recursively to sub-folders" checkbox? (I bet on this)
1-yep set recursively as far as i remember, im not 100% sure.
2-Can you access the Users folder? Using what username/password? The ones you supplied when you created users under Alt-F?
2- yes, but i dont need a username / password (account i set up has same username and password as windows account)
3-Can you access the BT share?
3-yep i can access all folders when i setup samba shares to access sda2\  so just root folder, i can browse to anything
4-Have you ever used the Public shares that appeared when you created your first user under Alt-F?
not used them but they are there and i can browse to them

Everything looks fine. I'm puzzled!

You said in your first post that "I can mount \sda2 on its own and i can mount \sda2\media", you mean map then as network folders under Windows, right? and you was/are able to browse and read the folders contents?
yep its just when setting up samba shares directly into specific folders it doesnt seem to work

Not quite, you said that you can use the Users and Public shares, that are also sub-folders of /mnt/sda2. And you full access to them, right? you can create read, create and erase files and folders on them, right? It is only with sub-folders of /mnd/sda2/Media that you can't work, right?

Please remove the RootDIR share. It might be interfering.
Start to unmap all windows network folders, then remove the RootDIR share (/mnt/sda2), then stop and start samba, then reboot the windows box.
This is just a hunch, but you don't need that share, what you need is to publish sub-folders of /mnt/sda2 as shares.

To remove shares it is enough to clear its Directory fields and Submit.

Again, I can't reproduce your problem on a Vista machine -- I have even created a share of /mnt/sda2 and several other shares with sub-folders of /mnt/sda2 without problems. I guess that you are on Windows 7?

Anybody else had this or a similar problems? I'm out of clues!

I would like to know what is happening! 

Can you post the /etc/samba/smb.conf configuration file? If you have not swat or hand edited it, this it is not necessary to post.
not needed i dont think, dont know how to get it anyway :(
Can you provide the smbd log (or the last page of it, if it is too big) after an unsuccessful access attempt?
Go to System->Utilities->View Logs, and select smbd.log

is there any way to clear the flash saved settings? the clearsettings button is greyed out, id like to start from scratch again

If it is grayed out is because you have not flashed Alt-F, you are running Alt-F "on top" of D-Link.
The settings are needed so that when you reboot you can go to the D-Link firmware and have your usual settings.

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