Unable to copy large files from DNS-323

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Jeff Chieh

Sep 4, 2016, 4:25:45 AM9/4/16
to al...@googlegroups.com

After many years of happily running Alt-F on my DNS-323, I've finally decided to upgrade to a QNAP TS-251+.

However, I've having difficulty in copying over my data.

Current setup is two 3TB drives in a Raid 1 configuration.

BayDev.ModelCapacityPower StatusTempHealth
rightsdaST3000DM001-1CH1663.0TBactive or idle39°C/102°Fpassed
leftsdbST3000DM001-1CH1663.0TBactive or idle40°C/104°Fpassed


Mounted Filesystems
Dev.LabelCapacityAvailableFSModeDirtyAutomatic FSCK in
ext4RW16 mounts or 178 days

The problem is this: when I try to copy over large files to, say, my computer via Windows 7, it starts copying but then eventually hangs and gives me a Network Error:

"There is a problem accessing \\DNS323\Folder1

Make sure you are connected tot he network and try again."

When this happens, I check the Alt-F status page and notice that the CPU is stuck at 100%, even after I cancel out the request to copy.

Sometimes it even crashes Windows Explorer with the following message:
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name: InPageError
  Error Status Code: c000020c
  Faulting Media Type: 00000000
  OS Version: 6.1.7601.
  Locale ID: 1033
  Additional Information 1: 5f6a
  Additional Information 2: 5f6a17eaebed3f111ff90ce5656d82f1
  Additional Information 3: 57a7
  Additional Information 4: 57a7b13f3e13081f111a5333e4828259

Another thing to note is that copying TO the DNS-323 is fine. It's only copying FROM the DNS-323 that it seems to crap out.

Does anyone have any ideas how to debug this issue? Or any alternatives to get around it, for example not using Windows to copy files? Since I'm just moving my files over to a new NAS, I don't need a root cause, just a workaround.

For example, would there be a way to take one of the drives from the DNS-323 and plug it into my QNAP and use the QNAP to copy over the data? Or plug it into my desktop directly?

Jeff C.

Sep 4, 2016, 7:42:06 AM9/4/16
to Alt-F
So good news is I was able to fix the "Network connection lost" issue by downgrading from RC5 to RC4.1

But still curious if people know of any quicker ways to copy the data

João Cardoso

Sep 16, 2016, 1:47:28 PM9/16/16
to Alt-F, jeff....@gmail.com

On Sunday, 4 September 2016 12:42:06 UTC+1, Jeff C. wrote:
So good news is I was able to fix the "Network connection lost" issue by downgrading from RC5 to RC4.1

Have you applied the fix described in the "RC5 network data corruption" top-posted topic?
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