How to set my shared folder with ALT-F and DNS-323revB1

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Dec 13, 2014, 7:06:04 AM12/13/14


For some weeks, I try to use ALT-F with my FNS-323 revB1.

Indeed, After receiving 2 news HDD, I had upgraded the firmware DLINK to 1.08. After that, I have install ALT-F with the file Alt-F-0.1RC4-DNS-323-rev-A1B1C1.bin as a firmware.

The GUI work well but I'm not able to configure the access of users.

I read many documentation about that but all my tests are wrongs.

I want to do this solution :

Context :
I have 3 users : A (Windows and Linux), B (Windows) and C (Windows)
I want 3 shared folders D1, D2 ,D3

Rights for D1 :
A : Read/Write over Windows and Linux
B : Read only
C : nothing

Rights for D2 :
A : Read/Write (Windows only or Windows/Linux)
B : Read/Write
C : nothing

Rights for D3 :
A : Read/Write
B : Read/Write
C : Read only

For do that, I try many solutions and all trying give me one of the two results :
- All users can access to all folders
- One user can access (read or read/write) and the others can't access

I did the configuration with :
Users and groups (Setup > Users)
Folders and permissions (Setup > Folders) with higher permissions than Samba
Samba/SWAT (Services > Networks > smb > configure) : not able to set "Folders to export to other hosts" correctly. And when I try with swat I have the results explained before.

Anybody can help me for set my NAS ?
Thank's by advance for your help, procedures, links or descriptions.

I'm sorry for my English, I'm French and my knowledge of English isn't famous.

Best regards

Dec 13, 2014, 7:11:36 AM12/13/14
a mistake in my post :
For some weeks, I try to use ALT-F with my DNS-323 revB1.
instead of

For some weeks, I try to use ALT-F with my FNS-323 revB1.


João Cardoso

Dec 13, 2014, 1:18:04 PM12/13/14

On Saturday, December 13, 2014 12:06:04 PM UTC, wrote:


For some weeks, I try to use ALT-F with my FNS-323 revB1.

Indeed, After receiving 2 news HDD, I had upgraded the firmware DLINK to 1.08. After that, I have install ALT-F with the file Alt-F-0.1RC4-DNS-323-rev-A1B1C1.bin as a firmware.

The GUI work well but I'm not able to configure the access of users.

I read many documentation about that but all my tests are wrongs.

I'm afraid I will not offer you a solution like the above :-(

Is any of your Di folders a sub-folder of the other Di folders? A share applies to all sub-folders of the share base folder.

Dec 14, 2014, 8:02:33 AM12/14/14

Thank's for your answer. I read that and I'll try it.
I'll give you a feedback.

Don't worry, I work in IT services and I know that doing a NAS/Linux solution for a complexe users and forders managment is very hard. ALT-F is the best solution I know without making a debian system from scratch.
It's a very good job !

Best regards

Dec 14, 2014, 8:04:47 AM12/14/14
I forgot to answer : All folder are the same parent and this parent as no shared option.

Dec 14, 2014, 9:39:12 AM12/14/14
End of the settings, I check all access and I'll feedback you.

The configuration (with some changes :) )
I save settings at all end steps when the GUI ask it

Clear all settings
Setup > Users
Create Users :
    A, B ,C

Create Groups :
    AB (with A and B)
    ABC (with A, B and C)

Setup > Folders
DirA :
    Owner : A (R/W/B)
    Users in group : root (R/W/B)
    Other users : Nothing
    3 checkboxes enabled

DirB :
    Owner : B (R/W/B)
    Users in group : AB (R/W/B)
    Other users : Nothing
    3 checkboxes enabled

DirC :
    Owner : A (R/W/B)
    Users in group : ABC (R/B)
    Other users : Nothing
    3 checkboxes enabled


DirA    aa        root    rwxrws---
DirB     bb        AB    rwxrws---
DirC     aa        ABC    rwxr-s---

in doubt, I reboot :)

Services > Network > smb > Configure > advanced (SWAT) > Share
(W for Windows :) )

WDirA :
   Path : /mnt/md0/Users/DirA
   Valid users : A (win user)
   write list : A
   read only : yes
   available = Yes
WDirB :
   Path : /mnt/md0/Users/DirA
   Valid users : @AB
   write list : @AB
   read only : yes
   available = Yes

   Path : /mnt/md0/Users/DirC
   Valid users : @AB C
   write list : @AB
   read only : yes
   available = Yes


    server string = DATA NAS
    map to guest = Bad User
    passdb backend = smbpasswd
    username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
    syslog only = Yes
    max log size = 32
    enable core files = No
    socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY
    hosts allow = 127.,
    use sendfile = Yes
    print command = lpr -P %p %s; rm %s

    path = /var/spool/samba
    guest ok = Yes
    printable = Yes
    use client driver = Yes
    browseable = No

    path = /mnt/md0/Users/DirA
    valid users = A
    write list = A

    path = /mnt/md0/Users/DirB
    valid users = @AB
    write list = @AB

    path = /mnt/md0/Users/DirC
    valid users = @AB, C
    write list = @AB

in doubt, I reboot :)

João Cardoso

Dec 14, 2014, 1:49:06 PM12/14/14
I have not checked your configuration, just a few generic comments.

You don't need to save settings whenever you do any change, only when you are satisfied with the results. Until you save settings changes will be made only on memory, meaning that your previous working configuration will be used at the next reboot.
The above does not applies to packages installed on disk, changes will always be saved on disk and you don't even need to save settings.

And you don't need to reboot, that's a bad habit from MS-Windows. Most changes are effective as soon as you hit the Submit button; in same cases you might have to stop and restart the *service* in cause. Only on very rare situations, and mostly related with kernel modules loading/unloading, you will have to reboot.

Dec 28, 2014, 7:39:02 AM12/28/14

Thank's for your answer.

Summary of tests :

User A :
DirA : KO (the right isn't available)
DirB : OK
DirC : OK

User B :
DirA : OK (unable to access)
DirB : OK
DirC ! OK

User C :
any test at yet

I think maybe the configuration must be set with group only. But since I have set with group only, I have strange behavour : one of the users in group can access.
I erease all setting and I'll try again.

I don't know where is my mistake.

Any suggest is wellcome.


Dec 28, 2014, 7:48:59 AM12/28/14
If anybody can send the samba configuration and user/folder configuration with a management users, her is wellcome. Maybe when I'll read that, I'll found my error.
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