Announce: Alt-F-1.0 is released

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João Cardoso

Oct 13, 2017, 1:04:13 PM10/13/17
to Alt-F

I'm pleased to announce Alt-F-1.0.

Alt-F has now more than seven years old, is stable since several releases ago,
and is even showing some grey hairs, so it would be unfair to not make a 1.0 release.
Here it is!

In this release most, if not all, issues reported by users that tested the RC6 and 1.0
Snapshots are fixed, and most pre-installed packages have been updated to their last released version.

It was thoroughly tested on a DNS-323 rev-A1/B1, a DNS-325 rev-A1, a DNS-320L rev-A1
 and a DNS-327L rev-A1 boxes.

Please read until the end, particularly the Firmware upgrading instructions,
enjoy and report any issue,


-updated to linux kernel 4.4.86
 -Hardware accelerated crypto device: mv-cesa driver replaced by newer marvell-cesa.
  Not working on the DNS-321/323.
 -iscsitarget not supported for new kernel.
 -The USB UAS support has been removed from the kernel, as it causes issues with certain
  (mostly Seagate) USB disk enclosures.
 -wireless USB network drivers are available in the kernel-modules-armvx package.

-update to samba-3.6.25, which supports SMB2
 The "Samba Setup" webUI now allows enabling or disabling SMB1 and/or SMB2.
 After changing it in the webUI, if needed, the client user might have to logout or reboot the PC.
 Most SMB2 enabled clients will use SMB2 if available, and might have lower thougput than SMB1.
 Notice that most embeded devices and linux clients need SMB1.

-A new service and webUI, 'rmount' (Remote Mount), is now available.
 It is intended to mount remote NFS and CIFS filesystems at start.
 It basicaly consists of the "Import Remote Filesystem" in the NFS and SMB webUIs.

-A new service, 'nsm' (Network Status Monitor) is available.
 It is automaticaly used by the nfs and rmount services.

-The "Setup Host" webUI handle host name and IP changes more friendly.
 There are still issues when using https, as for security the browser refuses to accept
 the new name or IP.
 User supplied name servers are now honored.

-The SSL self-signed certificates for https usage now uses subjectAltName in addition to CN.

-dnsmasq removed from the base firmware on the DNS-321/323

-Entware-ng install, package management and services start and stop webUIs

-The fan speed can use disk temperatures into account if the hddtemp service is running.
 catch: Disks will not spin down because the drive is constantly being pooled for its temperature.

-DNS-320/321/323/325: the power button now powers off the box if released during the first
 3 seconds and reboots the box if released during the next 3 seconds.

Know issues:

-DNS-323/321: You have to flash 1.0 if still in RC4.1 or previous, TryIt mode does not works.
 If however you want to Tryit first, you have to use the following command to try 1.0 before
 hitting the TryIt button:
 echo "console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/ram0 init=/init earlyprintk kexecmode" > /boot/cmdline

- when partitioning new disks with GPT using the web interface, only the first position in the partitions
 table is editable (no problem when disk is set to MBR).
 Actually, the cursor is not shown but if number are typed they will appear.

-The webUI red warning "When done you must save settings" is diaplayed warning for a changed
 /etc/samba/smbpasswd, even if it is not changed.

-if using DDNS  under Services->Network->ddns, re-configure because of configuration changes

-The Alt-F Package Manager might display erroneous information, as the fw contains packages
 that have not yet been released.

-Packages that was preinstalled on previous releases and that now are not preinstalled,
 will appear as installed under the Package Manager webUI; they can be safely removed.

Firmware upgrading instructions:

-Reboot the box before performing any upgrade.

-Look at the box bottom attached label to see its hardware revision
 level, then select the appropriate Alt-F-1.0 bin file and
 use the normal firmware upgrade method to flash it.
 For example, the Alt-F-1.0-DNS-320-rev-Ax.bin file is to be used
 on the DNS-320 on any rev-A1, A2 or A3 box.
 Don't try to flash firmware if your box is not supported.

-When alternating between D-Link and Alt-F firmware clear the browser cache.
 The box name and IP might also change, consult your router DHCP client/lease page,
 or a network scanner program (Fing on Android, e.g.) to determine the new box IP.

-If you are already using Alt-F:
 -make sure that both the HTTP and HTTPS admnistrative servers
  are in "inetd mode", not in "server mode". Use Services->Network, http, Configure.
 -Use http to access the box webUI for the upgrade.
 -Save current settings to a desktop computer (System->Settings, in the
   "Computer Disk" section, "Save current settings to file" hit the Download button)
 -if using Alt-F-0.1RC5 or latter
  -download also the firmware associated sha1 file and in the
   Firmware Upgrader webUI supply it along with the firmware bin file in order to
   verify the firmware download integrity.
  -Unapply the "network corruption fix" after flashing 1.0 using
   Services->User, user, Configure, clear the "Script to execute on powerup" entry and Submit.
 -If running the 1.0 Snapshot, execute the following commands after flashing the 1.0 Release,
  in order to update the pre-installed packages list:
  rm /usr/lib/ipkg/.fixed
  ipkg -update
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