Transmission: Folders does not exist, you must configure transmission First

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Ken Blaszak

Oct 10, 2016, 3:33:50 AM10/10/16
to Alt-F
I was originally running Alt-F 0.1RC4 on my DNS-321 with Transmission 2.84. Everything was going great until I decided to update transmission to the newest version 2.92. Immediately when I did that it stopped running. When I tried to start it I get the error:

Transmission-daemon: Folders does not exist, you must configure Transmission First. 

I went into Services -> user and clicked on the 'configure' button for Transmission, created a transmission folder at /mnt/md0 and submitted that folder in the dialog box. It appears that permissions were set up properly on it since they were changed to the transmission ownership. There were also "finished" and "Inprogress" subfolders created.

Despite all of this, upgrading to RC5, and reinstalling Transmission I am unable to start it. Anyone have an idea as to why? I'm at a loss. I'm wondering if I should just try to go back to 2.84.

Ken Blaszak

Oct 10, 2016, 4:58:49 AM10/10/16
After a bit more digging, I fixed it. I read in a couple other places that during the upgrade the transmission.conf gets corrupted and needs to be deleted. Here's what I did:

Downloaded putty and logged into the machine as root. Messed with a few commands, because I never use command line in Unix.

1) 2) 3) CD to /mnt/md0/Alt-F/etc/transmission (in steps in my case so I got the location correct)

4) Renamed transmission.conf to transmission.old (I could have deleted it)

Logged back into the web interface, went to services -> user, and configured Transmission. This time the path was already populated with a public location. Changed this to a location of my choosing.

5) did another LS and confirmed that a new transmission.conf was created. Also, my transmission-remote is connecting now and showing all of the torrents again. Yay!

João Cardoso

Oct 10, 2016, 9:27:23 AM10/10/16
to Alt-F

On Monday, 10 October 2016 09:58:49 UTC+1, Ken Blaszak wrote:
After a bit more digging, I fixed it. I read in a couple other places that during the upgrade the transmission.conf gets corrupted and needs to be deleted. Here's what I did:

Downloaded putty and logged into the machine as root. Messed with a few commands, because I never use command line in Unix.

1) 2) 3) CD to /mnt/md0/Alt-F/etc/transmission (in steps in my case so I got the location correct)
You should have read the README.txt file file first:


Instead you should have done that at /etc/transmission folder directly (in fact everything under '/Alt-F' maps to '/', and that is safe to manipulate)
*If* you need to manupulate any file or folder under /Alt-F, do first ' -n', do the manipulation, then do ' -r'

You could take first a look at the generated Transmission logs, to gain some insight on what needs to be fixed: System->Utilities->View Logs, transmission.

The issue was almost certainly caused by the libevent library. libevent2 is now used but it can't be installed if the older libevent is being used (and it was if Transmission was running during the update).

Good that you fixed it, and welcome to the command line :-)

Ken Blaszak

Oct 10, 2016, 7:37:10 PM10/10/16
Interesting. I looked pretty hard on the Wiki and the README-0.1RC5.txt and didn't see that. Which readme are you talking about?

Thanks for the log information, I had never seen that log before, and it could have been helpful. I'll be more careful with my file edits in the future as well.

I did check the libevent library, and it had upgraded to Libevent2 with Transmission not working. The process went like this
1) started on 0.1RC4
2) Updated to Transmission 2.92 through web interface. Transmission immediately stops working, and I can't get it to start. Encounters folder problem described earlier.
3) updated to 0.1RC5 - folder problem persists, this must have been where libevent2 updates, since I never updated it manually
4) read several transmission threads in this forum
5) applied fixes for network corruption and fan speed
6) read more transmission threads, piece together it's likely the config file
7) finally decide to rename the config file
8) ???
9) profit! It's working

Thanks for all your help and this tips though.

João Cardoso

Oct 10, 2016, 11:34:42 PM10/10/16
to Alt-F

On Tuesday, 11 October 2016 00:37:10 UTC+1, Ken Blaszak wrote:
Interesting. I looked pretty hard on the Wiki and the README-0.1RC5.txt and didn't see that. Which readme are you talking about?

The one you find right under /Alt-F.

Unfortunately the wiki is rather old. I think there is nothing inaccurate on it, but it is somehow outdated. I was relying on users to maintain it...

Thanks for the log information, I had never seen that log before, and it could have been helpful. I'll be more careful with my file edits in the future as well.

I did check the libevent library, and it had upgraded to Libevent2 with Transmission not working. The process went like this
1) started on 0.1RC4
2) Updated to Transmission 2.92 through web interface. Transmission immediately stops working, and I can't get it to start. Encounters folder problem described earlier.
3) updated to 0.1RC5 - folder problem persists, this must have been where libevent2 updates, since I never updated it manually
4) read several transmission threads in this forum
5) applied fixes for network corruption and fan speed
6) read more transmission threads, piece together it's likely the config file
7) finally decide to rename the config file
8) ???
9) profit! It's working

Good. If you have to edit Transmission configuration file edit /etc/transmission/transmission.conf, not /var/lib/transmission/settings.json.
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