Volume of roasted versus green beans

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Steve Freides

Apr 17, 2013, 11:47:54 AM4/17/13
to alt-coffee...@googlegroups.com
I didn't find much to read on the subject of the change in volume (not weight) when comparing green beans to roasted coffee.  I had assumed the coffee beans didn't expand much, but one source says they _double_ in volume.  

Is this true?

My concern is purely practical in nature - I tried out some new coffees for my wife and I roasted using my usual heaping-half-cup in a popcorn popper - I roasted 2 batches each of 2 new coffees, totaling 4 half-cups or 2 cups.  My wife doesn't love either of these coffees so I've decided to blend them with coffees she does like rather than throw them away, and given all the particulars (which I'll spare you), I'm confident she will like the results.

But I'm now left with figuring out the green beans equivalent of the amount of coffee I have left so that's my question: if, as I do, I now have about 3 cups of coffee, should I assume that represents about 1-1/2 cups of unroasted beans?

Many thanks in advance.


Barry Jarrett

Apr 17, 2013, 12:06:43 PM4/17/13
to alt-coffee...@googlegroups.com
On 4/17/2013 10:47:54 AM, Steve Freides (steve....@gmail.com) wrote:
> I
> didn't find much to read on the subject of the change in volume (not weight) when comparing green beans to roasted coffee. I had assumed the coffee beans didn't
> expand much, but one source says they _double_ in volume.
> Is this true?

yes, it is approximately double.

Steve Freides

Apr 17, 2013, 12:50:12 PM4/17/13
to alt-coffee...@googlegroups.com
Thank you, Barry.


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