E-NEWS BULLETIN 23 October 2015

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Lynn Thompson

Oct 23, 2015, 7:50:41 AM10/23/15
to Lynn Thompson

Friday 23 October 2015
Labour news you cannot afford to miss !

SOUTH AFRICA: Wits protest: Habib forced to hear student demands
"Students would not allow Adam Habib to address them unless he was to tell them "one thing and one thing only: no-fee increments for 2016"."
read more....


SOUTH AFRICA:  Victory for  ABAHLALI  reinforces rights of shackdwellers
"Today the Durban High Court dismissed with costs the KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Human Settlements and Public Works’ application to appeal its decision to invalidate its pre-emptive attempt to conduct unsupervised evictions on 1568 properties throughout the EThekwini Municipality."
read more..http://www.jus


SOUTH AFRICA: Medium term budget statement 2015: Slow economic growth, more taxes on horizon
"It probably won’t come as a shock to many to learn that South Africa’s economy has grown more slowly this year than was estimated when Finance Minister Nhanhla Nene gave his February Budget. "
read more..http://www.dai


MIDDLE EAST: The Third Intifada?
"As deadly violence escalates across Israel and the Palestinian territories, the Guardian’s Phoebe Greenwood travels to the West Bank to ask why now – and why Palestinian women are getting involved."
click here to watch...


MIDDLE EAST: The AKP government is trying to manipulate The Kurdish ceasefire and the massacre
"The Kurdish Freedom Movement, PKK, declares a new ceasefire, but the Turkish military and police are attacking the Kurdish civilians and the guerrillas daily."
read more... http://www.kur


MIDDLE EAST: Tel Aviv NGO files charge against US union over Israel boycott
"Shurat HaDin says United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America can’t ask members to jilt Israeli companies."
read more..http://www.tim


USA: Tech’s low-wage workers disrupt the disruptors
"Leland Stanford — Gold Rush railroad baron, former California governor and senator and founder of the namesake university — is considered one of the Golden State’s greatest innovators. But his lasting social contribution was not technological invention or equitable statewide policy; it was the import of Chinese laborers who were willing to work for a small fraction of the usual wage."
read more... http://ame


SYRIA: Canada Pulls Out Jets, Assad Visits Putin
"Cracks are growing in the US-led war against Syria after Canada pulled out of the illegal military adventure.  New Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made good on his election pledge to end Canada’s involvement in a phone call with US President Barack Obama on Tuesday."


FRANCE: Why does France want to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic ?
"Looking back over the history of the French colonisation of Syria, and comparing it with the actions of Presidents Sarkozy and Hollande, Thierry Meyssan brings to light the desire of certain of today’s French politicians to recolonise this country."
read more... http://www.vol


INTERNATIONAL: The Useful Altruists: How NGOs Serve Capitalism and Imperialism
"About 20 years ago, in a conversation with a Bangladeshi organizer, the topic of non-government organizations (NGOs), or non-profits as they’re often called, came up. He said bluntly: “I hate NGOs.” "
read more... http://www.cou

SOUTH AFRICA: Break ranks with varsity inequality
"State support should go to students with the greatest need, not universities with the best results."


SOUTH AFRICA: Remarks by President Jacob Zuma during Media Freedom Day Commemoration Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guest House, Pretoria
Zuma: We are still working on the Secrecy Bill (and the Media Appeals Tribunal)
read more...http://www.the


MIDDLE EAST: 200 Israeli settlers attack Palestinian village with firebombs
"More than 200 Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinian villages of Wad al-Haseen and Wad al-Nasara near the illegal Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba overnight in the eastern Hebron district of the occupied southern West Bank, locals and medics said."


MIDDLE EAST: The World Has to Respond to Israel’s Expansionism
"There are now over 600,000 Israeli settlers colonising Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Their stated and avowed intention is to build Palestine out of existence"
read more... http://www.mor


MIDDLE EAST: Are the U.S. and Russia Forming 5 New States in the Middle-East?
"The Mideast map-redrawing ‘Act One’ has begun. Ba’athist/Alawite Syria, Sunni Syria, Kurdistan, Sunni Iraq and Shi’a Iraq are the first batch of new ‘states’ to be formed as the Obama Administration has finally accepted Russia’s role in preserving a Ba’athist Syrian state for the Alawis..."
read more... http://fpi


MIDDLE EAST: Holocaust experts to Netanyahu: No, a Palestinian did not convince Hitler to kill Jews
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stirred controversy by intimating the Holocaust may not have been Adolf Hitler’s idea, and that in fact, he had been led down the garden path by the then Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a Palestinian."
read more..http://www.dail


USA: A Look Into the US 'Process' for Calling In Drone Strikes
"Secret military documents obtained by online media outlet The Intercept offer a revealing look into 'the process' behind the Obama administration's compilation of and action on its secret 'kill list' of terror suspects in Yemen and Somalia."
read more... http://spu


RUSSIA: The Unipolar World Is Ending
"International Relations studies, like other academic subjects, has its passing fashions, its own changing hemlines. One of the new conceptualizations of the present-day global political landscape that is enjoying some discussion these days in places as far removed as Washington, Brussels and Moscow..."
read more...http://rus


TURKEY: Mulberry supplier workers in Turkey hail union victory
"A nine-month dispute at a Turkish supplier of handbags and purses for the British luxury brand Mulberry has come to an end after the factory agreed to allow workers to organise a union."
read more..http://www.jus


GREECE: Greek head of privatisation programme says ports, rails and other public properties for sale
"Disputes among hard-left cabinet ministers and lingering concerns about Greece’s future in the eurozone have not made it any easier to sell Greek assets to foreign investors."

SOUTH AFRICA: Students Stop Fee Increase At Wits University
"The decision by Wits University to suspend a 10.5% fee hike following an all night student protest is a significant moment in student politics and popular activism in South Africa"
read more... http://www.dai


SOUTH AFRICA:  YCLSA Calls on the ANC to haul the President of the ANCYL to a disciplinary Hearing
"The Young Communist League of South Africa (UFasimba) has for some time been monitoring the conduct of the president of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL), Cde Collen Maine."
read more...http://www.pol


MIDDLE EAST:  Israeli minister: 'There never will be a Palestinian state.' (How's that for incitement?)
"Speaking at a conference in Washington D.C. over the weekend, Israel’s Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked declared the following to the gathered attendees. “We are against a Palestinian state. There is not and never will be a Palestinian state."
read more...https://www.mid


MIDDLE EAST: US trade union UE  undeterred by legal assault over Israel boycott
"The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE) says it is unfazed by an Israeli group’s legal attack over its vote last summer to back the Palestinian call to boycott Israel."
read more... https://ele


MIDDLE EAST: ISM mourns the death of longtime supporter and friend, Hashem Azzeh
"Long term supporter and friend of ISM, Hashem Azzeh, has tragically passed away today aged 54, following health complications exacerbated by the conditions in Al-Khalil (Hebron)."
read more... http://pal


MIDDLE EAST:  Abbas asks UN’s Ban for protection from Israeli aggression
"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in Ramallah, whose visit is ostensibly aimed at ending weeks of violence in the region that has left 53 Palestinians and 10 Israelis dead."
read more... http://www.wor


USA: Why is the U.S. Silently Bombing Syria's Electricity Network?
"The Aleppo power plant is a 1,000 megawatt thermal plant in five units build by Mitsubishi Heavy Industry in 1995-1998. It is situated some 25 kilometers east of Aleppo city centre."


RUSSIA: Putin and the Press: The West’s Demonization School of Journalism
"The major influential western print media are engaged in a prolonged, large-scale effort to demonize Russian President Putin, his politics and persona."
read more...http://www.gre


EGYPT: Only 2.27% turnout in first phase of Egyptian parliamentary elections
"Polling stations close their doors after the end of the first day of Egyptian parliamentary elections in the first phase amid extremely weak turnout estimated at 2.27 per cent only.”
read more... https://www.mid


INTERNATIONAL: 1920 Letter Of Communist International To US IWW
"The following manifesto, issued by the Central Executive Committee of the Third International to the American I.W.W. in January of this year, should receive the careful attention of all ex-I.W.W. men and Industrial Unionists in Australia."
read more... https://www.mar

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