WWMP E-NEWS BULLETIN 18 December 2015

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Lynn Thompson

Dec 18, 2015, 9:14:07 AM12/18/15
to Lynn Thompson


Friday 18 December 2015
Labour news you cannot afford to miss !

‘I refuse to sign #ZumaMustFall petition’
"President Jacob Zuma will fall from office, but it will be the work of the poor, black majority, not that of a hashtag or white capitalists.This was according to Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema..."
read more...http://sbe


Call for China to free labour activists or risk backlash from frustrated workforce
"Government crackdown in Guangdong could backfire by crippling groups that channel worker anger into peaceful protest, say rights groups and analysts."
read more...http://www.the


 China: coordinated police crackdown on labour rights activists

"Labour rights activists are being held in criminal detention following a wide-scale police crackdown in the southeastern Chinese province of Guangdong December 3-5."
read more..http://pao


Teachers disobey Turkish government order to evacuate Kurdish towns

"Yesterday Turkish government ordered all schools closed, all dormitories shut down and teachers to leave the towns of Cizre and Silopi in the Kurdish area of Turkey."
read more..http://send


Vladimir Putin lashes out at Turkey in crude new attack over downing of Syria warplane
"Vladimir Putin has issued a furious new attack on the government of Turkey over the shooting down of a Russian warplane, using crude language and saying it may be impossible to heal the relationship between the two countries."
read more...http://www.ind


The 20 largest U.S. property claims in Cuba
"U.S. companies and individuals whose properties were seized by Fidel Castro in the early years of his Cuban Revolution have been waiting to get paid for decades."
read more...https://www.was


Six Questions About Your Class Location that EverydayFeminism.com Isn’t Asking You to Think About
"If, like me, you read a lot of the articles passed around on social media that address issues of social injustice and opositional politics, then you may have seen the recent piece on “class privilege,” posted on the popular liberal-feminist site,...”

read more....http://pu


Former Chilean soldier charged with murder after stunning radio confession

"A former conscript in the Chilean army has been charged with murder after confessing on a live radio phone-in to participating in the deaths of 18 opponents of the late military dictator Augusto Pinochet."
read more...http://www.the

Recall President Zuma
"The South African Presidency should be a site to advance the struggle for social equality, for the righting of historic crimes against black people, for jobs, houses, healthcare and education, for human rights globally and at home."
read more...http://www.dail


China’s Workers Are Fighting Back as Economic Dream Fades
"For workers like Li Jiang, factory closings represent a failed promise of a better life earned far from home."
read more...http://www.wsj


Elderly sanitation worker’s death shows need for collective action and solidarity

"Sanitation workers in the southern city of Guangzhou have had considerable success over the last few years in taking collective action to improve their pay and working conditions."

read more..http://www.clb


US and Turkey kept ISIS oil info a secret
"Russia’s envoy to the UN accused the US and Turkey yesterday of violating international law by failing to provide the Security Council information on Islamic State (Isis) oil activities."
read more...http://www.mor


British troops could go to Syria "In Non-combat roles'
"Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond stirred fears of mission creep in Syria and Iraq yesterday, suggesting that ground forces could be sent out into non-combat roles."
read more...www.mor


Seattle becomes first US city to let Uber, Lyft drivers unionize
"Seattle on Monday became the first city in the nation to allow drivers of ride-hailing companies such as Uber and Lyft to unionize over pay and working conditions."
read more...http://www.sf


SAA’s woes laid bare in secret memo
"An internal South African Airways (SAA) document a court ruled on Thursday the media could publish, has warned the board that the airline could not meets its commitments to Airbus and its creditors and implored it to file for business rescue or face liquidation”

read more....http://sbe


The Reign of Absurdiocy
"To declare war on "international terrorism" is nonsense. Politicians who do so are either fools or cynics, and probably both.

read more...http://www.inf


Confession of a CIA Agent: They gave us millions to dismember Yugoslavia

"We bribed parties and politicians who enticed hate between the nations. Our ultimate goal was to enslave you!"
read more...http://www.gre

Credit Zuma for correcting bloodbath: ANC
"President Jacob Zuma was not asked to step down at a crisis meeting with senior ANC members on the fall-out from his shuffling of the finance portfolio, nor did he offer to do so, ruling party spokesman Zizi Kodwa said on Tuesday."
read more...http://www.dail


Mass Layoffs in China’s Coal Country Threaten Unrest
" In the dank shower room where the miners soak, the coal dust from their bodies staining the water chocolate, a lone worker sat smoking a cigarette, staring at the floor."
read more...http://www.nyt


China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots
"China needs advanced robotics to help balance its economic, social, and technological ambitions with continued growth."
read more...http://www.tec


Inside “the Dirty Deal” between Turkey and the EU
"Turkey’s border with Syria is not the only border region in the country where people are dying. Along the so-called “green border” of the European Union the last few years have witnessed a rising tide of migrants ..."
read more...http://www.cri


Crisis in Syria: Only the working class and the rural peasantry can save the country

"The humanitarian crisis in Syria is immense. For four years there has been a civil war which is estimated to have claimed 250,000 lives and displaced 11 million people, almost half of the country’s 22 million."

read more..http://www.dai


Uber seeks to head off lawsuits with new binding driver agreement
"Two days after a federal judge expanded a class-action lawsuit by California Uber drivers seeking to be employees and not contractors, ..."
read more...http://www.sfg


Danish pensions giant dumps German firm over West Bank exploitation
"The largest private pension and insurance fund in Denmark has divested from a German company because it is involved in exploiting natural resources in the Israeli-occupied West Bank."
read more...https://ele


Pentagon announces worldwide expansion of US military bases
"The US Defense Department (DOD) is preparing to expand its global network of military bases by establishing a new “string” of bases in countries stretching from Africa to East Asia,...”

read more....https://www.wsw

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