Workers' World Weekly E-news bulletin 1 July 2016

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Lynn Thompson

Jul 1, 2016, 8:26:55 AM7/1/16
to Lynn Thompson

Your weekly round up of alternative news you ought to know 1 July 2016

1. On the SABC Crisis
+ Fort Calata's son calls out SABC: Is this what my father died for?
+ SABC's deliberate thought control campaign
+ To the Crossroads and Back: Jimi Matthews and the SABC
2. amaBhungane: Torture and the culture of fear in a ‘free’ South Africa

1. South Korea mulls law to keep office out of home
2. What the Labor movement can learn from Bernie Sanders' unapologetic Socialism
3. Uber Data and Leaked Docs provide A Look At How Much Uber Drivers Make $13.25 An Hour
4. Who Is Afraid of Donald Trump?
+ With 'Brexit,' Washington's Direct Line to the Continent Suddenly Frays - US Imperialists Weakened
John Pilger: Why the British Said No to Europe
6. Beware: Silicon Valley's cultists want to turn you into a disruptive deviant
7. Unions won't be cowed by Thugs' Attack on Offices
8. Smart robots should be 'electronic persons', follow basic civil laws says EU draft paper
9. Editors of Zambian newspaper arrested


A world war has begun. Break the silence.

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SABC crisis

SABC crisis
Fort Calata's son calls out SABC: Is this what my father died for?

"It is with great sadness that I am confronted with the disturbing direction being taken by my employers, says SABC journalist Lukhanyo Calata. June 27th marks 31 years since the murders of my father Fort Calata and his comrades Matthew Goniwe, Sparrow Mkhonto and Sicelo Mhlawuli." read more... http://www.iol


SABC’s deliberate thought control campaign

"The SABC is being led by a man of little regard for research or reading, but it's more than infuriating watching the decay and looting of this public institution, writes Sekoetlane Jacob Phamodi." read more... http://www.iol



To the Crossroads and Back: Jimi Matthews and the SABC

 "Was this the last straw? On Friday Jimi Matthews provided an affidavit saying SABC journalists don’t need to film violent protests because the police have their own cameras. “Where there are members of the South African Police Service in protests, especially violent protests, the police have their own photographers and cameras to cover the situations as this conduct is criminal in nature in terms of the law."  read more... http://www.dai



amaBhungane: Torture and the culture of fear in a ‘free’ South Africa

 "June 26 marked International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, to commemorate the United Nations ratification of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in 1987. In South Africa this day passed as imperceptibly as the government’s practical implementation of its commitment to end this cruelty."  read more... http://www.dai



South Korea mulls law to keep office out of the home

"Hyper-wired South Korea is considering legislation that would ban bosses from bothering their staff at home, after growing complaints about the country's already onerous work-life imbalance." read more... http://en




What the Labor Movement Can Learn from Bernie Sanders’ Unapologetic Socialism

"The Bernie Sanders campaign has injected socialism into the mainstream discourse for the first time in decades. Young Sanderistas have rallied behind social-democratic demands that fly in the face of forty years of neoliberal policy, and polls show that millennials are surprisingly receptive to socialist ideas." read more... http://int



Uber Data And Leaked Docs Provide A Look At How Much Uber Drivers Make $13.25 An Hour

"Uber says that its drivers are as much its customers as its passengers are, and that its ride-hail platform is a path to personal freedom and financial independence. In 2013, the company told the Wall Street Journal that the “typical” Uber driver takes in more than $100,000 in annual gross fares. (Uber now disputes this characterization.)" read more... https://www.buz



Who Is Afraid of Donald Trump?

"All possibilities of maintaining the current neoliberal model of capitalism have been exhausted, and the attempt to turn Donald Trump into “an absolute evil” is about mobilising people to protect this ailing status quo, embodied by Hillary Clinton." read more... http://the




With ‘Brexit,’ Washington’s Direct Line to the Continent Suddenly Frays-US Imperialists Weakened

"American officials struggling to reimagine their strategy after Britain’s decision to divorce the European Union say the most urgent challenge will be to find a way to replace their most reliable, sympathetic partner in the hallways of European capitals. It will not be easy." read more... http://www.nyti


Why the British Said No to Europe

"John Pilger strikes a blow to the hypocrisy of a wider political culture that apologizes for the crimes of the EU while denigrating the nation's poor."  read more...




Beware: Silicon Valley’s cultists want to turn you into a disruptive deviant

"High-tech giants are becoming more like the radical right as they launch populist crusade to block government regulation – and they have the technology to recruit believers." read more... https://www.the




Unions won’t be cowed by Thugs’ Attack on Offices

"France’s striking CGT and CFDT unions spoke out on Saturday after their offices were attacked and vandalised by masked thugs.The General Confederation of Labour (CGT) head office in the Paris suburb of Montreuil was attacked on Friday night by the unidentified thugs." read more... http://www.mor




Smart robots should be 'electronic persons', follow basic civil laws says EU draft paper

"Robots that run on autonomous code or are powered by Artificial Intelligence could be governed by a “special legal status”, the European Union (EU) council has recommended in a draft paper." read more...




Editors of Zambian newspaper arrested

"Zambian police said on Tuesday they had arrested two senior editors of the country's largest independent newspaper that was shut last week over alleged unpaid tax." read more...



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