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Lynn Thompson

Feb 5, 2016, 9:04:59 AM2/5/16
to Lynn Thompson

E-News Bulletin
Friday 5 February 2016
Labour news you cannot afford to miss!

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Pentagon budget directed toward war with Russia and China

Presenting a preview of the Pentagon’s $583 billion budget, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter stressed that the US military is shifting its focus toward war against both Russia and China even as it escalates ongoing interventions in the Middle East.



Students vow statue will fall

Oxford University students vowed yesterday to “redouble their efforts” to tear down a statue of British imperialist Cecil Rhodes.

Oriel College announced last week that it would keep the statue in situ before a promised consultation even took place.



Interview With Noam Chomsky: Is European Integration Unraveling?

Noam Chomsky, one of the world's leading critical intellectuals, offered his insights to Truthout on Europe's migration and refugee crisis and other current European developments - including the ongoing financial crisis in Greece


How India Pierced Facebook’s Free Internet Program

The inside story of Mark Zuckerberg’s attempt to gift data to a skeptical subcontinent.




Gbagbo: ‘I ‘lost power in coup backed by France’

Ousted Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo was the the victim of a French-backed coup, his defence team told the International Criminal Court (ICC) yesterday.



Regulating offensive comments online, defeating the scourge of racism

The internet presents new and complex challenges of content classification and as policy makers we need to respond appropriately to ensure that this medium is effectively regulated, in the same way that radio, television and print media are compelled to abide by certain rules.



Hillary Clinton supporters endorse 19th century socialist Karl Marx as her vice president

Some Americans seem to be disconnected with historical reality, as a number of Hillary Clinton supporters signed a mock petition to approve 19th century socialist philosopher Karl Marx as "her choice" for vice president if she's elected president.



European garment workers face forced overtime and poverty wages

The text “Made in Europe” on a label is frequently perceived as a guarantee of good working conditions in the production of garments. However, two new country researches of Clean Clothes Campaign into working conditions in Poland and the Czech Republic show that workers in the garment industry in the European Union get poverty wages and are confronted with forced overtime which sometimes goes unpaid.


Palestine: Israel Punishes City for One-Man Attack
Israeli occupation troops blockaded the West Bank city of Ramallah yesterday as collective punishment for a shooting attack the day before.


Inside America’s military build-up in Africa

Officially, the United States has one military base in Africa. Unofficially, the story is a little different, according to investigative journalist Nick Turse.



Are non-profit leaders different from business leaders?

While the world expects a business approach, it is coy about market related salaries in the non-profit sector. In a setting where an entity has to behave like a business, but not look like a business, what is the role of the leader?

Toxic Loans Around the World Weigh on Global Growth

Beneath the surface of the global financial system lurks a multitrillion-dollar problem that could sap the strength of large economies for years to come.

The problem is the giant, stagnant pool of loans that companies and people around the world are struggling to pay back.



World Out of Joint: Wolfgang Streeck’s Vision of the End of Capitalism

In The Communist Manifesto of 1848 two youthful firebrands named Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, riding the high wave of revolutionary zest, announced to the world that capitalism created its own gravediggers. And the shovels were now in the gnarled hands of the proletariat.


Taiwan Families Receive Goodbye Letters Decades After Executions

The month before he was executed, in April 1952, Guo Ching wrote letters to his mother, wife and children to say goodbye.

The letters had only 140 miles to travel, but they would take 60 years to be delivered.



BRICS face brewing external capitalist crisis and Growing Internal Strife

The Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa network’s incorporation into global economic governance is looking tattered after hollow victories last month, first in restarting the long-stalled World Trade Organization (WTO) in Nairobi and then in the long-standing International Monetary Fund (IMF) “voice and participation” dispute over voting shares.



Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is Leaking Into the Pacific

"Fukushima is the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind," Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry senior vice president said shortly after a 9.0 earthquake in Japan caused a tsunami that destroyed the cooling system of Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) nuclear plant in Fukushima, Japan.

Japan begins work on 'world's largest' floating solar farm

Electronics firm builds floating solar farm on a reservoir due to a scarcity of land for utility-scale solar in Japan



Vietnamese war victims speak of sexual violence by S. Korean troops for the first time

Just as South Korea’s comfort women survivors waited until their old age before coming forward about their experiences as sexual slaves to the Japanese military - the first of them, Kim Hak-soon (1924-97), related hers on Aug. 14, 1991 - so these survivors of sexual assault during the Vietnam War were giving their first, difficult account of their experiences only now, as elderly women.


China Warns "Social Stability Threatened" As 400,000 Steel Workers Are About To Lose Their Jobs

In the first mega-layoff in recent Chinese history, the Harbin-based Heilongjiang Longmay Mining Holding Group, or Longmay Group for short, the biggest coal miner in northeast China had taken a page straight out of Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg's playbook and fired 100,000 workers overnight, 40% of its entire 240,000 workforce.



Cuba for sale: ‘Havana is now the big cake – and everyone is trying to get a slice’

Property developers are queuing up to pounce as Cuba opens its doors to the world. Proposals for Havana’s old harbour are described as ‘Las Vegas meets Miami in the Caribbean’.


9,000 Uber Drivers Planning to Disrupt Super Bowl With Protest

“We’re telling them we’re going to shut it down for the Super Bowl. We’re shutting it down. We’re shutting the highways down. We’re shutting everything down and we’re not going to allow Uber to keep screwing drivers over.”



Coalminers vow to defend jobs at Optimum mine

Miners at a coal mine vow to defend their jobs at the mine while the Gupta family and  Glencore, the world’s biggest mining firm tussle over its ownership.


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