Invitation 2nd BiodiversityKnowledge Conference, Berlin + White Paper Available

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Jul 30, 2013, 7:24:59 AM7/30/13



Some of you might find the 2nd Biodiversity Knowledge Conference in September 2013 (Berlin, Germany) of interest - details below.






pumpkin harvest



from 24 Sept, 1PM
to 26 Sept, 3PM

Conference venue


Time to harvest the fruit of our excellent work together

Finalizing a recommended design for a Network of Knowledge on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Europe

Invitation to the 2nd BiodiversityKnowledge Conference in Berlin, September 24-26

With IPBES starting its work, Horizon2020 to be launched soon and the 7th Environmental Action Programme soon to be adopted, the efforts to strengthen the science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe are at a decisive point.

After 2 years of challenging but highly gratifying work with you and about 300 other contributors, BiodiversityKnowledge is now organizing its second conference to discuss and finalize the recommended design of a future Network of Knowledge (NoK) on biodiversity and ecosystem services. With the conference, we aim to provide an important building block for the future development of the interface between science and society in Europe.

Your opinion and participation are again crucial at this point and we would like therefore to kindly invite you to attend this event, which will take place in Berlin from the 24th to 26th of September, 2013, as previously announced.

The focus of the conference will be on presenting options for the NoK, which the BiodiversityKnowledge team has been developing over the past two years through working jointly with the biodiversity knowledge community. Stakeholders involved ranged from practitioners, researchers to policy makers.

The conference will provide the space for institutions and any interested players to discuss these options and to voice their interests in contributing to the network of knowledge and outline the roles they can envisage for themselves. 

If you are interested in joining the final conference of BiodiversityKnowledge, please register here. The deadline for registration is August 7th.

You can also find the preliminary programme of the conference on our website.

Attached to this message you can find the executive summary of the White paper, summarizing its main findings, the full paper can be found on the website.

Best wishes and welcome to the last stages of the NoK design,

Carsten Neßhöver  and  Marie Vandewalle

On behalf of the BiodiversityKnowledge Team


BiodiversityKnowledge is supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development as Coordination Action (KNEU-project , Grant No 265299).




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