Dear all,
For those who have not see these yet, you might also find of interest the views and thoughts of experts from IUCN in relation to IPBES. Some highlights include:
· Dr Simon Stuart, Chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, who says that IPBES needs to find that perfect balance between independent scientific credibility on the one hand, and political legitimacy on the other hand. A number of experts from IUCN Member organisations and other stakeholders are also reflecting on IPBES. (in German)
· Dr Thomas Brooks, Head of IUCN’s Science and Knowledge Unit, who looks at why the world needs IPBES
· Diego Juffe, IUCN Programme Officer with IUCN Biodiversity Conservation Group, who says that better integrating IUCN’s knowledge will improve the world’s ability to make informed decisions about the environment
You might also find of interest the recent article of LeTemps (in French, attached or see here
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