Dear Stakeholder Forum on IPBES,
As the IPBES-1 meeting has started yesterday in Bonn, Germany, we are pleased to invite those around for a side event on Key Elements of A Possible Conceptual Framework for IPBES that will take place today from 1.30 to 2.30pm in the Area 7 of the venue map, Room ‘Working Group I/side event’ (just behind the coffee area).
This side event will present main issues related to a possible conceptual framework for IPBES. This is the result of an expert workshop held at UNESCO (Paris, France) on October 29 to 31, 2012. The workshop was organized following the request by participants in the IPBES meeting in Panama in 2012 to the Interim Secretariat to prepare a document on the development of a possible conceptual framework for IPBES as part of the intersessional programme of work. This expert workshop was made possible thanks to the kind financial contributions of the Japan Ministry of the Environment and IUCN and the support of DIVERSITAS.
Please find the agenda attached.
For those following IPBES-1 remotely, we will keep you updated on the outcomes.
Kind regards,
Anete Berzina
Dear all,
The event room has changed and the event will now take place at the Press Briefing Room (behind the plenary room).
-- For more information on the involvement of civil society in IPBES, please visit
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The Stakeholder Forum on IPBES is established and moderated by the IUCN Programme on IPBES. For assistance or additional information, please write to Please also note that the views expressed on this Forum do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN.
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