[All Knitted Lace] February Entry: Estonian Shawl Challenge

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Feb 28, 2014, 12:00:01 PM2/28/14
to all-knit...@googlegroups.com

I am still at it: here is my February entry for 12 Estonian Lace shawl challenge. For this one I used a "Small Willow Leaf" Pattern.

"Small Willow Leaf" Chart

 Yarn used: Oki, Super-Thin SIM mohair (mohair 70%, acrylic 15, polyamid 10%, metallic 5%; 50g/600 yards). I used almost 2 skeins, so let's call it 80 g.

The yarn is just OK, not too happy with it - it is very uneven: too thin or too lumpy, but it has a nice little sparkle. The block shawl is very lofty.

Needles: US 6 (4 mm)

How I did it:
  • Cast on 85 sts, 
  • Knit 6 rows, then work the body of the shawl as follows:
    • Odd rows:sl1, work sts 1-18 of the Chart 5 times; work sts 19-21 once, p1
    • Even rows: work as established (if a st wa p on RS it will be k on WS, if the st was k on RS, it will be p on WS; ssk, k2tog, ccd and yo are p on WS)
    • Repeat 10 rows of Chart to a total of 30 times or to the desired length
  • Knit 6 rows 
  • Cast off all sts. 
Wash and block the shawl.

The shawl is wide, but not too long.
The finished size:
20 x 50 inches
or, in metric system:
50 x 130 cm

Posted By Rukodelnitsa to All Knitted Lace at 2/28/2014 12:00:00 PM
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