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Mar 31, 2022, 11:45:56 AM3/31/22
to Media, News

The latter, in fact, was completely controlled by the Athenians, who with its help equipped their army and fleet, which became the strongest in the Aegean. From the same funds, many other expenses of the Athenian policy were paid, including luxurious buildings, the construction of which falls on the time of Pericles' activity as the head of the arche (443-429 BC) (see article "Pericles. Athenian democracy") .

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The main core of relations between the Greek states after the end of the Greco-Persian wars was the rivalry between Athens and Sparta, which for a long time (approximately from the middle of the 6th century BC) headed the Peloponnesian Union of city-states. Their hidden struggle finally escalated into an open clash. After a stubborn and fierce military confrontation, which lasted from 431 to 404 BC, the victory remained with Sparta, who after that established his hegemony in Greece.

However, the supremacy of the Spartans over Hellas did not last long, only a quarter of a century. In 379 BC Thebes recreated the anti-Spartan alliance of the cities of Boeotia. The following year, the Second Maritime Union was formed, led by Athens. After a decisive victory won in 371 BC. under Leuctra over the Spartans, Thebes became for a short time (until 3.62 BC) the most militarily strong policy in Hellas. In the 50s. 4th century BC. in the south of the Balkans, an unstable political balance was established, the end of which was put by the subjugation of Greece to the king of Macedonia, Philip II, after the fatal battle for the Hellenes at Heronaeus in 338 BC. (See article "Philip P and Alexander the Great").

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