Unlock Mio (Moov 330) and install iGO

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Miljan Radović

Aug 26, 2012, 7:18:21 PM8/26/12
to all-about-...@googlegroups.com

In this tutorial I'll show you how to unlock you MioMoov device and replace existing navigation software with iGO (or other software) without any third-party unlock application, add-ons, installations or similar.

So far, I tried many unlocks but neither of them satisfied me, so I decided to unlock MioMoov 330 by myself. Even if I thought it will be difficult, if fact it's not! You just need to precisely follow procedure described below:
  1. Decide which software you would like to use and download it. (I use iGO Primo so I prepared whole folder with application executable and "content" folder initialized)
  2. Connect Mio device to your computer. (I have USB cable)
  3. Copy desired navi application files to your device. (I copied my prepared files from step 1 to Program Files\Primo folder on flash)
  4. Go to Program Files\MioMap folder, locate file AppStartupSec.ini and open it (Notepad will do the trick)
  5. Locate line ProcessFile=\Program Files\MioMap\MioMap.exe
  6. Change following lines: RelativePath from TRUE to FALSE and ProcessFile to \Program Files\Primo\iGO.exe
  7. Restart your device and wait for magic to happend - your navi application is starting
Note 1:  if you need a space on your device for maps from your software, you can easily delete (I recommend backup to computer) original MioMap 2008 map file. You can easily find it by it's extension and size: extension is *.cpf and this file is almost always greater from any other file.

Note 2
: If you want to do "Factory Reset" (to put back device to original, out-of-the-box state), you just need to:

  1. Delete folder you added for your navigation (in my case it's folder Primo in Program Files)
  2. Put back MioMap2008 map to it's original path (if you deleted it)
  3. Change AppStartupSec.ini fileto original state(RelativePath=TRUE, ProcessFile=\Program Files\MioMap\MioMap.exe)
About this method

Good: you can restart your device and your application will start immediately. No waiting for unlocks to load.
Bad: you don't have possibility to start some other navigation application (not even MioMap2008 that was built-in) or any other application like music players, games, office tools, etc.

So, if you need just navigation software on your device and you want everything to work fast, do it this way and I guarantee that you will be satisfied.
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