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May 17, 2012, 5:44:02 PM5/17/12
Sábado, 12 de Mayo, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

(Feliz Día de Las Madres 2012 a todas nuestras familias de toda
Iberoamérica y de nuestras naciones hermanas de la humanidad entera
también. En éste Domingo glorioso y de cada semana: deseamos presentar
nuestras familias y hogares delante de la presencia santísima de
nuestro Padre celestial por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, para recibir
sus más ricas bendiciones de su corazón que nos ama incesantemente y
así por siempre ser felices al servirle a Él conforme a su voluntad
bendita de creer en su amor fraternal.
Y éste es su amor eterno hacia nosotros, su Hijo Jesucristo quien
nació sin pecado en Belén de Nazaret de Galilea, en Israel, para
bendecir a su madre y a las nuestras también de una manera tan
gloriosa que lo sentimos en nuestros corazones siempre y, además,
vuela hacia el cielo y su eternidad infinita para gloria de nuestro
Padre celestial. Y en éste amor infinito de nuestro Padre celestial y
de su Hijo amado, el cual siempre vive en el corazón de nuestros
padres por el Espíritu Santo, porque nuestro Dios siempre lo quiso
así, entonces regresamos al cielo en el ultimo día de nuestras vidas
por la tierra, para volver a abrazar a nuestros padres, y esta vez
para siempre.
Puesto que escrito está en la Escritura: Por amor los padres
regresaran a sus hijos y sus hijos a sus padres, para no volverse a
separar por ninguna razón en la nueva vida eterna del reino de los
cielos. Por tanto, éste amor vivo por nuestras madres no morirá jamás,
porque ya sea que estén en la tierra aún con nosotros, o ya gozando de
la vida eterna en el paraíso y delante de nuestro Padre celestial y de
su árbol de la vida, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, pues no obstante nos
siguen amando profundamente y como el primer día.
Y nos aman tanto nuestras madres en el más allá, como en la Nueva
Jerusalén santa y gloriosa del cielo, porque sus corazones no dejan
nunca de latir del amor del Espíritu Santo por cada uno de nosotros—no
importando jamás donde nos encontremos en toda la tierra, pues siempre
somos sus hijos e hijas para sus ojos eternos. Y en el cielo nos
siguen amando grandemente a cada uno de nosotros, deseando, por
ejemplo, muy pronto volvernos a abrazar con sus besos por medio del
Espíritu Santo de vida y salud eterna de nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
para gloria y honra de quien nos ama aún más allá del amor de nuestras
madres y de la eternidad, ¡nuestro Padre celestial!
¡Feliz Día de las Madres a Todos en todos los hogares de la tierra y
del cielo igual! ¡Amén!)


In your eternal love you will guide your people that you have saved by
the amazing powers of your Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach’s supreme celestial-
sacrifice slain from the creation of the world within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit, so they may live each
day liberated from the spirit of error. Therefore, faithfully each day
you guide them through life to your dwelling place on earth and in
heaven, because you are the Living God that came down from above to
grant them the Holy Spirit of salvation power and fire so they may
live eternally blessed only to know your never-failing love, truth,
prosperity, justice and infinite happiness.

For they have seen the Holy Spirit’s glory of your blessed name and
Ten Commandments, the SHEKINAH cloud, descending over Mount Sinai with
your Chosen Lamb’s sacrificed-life at the eternal-rock in the midst of
the great billowing white smoke and fire that purifies constantly
everyone that believes in him for love, blessing and everlasting
salvation from sin and death forever. Furthermore, Mount Sinai was
saturated amazingly with your white smoke of your eternal love for
your children from Israel and the nations as well, because your
promised to father Abraham it was that you will multiply him as the
sand from the seashores and the stars from heaven above, given that he
will be the father of a great nation.

This is the new angelic Kingdom from heaven above as the New celestial
Jerusalem filled with the Holy Spirit of love and eternal life that
gives life with mighty blessings for those that believe within their
hearts for justice to confess with their lips that the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is God, for our heavenly Father’s new glories on earth and
eternity. For written it is that every knee shall bow and every tongue
confess before our heavenly Father that is in heaven from all the
families of the nations, beginning with Israel, that our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is Lord, so every sin, cursed, infirmity and death may be
judged righteously on earth and in heaven forever.

And our heavenly Father will do this before Israel and the nations
with His blessed Son standing faithfully before Him to reward everyone
according to his words and deeds thus to start a new angelic Kingdom
that will never no darkness but only love, peace, blessing, prosperity
and endless happiness within the hearts of angels and saved men alike.
Certainly, this is the nation of Gods and priests that will come into
the world baptized with the Holy Spirit to be born into the ministries
of Gods and priests to love, serve and glorify within their hearts,
minds, souls, bodies and human spirit our Lord Jesus Christ’s supreme
atoning-blood sacrifice from heaven on earth, so salvation may last
forever in eternity.

Indeed, this mighty presence of the Holy Spirit of love and power it
was witnessed from heaven above by the angels and from the earth by
Israel and the nations, because Mount Sinai’s summit had to emanate
delightfully the eternal love that our heavenly Father had always felt
for Israel and humankind, so they may become filled with His Holy
Spirit forever. This remarkable power of our heavenly Father’s Holy
Spirit filled Mount Sinai to the point that caused it to tremble
mightily throughout the earth, because our heavenly Father had
descended over it with His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world, so heaven and earth
could be created and filled with life at length forever.

This astounding power of the Holy Spirit captivated Moses’ heart that
he was drown to it even though he was minding his own business by
pasturing his flock around Mount Sinai’s foot as usual, and this
glorious love from our heavenly Father light up his heart’s darkness
so he can feel how much our heavenly Father loved Israel and mankind.
For our heavenly Father had descended over Mount Sinai within the
SHEKINAH cloud and glories so He may be seen by Moses and Israel but
also throughout the world, because, He wanted every man, woman and
child living in this sinful world to feel immediately the eternal love
of His Holy Spirit for them and their future generations to come.

And our heavenly Father’s unfailing-love could be seen from a great
distance as a billowing holocaust fire, and in the midst of it, our
Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood from the creation of the
world within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
eternal rock, so Israel may see the salvation light at last within
their hearts. Because, all these displays of billowing white smoke
from the holocaust fire within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
bathing Mount Sinai marvelously with its ancient glories our heavenly
Father manifested expressly to Moses and Israel because He needed them
to believe entirely in His supreme celestial sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood from the creation of the world.

Miraculously, this faith of the Holy Spirit of unfailing love and
endless grace for Israel and the nations between Him and His Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, He wanted to spread for the future
generations to come as well so the world eventually will become a
loving world filled with the Holy Spirit of His blessed Son, Jesus
Christ. Thus, Moses touched by the Holy Spirit of eternal love that
bathed the entire Mount Sinai with glory, then he was drawn to it by
its immense powers that no human could ever resist to see our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach burning within the holocaust fire of eternal love to
declare openly to him that he is the true God of his ancestors.

Powerful everlasting love from our heavenly Father and His Son, our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, burned within Moses’ heart divinely because
he needed to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, and born from it at the
same time, so he may become the man that our heavenly Father needed to
have immediately on earth thus to liberate Israel from darkness
forever. At Mount Sinai’s summit, after our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
had declared to Moses that he is the God of his ancestors, then he
became born again from the Holy Spirit of love that engulfed the
entire region so he may descend to his brothers as a new man ready to
love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father by doing His will always.

Now, our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of eternal love that had
descended over Mount Sinai’s summit to manifest to Moses and Israel
His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s life, it was to begin a
new era of love, peace, respect, prosperity, happiness and obedience
to His word within every man, woman and child’s heart within Israel
and the nations. Here is where Pentecost (Holy Spirit presence) with
the might powers of the Holy Spirit of love from our heavenly Father
and His celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood from the
creation of the world entered Moses’ heart to be a servant to our
heavenly Father and Israel’s salvation by liberating them soon from
captivity to possess the Promised Land.

This means that the Holy Spirit of Pentecost began to move mightily
and with great supremacy against Israel’s enemies so they may liberate
them from the chains and shackles hidden under ground as from the
Abyss, for example, and let Israel go to the land that had been chosen
by our heavenly Father to manifest to the nations His eternal love.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of love
manifested to Moses and Israel could not stay only at Mount Sinai’s
summit but it needed to spread into the nations too, so the entire
world may become filled with this glorious eternal love of the Holy
Spirit between Him and His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!

(This great undying love from our heavenly Father manifested mightily
by His Holy Spirit to Moses first and then to Israel, it was
manifested finally to the nations later in time as our Lord Jesus
Christ was born sinless from David’s virgin daughter to live in our
new glorified bodies the commandments later to die over Jerusalem’s
holy hill crucified.) This means also that our heavenly Father’s Holy
Spirit of love for Israel had to enter into the hearts of men, women
and children within Israel and the nations by forcing the spirit of
error to abandon their captivated hearts, and die to descend
immediately to the Abyss where it is supposed to be, and not chained
supernaturally to men’s precious souls.

This meant also that every one within Israel and the nations
eventually would be baptized miraculously in an act of faith from the
Holy Spirit of ancient love to be born again from the world below into
the new world from heaven above where fatherly-love reigns supremely
for our heavenly Father’s new glories to be manifested finally through
mankind into eternity. For this is the new life from heaven above
where we were born into the day we came out from our heavenly Father’s
image to live according to His likeness in heaven and within the New
celestial Jerusalem, and this is the ever-present miracle life that
our heavenly Father needs to have every one living in these days to
conquer new glories.

Indeed, this is an eternal life that knows no defeat from Satan’s
lies, curses, and darkness in hell but instead only knows every
victory obtained from our Lord Jesus Christ in the high heavens
against Satan and all over the earth and under it too, so you may live
always pleased and blessed under the Holy Spirit’s amazing power of
unfailing love. Therefore, it was because of our heavenly Father’s
unfailing-love and promises to father Abraham that He descended over
Mount Sinai within His SHEKINAH cloud, so He may personally pour of
the Holy Spirit’s never-ending love for Israel into Moses’ heart to
spread it into his brothers for the chains and shackles of darkness
from the abyss to liberate them at last.

Because, it was the power of chains and shackles from Satan’s
underworld of darkness that were holding Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s
children captivated within Egypt, so our heavenly Father’s angelic
Kingdom as the New Jerusalem from heaven above will never come into
existence, therefore the Holy Spirit of the commandments had to break
this darkness immediately for God’s will to flourish. Meaning also
that it was the amazing power of our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of
eternal love and promises granted towards Abraham that prompted Him to
descend in good time over Mount Sinai’s summit, so He may share of His
personal unfailing-love power for Israel with Moses and the nations
too thus for them to live liberated from Satan in the end.

Thus, for Israel to receive this glorious ancient love directly into
every man, woman and child’s heart with the mighty baptism of the Holy
Spirit and the eminent rebirth into the new world from heaven above,
where our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood may be exalted and glorified at last by everyone, then
they only had to believe. Because, it is by the amazing powers of the
Holy Spirit of faith and love towards Israel and the nations that our
heavenly Father moves immediately to do anything thus to forgive sin,
heal the soul, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child, so
they may reenter eternal life miraculously even though they are still
living on earth.

For in heaven everyone is born from the Holy Spirit already within His
blessed Son’s glorious life, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, slain from
the creation of the world, so he may personally baptize with the Holy
Spirit and fire every one born from our heavenly Father’s image to
live according to His likeness on earth and in heaven forever into
eternity. This is the reason that, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach taught
his disciples to pray always like this before our heavenly Father by
saying: Father, hollow be your name. Let your kingdom come on earth as
it is in heaven. Your will be done on earth by men as it is heaven by
your holy angels. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive our sins just
as we forgive those that sin against us. Do not let us into temptation
but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the power, the Kingdom
and the glory forever and ever. Amen!

By this prayer that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach taught us to pray
before our heavenly Father as we kneel before Him, then we are
believing within our hearts for justice that He is God in heaven and
on earth, because calling we are for His will to be done on earth by
men just as it is in heaven by His angels. And this is a prayer filled
with the Holy Spirit of eternal love and faith that descended
initially over Mount Sinai with our savior as the celestial-sacrifice
of the atoning-blood thus to change Moses into a new man by the Holy
Spirit’s miracle rebirth, so our heavenly Father may have a leader
within Israel brave enough to do His will always.

Consequently, as we pray before our heavenly Father with our Lord
Jesus Christ’s prayer that he duly granted his disciples to inherit,
then we are receiving the Holy Spirit of eternal love and faith that
descended over Mount Sinai to enrich our lives immediately, so the
spirit of error with its lies, curses, sickness and threats of death
may abandon us forever. That is to say, also that it is our heavenly
Father’s perfect will directly from heaven above to change our lives
in a moment of prayer and faith into the men, women and children that
He needs to have on earth these days thus to do His will bravely
enough for the glory of His holy name and glorified commandments.

Meaning also that we agree with our heavenly Father for His Holy
Spirit to baptize us thus to become born again not into Adam’s sinful
world but from the Holy Spirit of His blessed Son slain for us from
the creation of the world, so we may become liberated from sin, death,
hell and Satan for a new world from heaven above. For this is the new
life and world from heaven above that our heavenly Father needed to
introduce into Adam and Eve, but since they both ate from the
forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil then they
had to die first believing in the fruit of life thus to enter at last
into the new world.

Otherwise, there is no way possible for our heavenly Father to receive
Adam, Eve or any of his children back into the angelic-life from
paradise, because they have been born by default from the spirit of
error to descend to earth and die somewhere bury underground to
resurrect on the Day of Judgment to give an account of their
rebellious lives. Therefore, every one from everywhere must believe
within his heart for justice forever to confess with his lips for
salvation what our heavenly Father did over Mount Sinai’s summit as He
descended with the Holy Spirit of eternal love for Israel and the
nations, so the Holy Spirit may retake the earth by pushing the spirit
of error back into hell.

Frankly, for our heavenly Father to help every man, woman and child
from Israel to become baptize with water from the Red river and from
the Holy Spirit that descended over them from the SHEKINAH cloud so
they may be born again into the new world from heaven above, then they
had to confess faithfully Him and His Son Jesus Christ. This is the
reason that later our Lord Jesus Christ granted them to have a
glorious prayer that pleases our heavenly Father and at the same time
glorifies Him with His Son’s atoning-blood sacrifice that descended
from the eternal life from heaven to save the entire world by filling
it with His Holy Spirit of love and faith forever.

Indeed, this is the perfect confession from heaven above of the Holy
Spirit of faith and eternal love that our heavenly Father brought down
with Him as He descended majestically over Mount Sinai’s summit, so He
may do wonderful things for Israel and humankind as well for the glory
of His name and the everlasting honor of His commandments. Moreover,
this is the confession and faith of eternal love that our heavenly
Father needed from the heart of Moses and every one within Israel, so
He may do wonderful things for them within the Sinai’s desert and the
Promised Land, because He needed also to expand His great eternal love
into the nations thus to save them from death forever.

And this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father through
the glorious life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
could not only forgive, heal, blessed and saved people from sin, death
and hell but also saturate the entire earth with His Holy Spirit of
eternal love and faith thus to launch a new angelic Kingdom into
existence immediately. Therefore, the descending of our heavenly
Father over Mount Sinai’s summit with His supreme celestial sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood, our Lord Jesus Christ, then it was very
important so He may fill Israel and mankind with the amazing power of
the Holy Spirit of His eternal love and faith that He has always felt
for the entire earth since eternity.

For our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to his disciples within Israel
that our heavenly Father so loved the world that He gave His only
begotten Son slain from the foundation of the world, so whoever may
believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life in this life
and in the next one to come in heaven forever. For this is the eternal
love that our heavenly Father manifested initially to Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob and over Mount Sinai’s summit to Moses and Israel, so they may
become baptized with the Holy Spirit of this great ancient love that
have never forsaken them thus Israel and the nations may become reborn
into the world of the Holy Spirit from heaven above.

Given that our heavenly Father did not descend from heaven within His
SHEKINAH cloud to put up a show over Mount Sinai but, instead He came
to liberate Israel from the immoral-world where they were chained to
the shackles of Satan’s lies, curses, darkness and slavery filled with
the spirit of error of indifference to die soon eternally lost in
hell. Meaning also that our heavenly Father wanted to transform Israel
into a divine nation by baptizing them with the Holy Spirit of His
love and faith so they may escape darkness into a new rebirth of the
Holy Spirit’s up-to-the-minute world from heaven above, so they may
finally enjoy a new life on earth and in the midst of the nations.

For this is how our heavenly Father could be glorified and honored
universally in the midst of the nations as He manifested the amazing
power of the Holy Spirit of eternal love and faith to every one, so
they may change their lives of sin into the glorious life from heaven
above that enriches with blessings and endless happiness every one.
Indeed, this is the new angelic world filled with the Holy Spirit of
His eternal love that He has always felt for Israel and the nations
that our heavenly Father needed to have Israel begin with Him
faithfully from Mount Sinai’s foot by drinking from the eternal-rock:
living-water that will quench their thirst all the way into the
Promised Land and eternity.

Miraculously, this is the living-water that emanates from the eternal-
rock injured initially by Moses with Aaron’s twig at Mount Sinai from
where our heavenly Father executed His Chosen Lamb to shed the atoning-
blood for love and eternal life from the creation of the world, so He
may create heaven and earth to fill them with life obedient to His
holy Son always. And this living-water as well the injured rock by
Moses’ stick is filled with the Holy Spirit of the atoning-blood that
for the love of our heavenly Father’s children initially was shed in
heaven so it may pour abundantly throughout the world, beginning at
Mount Sinai’s summit and Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to save the
nations from eternal torments in hell.

Therefore, it is a wonderful-life of our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit
blessed name and glorified commandments that descended abundantly over
Mount Sinai within the Holy of Holiest and the SHEKINAH cloud, so
people from everywhere, beginning with Israel, may be baptized from
Him thus to experience a new birth into the world of the Holy Spirit
from heaven above for eternity. And this is a magnificent-life of our
heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit new world from heaven above that Israel
needed to live within the desert and the Promised Land thus for the
nations to witness our heavenly Father’s glories manifested
progressively within His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world for life to thrive
on earth forever.

Because, it is our heavenly Father’s will to create a new earth with
glorious heavens that will teem with the Holy Spirit of His eternal
love for Israel and the nations, so they may learn to love, serve and
glorify Him always faithfully through the ages into eternity with His
supreme celestial-sacrificed life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach! For this is the new divine life that our heavenly Father
has always manifested to His angels in heaven and the same is true on
earth beginning with Abram and his men of war, for example, as the
King of Salem, Melchizedek (our Lord Jesus Christ), met Abram outside
ancient Jerusalem to serve him and his men the Lord’s Table.

Indeed, it was at the Lord’s Table where our Lord Jesus Christ broke
bread with Abram and his men, moreover drank from the cup of wine,
symbolizing his atoning-blood shed from the creation of the world, so
our heavenly Father may start a new nation of Gods and priests that
will always love, serve and glorify Him on earth and in eternity. And
this is the same Lord’s Table serving that our Lord Jesus Christ
performed with his apostles before he was betrayed and turned over to
his assassins: He broke bread with them moreover drank from the cup of
wine by letting his followers know that he is the bread of life and
the cup of the atoning-blood to live forever saved.

At the Lord’s Table, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach took the bread from
the table and blessed it before his disciples and our heavenly Father
that is in heaven, so He may multiply it for every man, woman and
child within Israel and the nations forever, and the same he did with
the cup of wine by saying this is may blood. With the cup of wine
lifted up high before his disciples and our heavenly Father that is in
heaven, then he said: Drink from my blood, because whoever drinks from
me he will never thirst again in this life and in the next one to come
in heaven but rivers of living-water will flow from out his belly into

This is the living-water from the injured rock by Moses’ stick that
burst into a river that ran into the Sinai’s barren desert to quench
the thirst of the Israelites and every one else willing to believe and
drink from him, so they may have their sins forgiven and blessed with
eternal love filled with life forever into eternity. Truly, this
living-water that burst out from the injured-rock by Moses’ staff, it
became a river flowing throughout the Sinai’s desert so as the sun may
evaporate it with its sunrays then it traveled with the clouds to the
nations to rain over them the mighty Holy Spirit of His Son’s atoning-
blood, so they may be saved too.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father did not only blessed
Israel with the living-water of His Son’s atoning-blood slain from the
creation of the world to quench the Israelites’ thirst but also He did
the same abundantly and miraculously for the nations to drink to the
full and live forever saved from Satan’s sins, lies, curses and hidden-
wilds. Moreover, the Holy Spirit of our heavenly Father’s eternal love
for Israel and for the nations has never ceased to descend over Mount
Sinai’s summit or over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so Israel may continue
to drink from it for forgiveness, healing and blessings to enter into
eternal life every day of their lives on earth and in heaven as well

This means that the Holy Spirit’s unction (anointment) will never stop
to descend upon the life of Israel and the nations, because what our
heavenly Father has given to Israel or any one else individually, it
is to continue progressively to work on earth and in eternity for our
heavenly Father’s new glories and of His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach! In other words, if Israel believes what happened with
Moses over Mount Sinai’s summit as it was filled with our heavenly
Father’s Holy Spirit of eternal love for His Son’s sacrificed life to
baptize Israel with the Holy Spirit into a new glorious rebirth thus
to awaken into eternal life immediately in paradise, then any one
could be blessed these days too.

That is why that our heavenly Father sends faithfully His people from
everywhere into the world, so not just Israel may become baptized with
the Holy Spirit into a new world from heaven above inundated with the
living-water of eternal love between Him and His celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood, but also the nations for a new earth to
exist now. Meaning also that the Holy Spirit’s blessings that our
heavenly Father manifested over Mount Sinai to Moses thus to liberate
Israel from Egypt’s captivity, it is still with each one of us today
so we may enjoy them as the infilling of the Holy Spirit of eternal
love to be baptized instantaneously with a new glorious rebirth into
God’s new holy Kingdom.

These days, our heavenly Father wants each one of us to be baptized
with the Holy Spirit of eternal love for Israel and the nations just
as He needed initially to baptize and fill with His Holy Spirit Moses
and Israel, so they may become born into His new angelic Kingdom from
heaven above, divinely the same is true for us today. That means that
the Holy Spirit’s unction of eternal love that descended from heaven
with our heavenly Father and the supreme sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood over the eternal rock so Israel, and anyone else that
believes, may drink from it the living-water, it is for us these days
too so we may become born again miraculously into His new angelic

Therefore, it is the Holy Spirit’s power of love and faith that it is
still operating on earth thus to save Israel from Satan’s lies,
moreover save the nations so they may become baptized with His Holy
Spirit too thus to enter into a new world from heaven above
immediately through a miraculous rebirth of the Holy Spirit into
eternity. That is to say, also that the problem with every man, woman
and child these days within Israel and the nations too, it is the
spirit of error that operates within their hearts, so the solution to
their problems, difficulties, sicknesses, diseases, death, and eternal
unhappiness, it is simply to change the spirit with a new birth from
the Holy Spirit.

And this is what our heavenly Father descended to do over Mount Sinai
as He poured mightily the Holy Spirit of His eternal love for Israel
and humanity so by Moses becoming born from the Holy Spirit, then the
nations will follow suit along with Israel thus filling the entire
world with the Holy Spirit just as it is in heaven today. Because, our
heavenly Father will never accept any one in paradise or on earth if
that one fails to believe within his heart for justice to confess with
his lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ’s blessed name; what is
more to believe that Jesus Christ is not God’s Son or the God of
Abraham then that is sin.

Moreover, this is a glorious name from our Lord Jesus Christ given
initially to Israel as the Great I am over Mount Sinai’s summit, for
example, so everyone may escape sin, death, hell and Satan to become
born again from the Holy Spirit of the eternal love of the new angelic
Kingdom from heaven above where love rules life into eternity. This is
the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ assured the Israelites that if
they fall short to believe that he is the Great I am that spoke to
Moses within the billowing white smoke holocaust fire burning around
him constantly from the creation of the world so Israel and the
nations may be saved, then they will die in their sins.

However, if they believe within their hearts for justice to confess
with their lips for salvation that he is the Great I am within our
heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-
blood from the creation of the world thus to save them by the power of
his love and grace, then they will live forever blessed into eternity.
For it is only within this rebirth from the Holy Spirit that we will
leave behind the spirit of error that is filled progressively with
problems, difficulties, infirmities, diseases, and threat of death, so
we may become alive within the blessed world of the Holy Spirit from
heaven above, and our living souls could live immediately the enriched
blessing of eternal happiness.

Because, it is our heavenly Father’s will to save Israel from the
supernatural powers of Satan’s lies and terrible darkness on earth and
in hell as well, so Israel with the nations may make it into eternal
life on earth before they ascend into the New Jerusalem from heaven
above where love rules every one’s life each day into all eternity.
Therefore, the Holy Spirit’s mighty baptism of unfailing love that
descended over Mount Sinai’s summit with our heavenly Father and His
Son Jesus Christ as our personal Chosen Lamb shedding his atoning-
blood over the eternal rock so we may become clean from sin, then it
belongs to the nations these days for a new heavenly birth to enjoy
goodness and happiness forever.

Seeing as, without the Holy Spirit’s mighty baptism then no one can
believe within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for
salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ is Lord on earth and in within
the New Jerusalem from heaven above where we will become reunited with
our heavenly Father and His holy angels never to separate us again.
Furthermore, we will live with our heavenly Father as newly born from
His Holy Spirit of the blessed name and the commandments eternally
fulfilled within the life of His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His
Son’s atoning-blood slain from the creation of the world, so we may
become born again within his wonderful powers into the New Jerusalem
from heaven above.

For this is the true human-life that your heart, soul, mind, body and
human spirit have always required from you to grant them to have so
they may live life to the full always enjoying our heavenly Father’s
every day blessing of miracles and great wonders that take place high
in the heavens and all over the earth too. For heaven and earth are
filled with our heavenly Father’s glories since He is the One that
created them in the beginning with the amazing powers of the Holy
Spirit of His blessed name and glorified commandments, so His children
may only know love, peace, prosperity, goodness and eternal happiness
everywhere forever and ever.

Thus, any other life than this one from heaven above that descended
over Mount Sinai’s summit dressed with our heavenly Father’s Holy
Spirit of eternal unfailing love, then you are living as a stranger
that always fails to know where he is coming from and where he is
going to; nevertheless, living with the Holy Spirit then you are
enjoying happiness always. Therefore, it was important for our
heavenly Father to liberate Israel with the Holy Spirit’s amazing
powers raining over Mount Sinai, so Israel may drink abundantly from
the injured-rock the living-water that emanates daily from His Son
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood thus for Israel to carry through the
Sinai’s desert His salvation cross into the Promised Land to establish
it forever on earth.

And this was a glorious mission that no other nation could stand at
Mount Sinai’s foot to drink freely from the injured-rock to receive
our Lord Jesus Christ continuous celestial-sacrificed life so they may
carry him on his cross within the SHEKINAH cloud into the Promised
Land, for the nations to see and live finally the Holy Spirit of
eternal love forever. Certainly, Israel had to carry faithfully
through the Sinai’s desert our Lord Jesus Christ’s cross over the
celestial cloud into the Promised Land but only the children of the
Israelites that escaped Egypt could enter the Promised Land with Jesus
Christ’s saving cross stain and dripping his atoning-blood over their
heads to possess it forever for our heavenly Father’s new glories.

Now, the reason that our heavenly Father did not allow the first
Israelites fleeing slavery to enter the Promised Land with His Son
Jesus Christ crucified from the creation of the world over their heads
within the SHEKINAH cloud, it was because they sinned by dishonoring
the Holy Spirit of eternal love manifested towards them at Sinai as
the atoning-blood shed. Moreover, the ancient Israelites sinned
unforgivably because they had fashioned a golden calf to call it their
liberator from slavery when in reality it was Jesus Christ’s eternal
love at Mount Sinai that liberated them from slavery never to return
to it again, that is, if they remain faithful to our heavenly Father’s
Holy Spirit of unfailing-love as Abraham’s children.

Meaning also that if you fail to believe within your heart for justice
to confess with your lips for salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ is
our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
shed from the creation of the world to create new earth and glorious
heavens for mankind, then you are not Abraham’s children before our
heavenly Father. Surprisingly, our heavenly Father did not consider
the Israelites to be the children of Abraham anymore, moreover wanted
to kill them at Sinai’s foot, because they failed to believe that our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach had shed his atoning-blood over the eternal
rock to liberate them from Egypt’s slavery thus to take them
immediately into His holy dwelling on earth.

This is the reason that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach said to the
Israelites and everyone within Israel that if they fail to recognize
him as God’s Son born from David’s virgin daughter so he may bring
into the world eternal life dressed with a glorified human body for
everyone from everywhere to live sinless forever, then they could
never be Abraham’s children. Because, any one that calls himself son
or descended of Abraham, then he will recognize him immediately as
God’s Son given to Israel and the nations so they may find their way
back to eternal life on earth and in heaven too, given that no one can
ever reenter life unless that one believes in his anointed name for

This is the reason that every one that believes within his heart for
justice to confess with his lips for salvation his blessed name, then
he is born again from the Holy Spirit to raise to eternal life in
heaven anyday now to live forever saved into eternity always enjoying
blessings, happiness and unfailing love forever. That is why that our
Lord Jesus Christ said to every one within Israel, for example,
whoever listens to me then he is listening to the voice of our
heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love and faith thus to
follow me all the way to His eternal glorious dwelling in heaven,
because no one knows where He lives except the Son.

Therefore, whomever is truly a child of Abraham then he listens to my
voice diligently to follow me everywhere that I may need to go thus to
glorify our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit of the blessed name and
eternal commandments on earth and in heaven forever and ever, so his
life may be enriched each day on earth and into eternity. More to the
point, our heavenly Father needs people from Israel and the nations to
believe always faithfully in Him through the victorious-life of His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, who was slain for our sins
from the creation of the world, moreover he was born sinless from
David’s virgin daughter so we may have eternal life through him only.

For he is our heavenly Father’s first-born child on earth because he
came out from Him just as Adam did, but the only difference between
Adam and our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach is that our savior has always
existed from eternity to eternity while Adam was born from our
heavenly Father’s image to live according to His likeness forever into
all eternity. Furthermore, as Adam sinned by eating from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil then he became the door, the way and the
rebellious-life of the earth for his descendants, however, as our Lord
Jesus Christ was born sinless from David’s virgin daughter then he
became the door, the way, the truth and the life for mankind to return
to heaven.

Meaning also that those that are born from Adam’s rebellious flesh,
broken-bones and ill blood through their mother’s womb then they are
bound to return to the earth in the last day, however, those that are
born from the Holy Spirit that descended over Mount Sinai with our
heavenly Father will return to heaven through Jesus Christ’s celestial
body. That is to say, also that those that are reborn from the Holy
Spirit that descended over Mount Sinai’s summit with our heavenly
Father and His supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s life to
liberate Israel, then they will receive directly from our Lord Jesus
Christ his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood running
through their veins never to know sickness, pain or death.

For the reason that, the truth is that just as we had a human body
within Adam and Eve to live on earth our rebellious-life, then with
our Lord Jesus Christ we have a sinless birth from David’s virgin
daughter filled with eternal life and dress with the sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood running throughout our bodies good-
health forever into eternity. That is why that our heavenly Father has
made these days our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach very important within our
hearts, minds, souls, bodies and human spirit, so through him we may
become born again within the Holy Spirit’s powers to rush immediately
into the glorious life that our heavenly Father created for us
initially to live and enjoy everlastingly in heaven.

Indeed, this is the divine-life that our heavenly Father has prepared
for you and your loved ones, including your friends too from
everywhere, so you may escape Satan’s lies, curses and darkness with a
simple rebirth from the Holy Spirit in a moment of prayer and faith,
so you may break away from the spirit of error that drives you sick
without exception. Really, through Adam we are born into the world as
our mother’s wombs burst open so we may live the rebellious-life that
Adam lived in paradise before our Father, however, as we believe
within our hearts in our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood then reborn
we are from the Holy Spirit to live a new life never lived by angels

And this is the wonderful life that our heavenly Father descended over
Mount Sinai within the Holy of Holiest from heaven above to shed over
Israel so the nations may become baptized with the mighty powers of
the Holy Spirit thus opening their eyes into a new world filled with
the Holy Spirit’s blessings of love, peace, prosperity and everlasting
happiness. For this is the life that our heavenly Father has separated
for you (and your loved ones too) to receive immediately by faith in
His Son Jesus Christ, so through the Holy Spirit’s mighty saving-
powers you may become born again into the enriched-life where you are
supposed to be living already since the day you were born from Him in

Meaning also that you are living a life these days that our heavenly
Father never intended you to live in, but since Adam and Eve ate from
the forbidden fruit then you were introduced into this rebellious-life
against your will, and you must live it to the last day when the
spirit of error will bury you under the earth. However, with our Lord
Jesus Christ you will live only blessing after blessing because you
will no longer live within the rules and powers of the spirit of
error, instead you will live under the Holy Spirit of love that
descends every hour from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
directly from the daily celestial-sacrifice of Jesus Christ’s atoning-

For this is the atoning-blood shed initially from our Lord Jesus
Christ’s veins within the Holy of Holiest's altar in heaven and before
our heavenly Father and His angelic hosts thus to spill it over Mount
Sinai’s injured-rock to create new earth with glorious heavens for
Israel and the nations to live forever disconnected from the spirit of
error. And as our heavenly Father was creating this new world with
glorious heavens from above, then He was not only thinking of you as
usual but also about your loved ones, including your eternal friends
from abroad, so He may also baptize them with the Holy Spirit thus to
awaken them into a new angelic world that will never end.

Presently, this is the new world from heaven above as the New
Jerusalem glorious and majestic as ever filled with blessings and
miracles from the Holy Spirit so you may enjoy this wonderful life
starting the moment you became born again extraordinarily from heaven
above by believing and confessing Jesus Christ as your personal savior
these days and forevermore into eternity. Therefore, you must carry
your cross just as Moses and Israel carry our Lord Jesus Christ’s
cross through the Sinai’s desert for forty years and until every one
was born again from the Holy Spirit of love that descended
progressively over them directly from the SHEKINAH cloud and its
glorious every day celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that saves
everyone everywhere forever.

That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to his disciples by
assuring them that if they fail to carry their crosses and follow him,
then they are not worthy of him in this life and in the next one to
come in heaven above, so they may live forever saved and blessed
before our heavenly Father and His angelic hosts. Therefore, take upon
your cross today to follow our Lord Jesus Christ to where he goes in
heaven so you may be blessed on earth with your loved ones with
richness that embraces you heart and makes you souls feel happy to the
point that you body and human spirit only want to do our heavenly
Father’s will always.

These days, the Holy Spirit of eternal love that manifested over Mount
Sinai’s summit to cause it to tremble mightily because it was been
baptized with salvation power and fire from heaven above, he will be
with you too thus to baptize you with a new birth into the new
eternity of the Holy Spirit to live forever saved. This life with
blessings and miracles day after day our heavenly Father has granted
you to have it through the glorious manifestation of His Son’s atoning-
blood and His Holy Spirit of eternal love and faith to be born into
His new angelic world of amazing pleasure that will bless your heart
and entire life today with miracles and happiness into eternity.

For our heavenly Father will guide you with love through the every
step of His Son’s life on earth, so you may never stumble into Satan’s
darkness until you rich His holy dwelling thus to live a glorious life
that will grow into eternity only to learn more of our heavenly
Father’s Holy Spirit of unfailing love and faith towards you.
Well, since eternal love, prosperity and faith from our heavenly
Father’s Holy Spirit and His blessed Jesus Christ have filled you
heart beyond measure, then embrace your mother now and give her a kiss
whether she is here with you on earth or in heaven, it is the same: Go
ahead and kiss her because she lives for you into eternity.
Yes, your mother lives for you these days just as from the first day
she kissed you with that love that you will never forget through the
ages on earth and in heaven too. Happy Mothers Day to everyone

P.S. kiss your mother as I said, and you will certainly make our
heavenly Father’s heart very happy, a sacred heart in heaven that
loves you more than what your mother will ever love you since the day
you became His image in heaven, and the angels will smile and dance
again joyfully because you kissed your mom with that love. Amen!)

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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