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May 2, 2013, 11:48:55 AM5/2/13
Sábado, 27 de Abril, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

China: Nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones son para las familias de
Sichuan, China, en donde varias familias perdieron a sus muy amados y
amistades en un terremoto de gran escala que los sorprendió de repente
y sin aviso alguno. Esperamos que las familias que tienen a muchos de
sus heridos, en los miles, estén, pues, pidiéndole a nuestro Padre
celestial, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo Jesucristo, que los
bendiga grandemente con su Espíritu Santo y sus grandes riquezas
infinitas, de los cuales tiene preparado para ellos en el cielo, si
tan solo se los piden a Él ya.
Y nuestro Padre celestial desea entregarles mucho del Espíritu Santo
de su amor infinito que siempre ha sentido por ellos, desde el día que
nacieron en su imagen para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza
celestial, para gozar de las muchas cosas que él mismo a creado por
medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que lo gocen abundantemente desde
Porque el gozo del corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial y así
también de su Espíritu Santo es de ver como cada uno de sus retoños
que ha vuelto a nacer del Espíritu Santo, y esto es al creer en su
corazón para justicia para confesar con sus labios para salvación a su
Hijo Jesucristo, entonces esté gozándose abundantemente de sus

tragedia que sufrió días atrás un edificio cerca de la capital Dacca,
el cual se vino abajo después de que inspectores de la ciudad
advirtiera del peligro eminente a dueño del mismo. En ésta terrible
tragedia cientos de trabajadores textiles perdieron sus vidas y muchos
de ellos están aún perdidos bajo los escombros, esperando ser
rescatados por alguien.
Le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo
Jesucristo, que permita el rescate de todas estas almas que se
encuentran perdidas debajo de los escombros del edificio desvanecido,
para que regresen a sus hogares en donde sus familiares y amistades
esperan angustiados por ellos desde el miércoles pasado.

amor, condolencias y oraciones son para las familias de los treinta y
ocho desaparecidos que, probablemente, les sorprendió las llamas
causadas por el accidente misterioso mientras muchos de ellos yacían
en sus camas descansando. Agradecemos a nuestro Padre celestial que
algunos de ellos lograron escapar de las llamas, porque,
probablemente, todavía no se habían dormido como sus compañeros
Ellos cerraron sus ojos yaciendo en sus camas para dormir, para de
repente abrirlos en un mundo nuevo, comprado con la sangre y la vida
santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, en donde las
enfermedades ya no existen, sino solamente el Espíritu Santo de amor
por nuestro Padre celestial y por su Hijo Jesucristo y así infundirles
gozo eterno infinitamente.

recordamos a las trece personas que quedaron sepultadas al correr la
tierra en el recinto Tabete, provincia de Esmeraldas, Ecuador. Le
pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo
Jesucristo, que las familias que se encuentran en similar situación de
peligro, en donde pueden ocurrir nuevas corridas de tierras, pues sean
reubicadas lo más pronto posible, para que no vayan a sufrir el
infortunio de perdida de familiares y de amistades.

En este momento: Todas estas victimas que han sufrido la pérdida de
sus vidas se encuentran en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre
celestial, porque nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo vino al mundo
para nacer, vivir, morir y resucitar en el tercer día por ellos. Y
nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació del poder del Espíritu Santo del
vientre virgen de la hija de David para darnos vida eterna y un cuerpo
glorioso y sin pecado para vivirlo infinitamente, por ello: nació,
vivió, murió y resucitó en el tercer día con nuestro cuerpo inmortal,
porque solamente su vida santísima podía pagar completamente por el
precio de nuestra salvación infinita.
En otras palabras, solamente la vida santísima de nuestro Señor y
salvador Jesucristo podía realmente pagar por el precio del pecado de
nuestras almas eternas delante de nuestro Padre celestial, para no
solamente escapar de nuestra vida pecadora en la tierra para luego
ascender al cielo eternamente redimidos, sino también para escapar
para siempre del tormento del infierno inmisericorde. Y sin la sangre
santísima y su cuerpo sagrado y su vida victoriosa sobre el poder del
pecado y de la muerte del infierno, entonces ninguno de nosotros podía
jamás pagar por el precio de nuestros pecados, y por eso nuestro Señor
Jesucristo nació, vivió, murió y resucitó en el tercer día del
infierno, para nosotros vivir infinitamente liberados del tormento
Hoy en día, cada uno de ellos está en la presencia santísima de
nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, porque sólo él es el pan del
cielo para cada uno de sus nuevos días de vida eterna, para ya no
volver más a tener sed ni hambre, sino vivir infinitamente saciados
por el bien del fruto de la vida eterna, ¡nuestro Señor Jesucristo!


Our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMoshiach) is the one standing and
ministering as usual as high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-
blood in the midst of the burning bush that Moses saw from the
distance as he tended his father-in-law flock at Mount Sinai’s foot.
Surely, our Lord Jesus Christ was the one that descended from our
heavenly Father’s presence, because it was time for Israel to have the
much needed high priest and the atoning-blood from the Chosen Lamb, so
they may escape Egypt’s slavery moreover cross the Red sea to receive
the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments for the King Messiah to come.

Unquestionably, it was our Lord Jesus Christ always ministering before
our heavenly Father through eternity by the power of the Holy Spirit’s
fire and the atoning-blood shed since Creation day, so the world may
become liberated from sin, and Israel could have a new life within a
new land, chosen by our Father for His Son to reign over His people
forever. For our heavenly Father had commanded Jacob initially to
descend with his children to Egypt because his son Joseph was alive
and well, moreover he had become second in command after Egypt’s
Pharaoh, therefore they could pack their things and descend
confidently to Egypt to live there next to Him and His Son Jesus
Christ over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock.

(And Joseph spoke to his father Jacob this way, because it was our
heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit speaking to him and to his
children’s children that they will live next to Him and His Son Jesus
Christ (or Melchizedek, King of Salem) ministering every day for their
well-being by the power of the atoning-blood over Mount Sinai’s
summit.) For it was necessary for the Hebrews to live close to our
heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ immolated within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock to shed the
atone blood, so his blood from the celestial sacrifice will never
cease to cover and erase sin due to the Covenant of Life started with

(That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had the Hebrews living
next to Mount Sinai’s injured-rock for more than four-hundred years,
so our Lord Jesus Christ could minister for them over the injured-rock
by the power of his atoning-blood shed since Creation day to become
someday worthy to descend to the Promised Land to possess it forever.
In other words, our heavenly Father had always lived with the Hebrews
after Abraham with his allies made a Covenant of Life with Him by
eating from His Son Jesus Christ as the King of Righteousness at
Salem’s gate, Melchizedek, the bread and wine that grants a new life
to everyone that believes and confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and

In due time, this burning bush at Mount Sinai’s summit had caught
Moses’ attentive soul that he needed to see for himself why the fire
was burning and yet not spreading as a normal fire normally it would
engulf the entire area into a one big fire that will burn until
everything around is consumed. For this is the holy fire from within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven burning daily until the sins of the
people are consumed completely before our heavenly Father and for the
Holy Spirit of His commandments, so He may be able to receive His
blessed ones as His children forever on earth and into all eternity to
come in heaven.

Certainly, with this glorious burning fire high on Mount Sinai, our
heavenly Father awaken Moses’ curiosity to find out what was so
strange and bright about the fire that he needed to approach it
immediately, because the Holy Spirit was telling directly to his heart
that what he was going to find, indeed it was going to be big and
great. Therefore, full of the Holy Spirit, Moses ascended to the
mountaintop with curiosity, and there it was the fire that he could
see from a long distance, and it continued burning before his eyes and
heart, so his sins may be forgiven for our heavenly Father to allow
him to approach our Lord Jesus Christ and speak to him.

This faith to look up to Mount Sinai where our heavenly Father is with
His Son Jesus Christ as His high priest and Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood to atone for people’s sins, illnesses, diseases through
Abrahams’s Covenant of Life, then the Holy Spirit blesses those eyes
to fill his heart with faith to believe and receive miracle-blessings
from heaven above. And this is exactly what happened to Moses as he
lifted his eyes to see the fire burning fervently but it was not
damaging its area, because it was our Lord Jesus Christ burning within
the holy sacrificial fire that began before the world was created, and
this is reason that Moses became born and filled from the Holy
Spirit’s perfect holiness.

Little did Moses know that he was standing before our heavenly
Father’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His Son
Jesus Christ shed since Creation day thus to create the world and all
things, so man may live in it with his children by loving, serving,
and glorifying our heavenly Father’s holy name and His eternal
commandments. Then, there was Moses standing faithfully over the
mountaintop before our heavenly Father’s blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so Yeshua may begin to minister before our heavenly Father
for his sins and those of his brothers that were living in captivity
in Egypt for more than four-hundred and thirsty-years, and they needed
to be liberated as soon as possible.

Thus, over Mount Sinai’s summit our heavenly Father had to forgive
Moses’ sins and of his brothers in captivity, so He through the
glorious presence of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
could really begin to liberate the twelve thrives of Israel from the
Egyptian captivity, by telling the Pharaoh to let His people return
home to serve Him. Accordingly, our heavenly Father told the Pharaoh
to let His people go to love, serve and worship Him at where He had
personally chosen since before the creation of the world, so not only
Israel would love, serve and glorify Him but also His Son Jesus
Christ that would be come born from the Holy Spirit in the midst of
his brothers.

Surely, this is exactly the place where our heavenly Father served the
bread and wine to Abraham and his allies thus to make the Covenant of
Life that would not only give birth by the power of the Holy Spirit
from a dead-womb to Isaac but also to everyone else from everywhere
that would believe in Him through Melchizedek, Jesus Christ! Really,
this meant that Israel had to walk through the Red sea in dry ground
where no one has ever walked before, moreover stand baptized at Mount
Sinai’s foot to drink from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned
into living-water to take it to Canaan for His Son Jesus Christ to be
born from David’s virgin daughter to serve Him faithfully into

For this is the service that our heavenly Father needed from Israel
and from His blessed Son Jesus Christ at Mount Sinai’s foot and within
the Promised Land as our Lord Jesus Christ would be born from the Holy
Spirit through David’s virgin daughter, so a new pristine-life may
start for humankind to love, glorify, and serve our Father forever.
Therefore, Moses’ sins and those of his brothers living in captivity
within Egypt had to have them erased by the atoning-blood shed
initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the injured-
rock at Mount Sinai, so our heavenly Father could allow Yeshua
HaMoshiach to start fighting for Israel’s freedom, moreover: Have the
privilege to possess the Promised Land.

For our heavenly Father had a task ahead that He needed to fulfill
within Israel and also every nation, so the families of the entire
human race, beginning with Israel, could come to know, love, serve and
glorify the Holy Spirit of His name and that of His commandments, for
a new pristine-life to start for everyone from everywhere into
eternity. Surely, Satan had to be removed from the life of the Hebrews
by the power of the atoning-blood, because they have failed, including
their leaders, to be born from the Holy Spirit by believing within
their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation the
Covenant of Life’s terms that started Melchizedek with Abraham and his
son Isaac.

And this is that they have failed to become born from the Holy Spirit
that Isaac was born from including Abraham and that of his friends
that ate with him at Salem’s gate: the bread and wine from the Lord’s
Table as Melchizedek served them, so they may become born from the
Holy Spirit thereafter all their descendants to receive everlastingly-
salvation. Thus, Satan had captivated the Hebrews by the power of sin
that they had not only received as they were born from their mother’s
womb without obeying our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life that He
started earlier with Abraham and his allies at Salem’s gate but also
neglected to be Holy Spirit’s born as their brother Isaac so to escape
evil always.

Furthermore, this is the reason that our heavenly Father had to
descend from heaven with His Son Jesus Christ as His personal high
priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, so His Son may
intercede for them with his immolated sacred-body since Creation day
for sin to be removed, and then have the Hebrews liberated at last
from Egypt’s cruel slavery. However, our heavenly Father would
liberate the Hebrews from the Egyptian captivity provided that they
would finally realize their error through the years and become born
from the Holy Spirit, by fulfilling His Covenant Life’s terms with
Abraham not only to escape slavery from Egypt but also to live worthy
to deserve the Promised Land, and eventually enter heaven forever

Otherwise, our heavenly Father could not make them His legitimate
children born from the Holy Spirit furthermore fail to take them into
the Promised Land later to allow them to ascend into the Holy of
Holiest in heaven eternally saved as He allowed initially Moses to
ascend Mount Sinai’s summit to see His beyond belief glory, for forty-
days and forty-nights. Therefore, in any case, the Hebrews needed to
be born from the Holy Spirit in a moment’s prayer just as Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob, including many other besides Moses and Aaron that
they had believed within their hearts for justice to confess with
their lips for salvation that Jesus Christ is God’s Righteousness for
their ancestors, and for their descendants, too.

Likewise, without the amazing working powers of His Son Jesus Christ’s
atoning-blood burning powerfully over Mount Sinaí then the Hebrews
could have never been able to be liberated from sin and death that
kept them captivated, much less escape to the lifeless-desert to find
the way to Canaan where eventually a new pristine-life from heaven
would be born for everyone’s eternal salvation. Undeniably, this is
the coming of the King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because
he alone is not only our heavenly Father’s high priest and Chosen Lamb
with the atoning-blood to erase sin and create all things in heaven
and earth, but also it is our only undying divine-body filled with
eternal life for every man, woman and child into perpetuity.

That is to say, also that this atoning-blood from our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is very important for every one earth today for life to be
possible just as it is that important for our heavenly Father and His
Holy Spirit, including every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and
other holy creatures from heaven for eternal life to be possible
forever into eternity. Then, having said the above, if you reject our
Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day, then you
are not only rejecting him but also you are rejecting our heavenly
Father, His Holy Spirit and every angel in heaven, and this includes
also the lives of your loved ones, and that of your friends on earth
for many generations to come.

Since, it is only the atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus Christ that is
the beginning of all life in heaven but also it is the beginning of
all life on earth and for many generations to come well into all
eternity within The New Jerusalem from heaven above, so no one that
believes in him will ever live in darkness again. Consequently, it was
our heavenly Father calling Moses by the power of the Holy Spirit of
the Covenant of Life that started with His Son Jesus Christ as King of
Salem, Melchizedek, so he may ascend to the mountaintop to meet His
high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to have his sins
erased to spread a new pristine-life right away.

For this is the holy-life that descended with our Lord Jesus Christ
filled with the Holy Spirit’s new birth for everyone that,
prophetically, could not stay within Egypt but, instead get underway
through the open Red sea with walls of water everywhere for everyone’s
baptism thus to stand clean-and-ready to receive the Holy Spirit of
the commandments at Mount Sinai’s foot. For this is the only divine-
life that exists in heaven above that has always loved, served and
glorified our Father through the ages, and that Adam and Eve were
supposed to have eaten from the fruit from the tree of life that is
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach in the epicenter of paradise but, instead
they erroneously ate from the forbidden fruit.

Unfortunately, as they both ate from the forbidden fruit from the tree
of knowledge of good and evil, then they became born from the spirit
of error always to err and stand against our heavenly Father and His
fruit of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s new pristine-life though
the Holy Spirit’s fresh birth, in a moment of faith and prayer.
Therefore, Moses had received from our Lord Jesus Christ over the
mountaintop the glorious new pristine-life that everyone within Israel
had always dreamed of, but, they were unable to attain it because they
had either rejected or neglected to fulfill the terms of the Covenant
of Life that began with Abraham and his son Isaac, born miraculously
from the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, because they all had forgotten or neglected our heavenly
Father’s terms of the Covenant of Life that started with Abraham as
his son Isaac that was born from the Holy Spirit, because his wife
Sarah was unable to give him a child naturally, then the Israelites
became chained and shackled to sin, darkness, and slavery forever
within Egypt’s Goshen land. And this is the darkness that they all
have experienced within their mother’s womb initially, because they
have failed or neglected to be born from our heavenly Father’s
Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his allies at the
Lord’s Table as they ate the bread and wine, to become tied to a
Covenant that will never expire into eternity.

That is to say, also that as every Hebrew child was born from his
mother’s womb, then that child had later to become born from the power
of the Holy Spirit just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had become born
from the Holy Spirit as they acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord
and savior on earth to return to heaven immediately. For this is the
Covenant of Life that the Hebrews were to follow and fulfill all the
days of their lives, and this is to become born from the Holy Spirit
as God’s perfect and righteous child, moreover secure their lives on
earth as they live their days eternally blessed until they finally
would ascend to our heavenly Father’s eternal life.

But, unfortunately, they failed to do these very important steps of
faith that not only fulfilled our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life
with Abraham and his friends but also pleased His blessed name that
would protect them on earth from all evil, by the amazing powers of
the Holy Spirit that to this day descends faithfully from heaven above
(Gn 1:2). Nevertheless, now the Hebrews could be liberated from this
terrible bondage within Egypt that they had fallen into due to
misunderstanding of our heavenly Father’s terms of love, peace and
prosperity within His Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and
his allies as they ate from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine, for a
new pristine-life to manifest soon.

Certainly, this deliverance came over Mount Sinai that is near the
land of Goshen within Egypt where Jacob’s children started their life
as our heavenly Father commanded them through Joseph to live there
next to Him and His nonstop supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s
atoning-blood shed since Creation day, so they may someday become
liberated from evil to inherit a new land. (Meaning that our heavenly
Father was the one commanding the Hebrews to enter Egypt, because
their brother Joseph was already living there, so they may someday
become liberated from the power of darkness that were afflicting them
for so long thus to start a new fresh life somewhere else chosen by
Him to manifest eventually His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s holy-life.)

Unquestionably, that is why that the Hebrews were growing
conspicuously as the sand of the seashores or the starts from the
Universe, because our Lord Jesus Christ was the tree of life that was
giving to each of them life, health, moreover the much needed strength
to grow just as promised by our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life to
Abraham. Therefore, it was Moses born from the Holy Spirit that became
the leader with the divine-life that the Hebrews needed to escape
Egypt, and this is the great escape from sin for failing to follow
every step of the way our heavenly Father’s Covenant of Life that gave
life to Isaac initially through the Holy Spirit, but also, to everyone
else everywhere.

That is to say, also that everyone within Israel (and the nations
around the world, because our heavenly Father made the Covenant of
Life with the allies that ate the bread and drank the wine from
Melchizedek’s hands as God’s Righteousness for salvation thus to
become born from the Holy Spirit lastly to ascend into heaven forever
saved immediately). For it was our heavenly Father’s will to spread
this wonderful salvation to be born directly through the Holy Spirit
by just believing within your heart for justice to confess with your
lips for salvation our Lord Jesus Christ as our high priest and Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood, so sins could be erased forever from the
books in heaven above.

For there is no other way possible for sin to be removed from the life
of any one from all the nations, beginning with Adam and Eve from
paradise, but only through the wonder working power of our Lord Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day through the Holy Spirit
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-
rock. Therefore, it was the Holy Spirit that called Moses to ascend to
the mountaintop to meet our Lord Jesus Christ face-to-face thus to
receive the proper rituals from his continuous celestial-sacrifice
from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven for his sins to be erased
forever from the books in heaven, so he may liberate eventually his
brothers from Egypt’s bondage.

And this is the same call that our heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit has
been making around the clock since that day to the heart of every one
throughout the earth, beginning with the Hebrews, because He wants to
have each of them back in heaven filled with eternal life, so they may
finally return to His celestial family forever saved into eternity.
Additionally, our heavenly Father needs everyone to be born from the
Covenant of Life’s terms that started with Abraham and his allies that
is the Holy Spirit birth that can be seen trough Isaac his son born
from Sarah’s barren-womb, because this is the only divine-life that
comes directly from His Son Jesus Christ that will ascend into heaven
forever saved.

In other words, our heavenly Father will never allow any one to ascend
to Mount Sinaí’s summit to meet His Son Jesus Christ face-to-face as
Moses did in his days much less allow them to enter into heaven unless
they are born from the power of the Holy Spirit, by fulfilling His
Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his friends. For in
those days, many from the twelve tribes of Israel wanted to ascend to
the mountaintop with Moses and Aaron to see the Lord burning in the
midst of the sacrificial fire where his atoning-blood had been shed
since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest, but none of them were
allowed up the mountaintop by our heavenly Father.

In fact, our heavenly Father said to Moses if anyone from all the
Hebrews tries to come up to the mountaintop to see the Lord Jesus
Christ, including the animals, then I will descend to strike them
dead, because they are violating the Covenant of Life that started
with Abraham and his friends at Salem’s gate for salvation. And our
heavenly Father never wanted to strike anyone dead, including the
animals, because anyone that is killed by Him because of disobedience
moreover for breaking the Covenant of Life’s terms that started with
Abraham, then that one will descend cursed into hell’s torment, so He
gave all the warnings possible for everyone to obey and stay away from
His holy wrath.

These days, our heavenly Father continuous to call every man, woman
and child within Israel and the nations as well, to become born again
from the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and eternal commandments
glorified within Israel by our Lord Jesus Christ as His high priest
and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin from heaven’s book
forever. For this is the only way possible for everyone on earth to
become born again from the Holy Spirit by the power of grace, love,
and eternal happiness thus to leave behind and forever buried under
the earth the spirit of error that will definitely descend in the last
day into hell’s torment never to rise into paradise forever into

Now, if there had been another way for every one from Israel and the
nations, as well, to become saved from the power of sin, death and
hell’s torment, then our heavenly Father would have shown us this way
already, but, there is no (other) way possible, other than our Lord
Jesus Christ’s grace to escape towards heaven forever saved into
eternity. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ was born from the
Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter, so he may bring into the
world eternal life dressed in the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and
atoning-blood thus not only to save every man, woman and child on
earth but also secure them the divine-body to live it in heaven
sinless before our heavenly Father.

Meaning also that just as we received our bodies from Adam and Eve to
live our secular imperfect-life today, then with our Lord Jesus Christ
living within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for
salvation his anointed name, miraculously we are Holy Spirit born to
receive his sinless divine-body as ours ascending into heaven as
superhuman saved into eternity. For this is our heavenly Father’s will
that everyone believes within his heart His Son Jesus Christ’s name,
so he may become born from the Holy Spirit thus to receive perfect
righteousness within his body that will always attract blessings of
miracles and great wonders within his daily life and that of his loved
ones, including his friends from everywhere, too.

Moreover, our heavenly Father does these great things currently with
those that believe within their hearts for justice to confess with
their lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, because this is what
makes His holy-heart joyful as He hears on earth His Son’s name
through the mouth of those that welcome his perfect righteousness to
become His legitimate children forever. Certainly, this is a glorious
life to walk in any moment today as you believe within your heart to
confess with your lips the Holy Spirit’s rebirth that has waited for
you to accept it through prayer and faith, since even before the
creation of the world, because this is the only divine-life that you
can have to enter heaven everlastingly saved.

For this is the holy life that has defeated not only sin, curses,
sicknesses, diseases, and even death in hell’s torment but also it has
ascended into heaven completely liberated from Satan’s lies thus to
enjoy the glorious presence of our heavenly Father forever into
eternity, so you can eventually be your real you today that have
nothing to do with darkness. Certainly, this is the glorious life that
Moses experienced over the mountaintop as he met our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach face-to-face at the supreme celestial-sacrifice holy fire
that has always burned since ever to impact his life (as it has never
been impacted by anything before) thus to start to love, serve and
glorify our Lord Jesus Christ before his people everlastingly.

Because, every one that have ever been forgiven from sin, moreover
have been healed from sickness and diseases, and even risen from the
dead as well, then that one had had to come through clean by
acknowledging instantly as an act of faith that Jesus Christ is God’s
Son, high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that saves
from evil. This means also that for Abraham to become perfect and holy
before our heavenly Father, as well, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron,
Joshua and zillions more, from all the families of the nations, then
they had to confess Jesus Christ as their only Lord and savior of
their living souls, so they may escape hell’s torment to ascend into
heaven forever blessed.

At Sinai, as Moses became Holy Spirit’s born as our Lord Jesus Christ
confessed that he had personally sworn to his fathers: Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob that he will never abandon them and their children for
generations to come, because he is also their perfect Righteousness
for salvation that takes them into heaven forever saved, then the
world started a new era. And our Lord Jesus Christ declared these
words to Moses because he personally had sworn to their forefathers
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that he will be their God, that is to say,
also that he will be their Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that will minister
before our heavenly Father’s altar for the forgiveness of their sins,
furthermore secure salvation forever for everyone.

Therefore, because of this bow that our Lord Jesus Christ proclaimed
publicly to the Hebrew’s patriarchs then he not only had to remain
faithful over Mount Sinai’s summit for four-hundred years as their
high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to liberate them
from the power of their enemies, but also he had to feed them living-
water and manna (bread) from heaven. Meaning also that the things that
our Lord Jesus Christ had to do for the ancient Hebrews to liberate
them from the Egyptian captivity then he will do the same (and much
more), because these days we have a better Covenant of Life, since his
atoning-blood was shed publicly for the salvation of our living-souls
before our heavenly Father.

This is the wonderful pristine-life from heaven above that has always
searched for you since ever to become part of our heavenly Father’s
image to live according to His likeness enduringly within you starting
now, so you may enjoy our Father’s personal love, goodness, and great
trust that He feels for His Son Jesus Christ, and for His amazing Holy
Spirit. This is the holy life that your heart, soul, mind, body and
human spirit is compatible on earth, in heaven and within The New
Jerusalem from heaven above where everything is glory for the man,
woman and child that has believed within his heart to confess with his
lips Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior forever into all

Definitely, this is a glorious pristine-life that Moses would love to
grant you to cherish it within your heart just as Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob did in their days before our heavenly Father, moreover our Lord
Jesus Christ gladly conducted the Holy Spirit rituals to erase their
sins for their names to be written in the book of life forever.
Inasmuch as, every time anyone throughout the nations acknowledges our
Lord Jesus Christ within his heart to fulfill justice and happiness in
heaven, moreover confesses his name for salvation on earth, then our
Father gladly receives Jesus Christ as his high priest and Chosen Lamb
with the atoning-blood to erase sin thus to write his name in the book
of life gladly.

Unquestionably, it was these Holy Spirit’s rituals that our Lord Jesus
Christ conducted high above Mount Sinai for Moses to have his sins
forgiven by our heavenly Father, moreover have his brothers captivated
within Egypt to have their sins forgiven, too, that our Father could
really allow after four-hundred and thirty-years to liberate them to
conquer victoriously the motherland, Canaan! And without these
Covenant of Life Holy Spirit’s rituals conducted by our Lord Jesus
Christ over Mount Sinai before our Father in heaven thus to please
truth and justice for everyone, then He could have never allowed His
Son to fight against Pharaoh to liberate the Hebrews from captivity
for a new life to start immediately as Isaac’s life did miraculously.

Apparently, this is something that Moses understood within his heart
even though he just spoke to him for few moments, yet, what made the
difference for Moses to serve our heavenly Father instantly through
the glorious sacrificed life of His Son Jesus Christ, it was because
he became Holy Spirit born as Jesus Christ confessed to be God’s
Righteousness to his ancestors. Presently, our Lord Jesus Christ is
confessing around the clock within the Holy of Holiest in heaven that
he not only is our heavenly Father’s personal high priest and Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood before every man, woman and child on earth
but also he alone is Israel’s only perfect Righteousness necessary
these days to ascend into heaven forever saved.

Meaning also that our Lord Jesus Christ continues to confess within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and before our heavenly Father and his
faithful angels that he is forever into eternity God’s Righteousness
to Abraham, God’s Righteousness to Isaac, and God’s Righteousness to
Jacob, so people from the nations may come to His righteous salvation
only found in him right now. Without doubt, our Lord Jesus Christ
continuous to be these days just as in yesteryear that he alone is our
heavenly Father’s way, truth and life for any one to come to Him born
by the Holy Spirit, so he will cease to be claimed by Satan as his
own, for now he has returned to his home-sweet-home in Jesus Christ

Therefore, it is our heavenly Father’s will that His Son Jesus Christ
should be your only way, truth and life to return to Him in heaven,
moreover start to live these days the glorious pristine-life that
defeated your sins, death and hell’s torment on the cross in Israel,
so you will never die but, instead live everlastingly saved into all
eternity. This is a glorious pristine-life that yearns before our
heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit, so you may awake from your
deep sleep in darkness to its light within your eyes, heart, soul,
mind, body and human spirit to become Holy Spirit’s born into the
eternal birth that will never die, because this clean-life does not
have a beginning or an end.

Within this glorious powerful-life that Moses found over Mount Sinai’s
summit for Israel and the nations to receive it, too, our heavenly
Father will certainly embrace you with the same love that He has
always felt for His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, but also
many patriarchs will embrace you as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, just to
mention few for now. You will be loved by our heavenly Father and his
people besides the angels from heaven above as you have never been
loved by anyone here on earth before, because now you are Holy
Spirit’s born entering into a pristine-life where love is felt to the
full within ones’ heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit forever
into eternity.

Truly, this is the holy life that our heavenly Father spoke about to
Abraham as He said to him: walk before me in perfect holiness because
I am perfect and holy for all eternity to come, and the only way that
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as zillions more could be everlastingly holy,
then it will be by the same power of the atoning-blood. And this is
the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ is important in our lives
nowadays not only to escape from Satan’s lies, sin, curses, and hell’s
torment but also to become as perfect and as holy as our heavenly
Father is in heaven, so we can feel perfect and holy as our ancestors
did—worthy to ascend into heaven instantly!

Today, as you acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord
and savior from our Father to be your daily high priest and Chosen
Lamb just as he was initially for Israel over Mount Sinai thus to
attain perfect holiness for forgiveness, then He will live near (and
within) you with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit’s amazing
fullness. Really, our Lord Jesus Christ is your only eternal happiness
on earth, in heaven, and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above
ready to enjoy beyond measure from now on well into all eternity to
come. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of
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