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Feb 9, 2018, 3:49:11 AM2/9/18
to Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Not sure if this is the same, Some of my experiences are similar.

Started when I was young. With nightmares, which I used to suffer from regularly, from about the age of 4-7. The only way I can describe the dreams is time slowing down, I was aware that this was happening and as I experienced the time coming close to a halt, I would wake up screaming, sometimes not, as I do suffer from sleep paralysis, so sometimes I’d wake up frozen. I can remember the dreams so vividly because I used to experience it awake too. But rather than viewing time slowing I was made aware from sound? Again, I’d be made aware that time was getting slower and would need to jolt to even if I was walking to restart time so to speak. And I was fully awake unlike some of the people on here. Although the nightmares have gone, I do still only very often, have the symptoms while awake still. I’m 36.

The other symptom I have is when I lay down, this still happens, very regularly. When I lay with my eyes close, I am aware that I feel small, the room seems to get very big, my eyes are close still, but I’m very aware of how small I am. On occasion it might just be my hands that feel small, but it’s usually all of me.

I don’t suffer that often with migraines, maybe one a year, so that differs from people too.

Also, my brother used to have dreams/feelings about the room closing in on him, so I’m wondering if this is genetic.

Not really spoken to other family members, in the fear that this really isn’t normal.

I’d appreciate any feedback



Jor Barrie

Feb 9, 2018, 4:17:00 AM2/9/18

Hi Ann!

Sounds very much like AIWS to me, with all the altered perceptions! I've experienced many of the things you describe.
I seem to be the only one in the family who's had AIWS, and I've never had migraines, but I did have the nightmares, although it seemed to me as if I was awake while they happened, more like I was visited by some kind of poltergeist; very creepy!
I hardly ever experience anything now; just the occasional feeling of an approaching episode which then just goes away without anything happening.

By the way, 'normal' is just what the majority of people experience, so there are millions of people who are not 'normal'! I wouldn't worry about that!

Good luck with finding out more!


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Julia McClenon

Feb 9, 2018, 2:51:07 PM2/9/18
Hi Ann,

Sounds very much like AiWS to me -- particularly the room size feeling. 
I'd love to hear more about the time distortions, this is super fascinating to me, I'm really interested in altered perceptions of time. Please share more if you feel like it.
You are welcome here, and very much not alone. 
What's normal anyways?


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Rik Hemsley

Feb 9, 2018, 3:55:52 PM2/9/18
Just chipping in because I found the time distortion I experienced as interesting and thought I’d share.

For weeks, I thought that my CD player was faulty as it kept playing fast. It wasn’t, though. It was playing at normal speed. I was just having AIWS symptoms almost continuously at this point in time (this was back in 1996).

The reason I know it was playing at normal speed is that I mentioned it being faulty to friends and they all said it sounded like it was playing at normal speed. I noticed they seemed like they were talking fast - and that I felt like I couldn’t quite catch up with what was happening visually. If I turned my head, I felt the feeling you get when trying on someone else’s glasses, where your eyes take time to adjust.

On Fri, 9 Feb 2018 at 19:51, Julia McClenon <> wrote:
Hi Ann,

Sounds very much like AiWS to me -- particularly the room size feeling. 
I'd love to hear more about the time distortions, this is super fascinating to me, I'm really interested in altered perceptions of time. Please share more if you feel like it.
You are welcome here, and very much not alone. 
What's normal anyways?

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 12:49 AM, <> wrote:

Not sure if this is the same, Some of my experiences are similar.

Started when I was young. With nightmares, which I used to suffer from regularly, from about the age of 4-7. The only way I can describe the dreams is time slowing down, I was aware that this was happening and as I experienced the time coming close to a halt, I would wake up screaming, sometimes not,  as I do suffer from sleep paralysis, so sometimes I’d wake up frozen. I can remember the dreams so vividly because I used to experience it awake too. But rather than viewing time slowing I was made aware from sound? Again, I’d be made aware that time was getting slower and would need to jolt to even if I was walking to restart time so to speak.  And I was fully awake unlike some of the people on here. Although the nightmares have gone, I do still only very often, have the symptoms while awake still. I’m 36.

The other symptom I have is when I lay down, this still happens, very regularly. When I lay with my eyes close, I am aware that I feel small, the room seems to get very big, my eyes are close still, but I’m very aware of how small I am. On occasion it might just be my hands that feel small, but it’s usually all of me.

I don’t suffer that often with migraines, maybe one a year, so that differs from people too.

Also, my brother used to have dreams/feelings about the room closing in on him, so I’m wondering if this is genetic.

Not really spoken to other family members, in the fear that this really isn’t normal.

I’d appreciate any feedback



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