Dear Parents and Guardians:
First, I am sorry for filling your e-mail box. There was one more piece of news that I thought I would share to you and failed to mention in the previous message.
Test 2-2 is material growing from Test 2-1. As an incentive for your child, starting today and until test day, I will replace their first test grade with their second test grade. Here is how it works:
- They must complete ALL of their assignments on time. I am asking for a legitimate attempt of the assignment. Late work or not turning in any assignments will disqualify this incentive.
- They must complete ALL quiz corrections. They must rewrite the question they missed, show all work, box answer, write one complete sentence as to why they missed it and one sentence as to what they can do not get it wrong for the test. They are always due on the day of the test.
If they complete both of these bullets, I will replace their first test grade with the second. If the second test grade is lowered than the first test grade, I will not replace it. Regardless, I will NOT replace their second test grade with the first test grade. This incentive can only help your child with their learning and grade. For example: if your child makes a 80 on the first test and scores a 90 on the second test, I will replace the 80 with a 90 (assuming they complete all necessary assignments). This will only take effect for the 2nd six weeks.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks again,
Jim Dang