Australian Queer Archives at Victorian Pride Centre

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Australian Queer Archives

Jul 10, 2021, 6:31:41 AM7/10/21
to Announcements List

Dear AQuA supporters

After what seems like forever we are very close to opening up our new space at the Victorian Pride Centre. The official opening of the Pride Centre will happen tomorrow (Sunday) and be live streamed (check their Facebook page and also details below).

We are planning to reopen for appointments only from 19th July (days and times to be confirmed) and eventually drop in times as well. Thanks to all of you and others who have directly contributed to assisting us in fitting out the space. (sneak peak photo attached)

In other news we have recently engaged Claudine Chionh as our Office Coordinator and are very excited to have her part of our team. The part-time position is supported by all of you who contribute to our organisation. 

Warm regards

Angela Bailey


Australian Queer Archives Inc
(formerly Australian Lesbian & Gay Archives)

a: PO Box 124, Parkville, VIC 3052

Incorporated Association A0000240Z
ABN 92 450 443 760
Viewing the official opening of the Victorian Pride Centre
There are three ways our community in Melbourne, around Australia and aboard can attend/view the long awaited live stream - log in from 10.45am!
👉 Online - Victorian Pride Centre website
👉 On the Victorian Pride Centre Facebook page
👉 At one of these gorgeous St Kilda venues
Please note the event is scheduled from 10.45am till approximately 12.15pm
Australian Queer Archives at Victorian Pride Centre
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