The Half a Year Mark of my Stupid People Facts List

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Chris Tsao

Jan 5, 2011, 7:42:20 AM1/5/11
to AlexBennettProgram

I've added more and polished it up some more. I got the idea to make a
list of what it's like dealing with stupid people since once Alex said
something about how he doesn't make stupid people his friends.

If you tell a stupid person a major decision you've made, then you get
their opinions. Usually, their opinions are about why your idea is a
VERY bad one. There are numerous reasons for this. One of the reasons
is because stupid people can't recognize a good idea even when it
bites them in the ass. Another reason is because stupid people think
that what's right for them is what is right for everyone else, and so
if you tell a stupid person about an occupation that you want to make
a career out of or about how you plan on getting a date or that you
want to take up a certain hobby or something else that's serious that
you want to do or that you did already, it had better be something
that the stupid person would want to do or is interested in, because
if it's not, the fucker will explain to you how and why your idea
sucks big time. Sometimes they will explain that the plan you thought
up won't even get off the ground or that it can, but there will be big
consequences for you to suffer. They will also give you bum advice
which would prevent you from achieving your goal or that would waste
your time, and they will bombard you with useless information they
think is of monumental importance and they will tell you untrue things
that they deem are facts. Also, stupid people think that everything is
about them and so if you let someone stupid know that you are going to
do something that takes know-how and that the stupid person hasn't had
a reason to learn about or that he doesn't have the brains for,
there's a chance that he will think that you won't be skilled enough
to make it work--and if he does, he'll see to it that you know this.
For instance, telling a stupid person who's a biologist your ideas for
an insurance agency can result in him disagreeing with you about how
you will not be filing for bankruptcy shortly after you open it. That
is, since he didn't make the insurance business his line of work, you
couldn't have learned enough from working as an insurance salesman to
go into business for yourself. Nor would you know whether the landlord
is asking too high of a price for the office space you have in mind.
Even if you would, then you aren't equipped to negotiate a good a
lease. (Stupid people think that it takes a big intellect to do things
that are pretty damn easy.)

Stupid people don't ever rule out their assumptions on their own.

Stupid people think that everyone in the world is exactly like them.

When a stupid person gets an idea in his head, he doesn't know that
it's a _hunch_ and not a _fact_. Stupid people get ideas in their
heads all the time.

Every stupid person thinks that it's _a cinch_ getting anyone to think
any particular thing the stupid person makes up, no matter how
preposterous the notion.

Stupid people think that no sooner said than done they can talk you
into stopping doing something that is in your best interest to do and
that you live for and that you do all of the time and have for years
on end.

Stupid people think that it's as easy as one, two, three to talk
whomsoever they want into going out and doing whatever the stupid
people want them to do.

Stupid people think in assumptions. I.e., an assumption of theirs can
snowball into one giant multi-detailed assumption or it can branch out
into various brand-spanking-new assumptions that are way off base from
the thing that made them start assuming.

The people who've made the most shit-for-brains assumptions are people
who assume incessantly.

Stupid people think that everyone does major things for one reason and
one reason only.

Stupid people think that everything has to do with them and that they
are the center of the universe and that the world works however they
want it to.

Stupid people think that they are owed in life by everybody.

The more retarded of an assumption, opinion or delusion the stupid
person has, the more likely it is that no one will be able to teach
them that it's incorrect.

If a stupid person fails to realize something that's as obvious as a
circus parade about himself or about other people, then 90-something
percent of the time, no one can teach him that it's even the slightest
bit true or capable of being perceived by others. In order to make him
know, it takes a long time and you'll have to keep repeating yourself
and you usually have to do it on another occasion or two or three or
ten. After he finally does learn, a really short while later, you'll
very likely have to start all over again.

What it's like associating with a stupid person is having him explain
to you his assumptions about what you did in the past, what you care
about dearly, what you would do in a given situation, why you think
things and what your current plans are.

Associating with stupid people entails arguing with them about what
you did or didn't do and why you did it or didn't do it and umpteen
others things that only YOU could know about.

Sometimes it is possible to teach a stupid person that a preposterous
assumption of theirs isn't true--but--only for a fraction of a second
or for one-point something seconds. This is because the stupid person
doesn't want to hear it (for various reasons) and so they delude
themselves that what you tell them is untrue and they are capable of
deluding themselves in a flash that you're wrong because they are not
in touch with their thoughts and so they are totally unaware they're
even doing it. And they have piss poor memories and so they forget
that they ever thought otherwise. Also, what they do is they think
they are magically wishing what you tell them into untruths. Other
reasons they can't get old ideas out of their heads is because their
minds are narrow, so the old ideas are lodged in their skulls. They
don't have the wisdom to know that they might learn things if they
open their minds. Plus they can't open their minds to what people tell
them because they know that if they do, then they wouldn't know where
to go from there. Their minds are narrow and so they can't put the old
idea aside and let the new idea come in. There's no room for the other
idea to come in because the old idea is taking up all of the space.
They don't know what to do when two competing ideas are in their
heads. Also, stupid people are closed-minded. I.e., there's no opening
in their skulls. But once in a great while there is an opening for a
second or so--though it's narrower than the new idea, hence it might
as well not have ever materialized. Stupid people have over-sized egos
because they're buffoons and so they don't want to conclude that they
were wrong due to how they're not as smart as they need to be. They
don't like losing arguments and they like winning and being right and
they think that what they want is what has to be. They are control
freaks because they are buffoons and so they can't stand feeling at a
loss of control by being schooled and by realizing they were wrong and
that they lost the argument. If you start presenting a strong case to
airheads you're arguing with, then sometimes they will tune you out
with the logic that if they don't hear what you say, you will not be
saying anything valid. That's also why they interrupt you to drown you
out. Another reason they interrupt is to cut you off so that if you
can't speak, then whatever the things are that you would have said
will magically be all lame. It's also to change the subject. Usually,
the stupid person doesn't have to bother with too much of the above
because they don't believe you.

People who are stupid think that they can magically turn back the
clock so that they can magically recreate what your personal opinions
are and to magically fix it so that you weren't physically at a
certain location and to magically wish it so that you are NOT where
you are right now and to magically transport you to where they want
you to be and magically change it so that you didn't do something that
you previously did and magically change it so that you did things that
never even crossed your mind and that would be out of character for
you to do and that you would rather eat a urinal cake than do. A
shithead sometimes even thinks he can change what your sexual
preference always has been, what your race is, and all the other
things about you which just happen to suit his fancy.

The ultra stupid think that they know better than you about what your
personal opinions are. I.e., they think you are wrong about what you
know your own core beliefs and viewpoints to be, why you did things,
what you like, what bores you, what would repulse you, what you don't
care at all about etc.

Stupid people don't really assume anything that isn't something narrow-

Just under a hundred percent of all stupid people's assumptions have
to do with other people.

Stupid people believe stereotypes, clichés and commonly held beliefs.
For example, only a scoundrel can get rich. Everyone who has a low-
level job is stupid. No one can be successful without going to
college. All women will only go on dates with tall men. "What happens
in Vegas stays in Vegas." "Nice guys finish last."

If a stupid person is a parent, well then they think that everyone in
the world is as interested in their kid(s) as they are. Especially if
they only have one kid.

Stupid people think that if you make a tiny mistake that this has to
mean that you won't ever be able to do it correctly because you're
stupid. Also, the concept of you doing it just fine the next time is
gray and stupid people don't see gray. Some of them can't even learn
that you have done it without any problem(s) after they've watched you
do it many times over and after seeing tons of evidence of it and
after you've pointed all this out to them and after a number of other
people in addition did too.

Stupid people don't understand that other people make mistakes and
that they don't do things terrifically because they weren't trying
their hardest or because there were extenuating circumstances and that
it's got nothing to do with a lack of brains. Even if the thing in
question is something that--without exaggerating--a one-year-old can

Stupid people think that tiny mistakes are humongous. Plus they think
you are screwing up when you aren't doing anything wrong in the least.

The stupidest people I've known (not counting the mildly retarded on
down) not only haven't noticed that their intellects aren't quite up
to snuff, they think that they're way above average in intelligence.

Stupid people take everything for its face value. For example, if your
fly is open, you aren't smart enough to have learned that you're
supposed to zip up your fly.

Stupid people hear things that you tell them in their very own special

Stupid people have their own made-up wisdom.

Stupid people think that your personal business is theirs and various
other people's too.

Stupid people think that everything is either a _hundred percent_ or
_zero percent_. Everything is either _hot_ or _cold_. Things can only
be _A-Okay_ or _god awful_. Not _pretty good_, just _so-so_ or _barely
tolerable_. Everyone is either a big shot or a two-bit loser. Someone
is either real smart or real stupid. Every answer is yes or no. Not
_maybe_ or _probably_. There's no such thing as 80%, 77%, 4%, 15%,
29%. And a stupid person doesn't know that sometimes there's no
possible way to know what the chance of someone doing something is. In
other words, stupid people think that everything is extreme.

Stupid people think that it's possible for adult people who aren't
retarded to be waaaaaay stupider and way way way way (and so on) more
inept than retards and literally as wet behind the ears as a two-year-

The stupid will bore you fuckless.

When people tell a stupid person every one of the reasons why he's
wrong for making an assumption about them, he's incapable of
discerning the information he just heard sounds right and that these
people are wording their sentences in such a way that there's no way
that they're lying to him about how they didn't do what he accused
them of. Nor can a stupid person discern from the things people say
and from their demeanor that they aren't at all behaving like they
would be if they really were in the course of doing whatever the
stupid person is assuming they're doing. There are three reasons for
all this. (1) Stupid people don't know facial expressions, tones and
body languages very well and so they are unable to see that someone's
not acting. (2) They don't have the people smarts to deduce what
sounds like something someone says that isn't an instance of the
person making something up.* (3) When your typical dumbass fuckwit
idiot assumes, the nonsense he's assuming is the main idea in his
head. Shades of gray are the person's demeanors, voices and words whom
the ass clown is assuming shit about or of a third party explaining
that the assumption is straight-up stupid and why.** I.e., it's
besides the point that there's no way the person could be such a
polished actor that he can pull off seeming so natural.

Dumbshits's memories suck puke and so oftentimes you cannot talk to
them about past conversations that you've had with them or about
things that you've done with them etc. It's not just that if you think
you're reminiscing with them that they don't know what the hell you're
talking about, they might bring up something significant for
discussion that you've recently spoken to them about with the belief
it's a whole new topic. Sometimes what they bring up is an assumption
or an uninformed opinion of theirs which you had previously taught
them was incorrect or where you failed to, yet they are thinking
you're having the conversation for the very first time.

Stupid people think that people who are relative strangers to them
whom they unrelentingly mess with in hatred and with malice
forethought care about them dearly, and so too do people who are total
strangers to them and to such an extent that they actually are glad to
put the stupid people before them.

Stupid people don't know the difference between right and wrong.

If you win an argument or even one single little point of an argument
with someone of an inferior intellect, she will right away make up any
ol' excuse to lecture, second-guess and chastise you for something
irrelevant. This is so the shithead doesn't have to ponder that she
isn't too bright and to delude herself and you into thinking that
she's a braniac and won the argument, to control-freak the situation,
and because stupid people very easily get insecure and then go into
_defense mode_, therefore they operate under the theory that the best
defense is a straight-forward attack. Stupid people even go on the
defense if you prove to them that you didn't do something that they
accused you of that mostly everyone else would likewise think that you
did (i.e., if shitheads make an assumption that isn't stupid, they
still feel stupid for having been wrong and they will artificially
manufacture something new to lecture, second guess or chastise you
for. They're not smart enough to know what they don't need to be
insecure about.) Also, mention to a stupid person something that
embarrasses her or make her feel stupid by criticizing her--she'll
immediately go on the attack by trying to trick you into thinking
something negative about yourself that a baby wouldn't fall for. I.e.,
she will insult you instead of replying directly to what you addressed
or she'll undermine you. (I'll give an example of people doing each of
these things. I know someone who is friends with a homosexual shithead
who pretends to be straight. He posted a picture of himself with a
half-nude pre-op transsexual in a web site and tried to pass the
fellow off as a feminine female. A friend of his who saw the picture
and thus must have suspected that he's gay had e-mailed the shithead
to ask what's up with the picture. Hence, this shithead, in an e-mail
told him that he is sick; expecting him to promptly go deeming himself
'sick'. I had a low IQ friend, and once I complained to his girlfriend
that whenever we go to Sports Authority, he parks all the way in the
back of the parking lot when there are empty spaces in the front; just
out of the one in a couple thousand chance that he's avoiding someone
scratching or denting his car--and so I have to walk an extra distance
to get to the store, and on top of that, he parks in between two
spaces so no one is able to park next to him. I told her that I'm
going to mention this to him. She said something to the effect of,
"He'll turn it around and say, 'What you can't walk, what are you a
cripple?'" I tried it to see if she was right. As we were walking from
the back of the parking lot where no one but him parks his car, he
sarcastically said something like, "Oh yeah, the walk is so far, I
need a mineral water [because we just came from a warehouse where he
had bought boxes of mineral waters wholesale].") If she doesn't do one
of these things, then she'll lecture you and/or chastise you about a
different topic. Also, by winning an argument with a bimbette or by
pointing out to her some mistake that she made, she will get mad at
you for making her blame herself for being stupid or amoral. This is
because she's not smart enough to have the wisdom to know that she
brought it on herself and that you are not the one at fault, and
because stupid people don't have _emotional intelligence_ or _common
sense_. Another thing she will do to lash out at you for having proven
to her that you've won an argument with her and to also futilely try
to prevent you from knowing that you have and from knowing that you're
opinion is the correct one or merely for just pointing out things to
her that make her feel inadequate, is she is going to patronize you in
a sarcastic voice or in a sarcastic/belligerent/angry voice. That's
always a sign of frustration. She gets mad at herself as well as you.

People who are mildly retarded or borderline mildly retarded haven't
much of a thought-process, so they are more easy to deal with than
anyone whose IQ falls in approximately the mid to high end of the
“dull” category or a few points into the next highest IQ category.

Stupid people don't always know when you're giving them an example of
something in order to supply a piece of information as evidence or
when you're giving them an analogy in order to better illustrate a
concept. They might think you're changing the subject on them or they
might know what you're doing, but can't see the comparison. They also
aren't always smart enough to comprehend expressions. Use an
expression, then sometimes (a) you'll make them wonder what you mean
(like "conquer a woman" to mean have sex with a woman) and (b) they
will take you one hundred percent literally and seriously talk to you
about how your expression can't be so (like "So-And-So has more money
than God" "such and such is as big as all outdoors").

Stupid people don't know what their closest relatives and closest
friends whom they've known for many many years are like.

If you are in an argument with a very very stupid person, or if they
just want to upset you for some reason, they often make up extremely
narrow-minded lies (usually blanket statements) to tell you that they
know aren't true. The reason why even things that they say which they
know to be bogus are narrow-minded is because that's the only way that
they know how to think.

Stupid people don't know which particular things you tell them or what
things that they've noticed are important enough to remember and why
they are.

Stupid people operate under the theory that declaring something out
loud magically transforms it into a fact.

Stupid people are of the opinion that if they act like something is
true, that means it is or that it used to be.

A very common thing that stupid people do is misdiagnosing people as
"nutcases" or "weirdos" based on small things or absolutely nothing.

Stupid people don't stop to think about what's going on inside of
other people's heads.

Stupid people don't know that everyone can read them just like print.

Stupid people think that everyone else is stupid too.

Stupid people think that everybody who is a member of a different
group than them (such as a race, religion, country, gender, social
class, age range etc.) all share the same brain.

The dumbest of the dumb think that if someone merely but one time was
to do something pathetic or that isn't kosher, that means s/he's been
doing it regularly and won't ever stop.

A mental lightweight thinks that most people don't have a high enough
intellect to do particular things that practically no one--not even
dummies--are too stupid to do.

Those who don't have normal intelligence are of the opinion that you
aren't allowed to know correct information if the information is
something that they wish to be untrue. Convey to them that you know
some fact that perturbs them (especially if it's about them) and you
can expect them to lash out at you in a fury.

* My friend Jennifer's ex-fiancé is a dumb dude who was once offered
a two-day-a-week job driving a woman who had a broken leg to and from
a doctor's office. It turned out that she didn't need a driver and
when he found out that he didn't get the job, he complained to
Jennifer's sister Heather that the woman just pretended to offer him
the job strictly to mess with him. I had balled him out over the phone
for thinking this and I apprised him that Heather told the woman with
the broken leg what he had said and that she replied, "Poor Jennifer."
He responded to this info by again telling me that she didn't ever
intend to offer him the job and his logic why. He didn't have the
wisdom to know that "Poor Jennifer" is not a response someone would
have if they got found out. (Like she has nothing better to do than
sit around thinking up a way to screw over some absolute total
stranger she's never seen before!)

** If someone of low intelligence is to get the idea in his head that
you plan on physically harming him and doing an assortment of other
types of bad things to him, he won't have the ability to ascertain
from your demeanor during the times you've interacted with him and
from the things you tell him and from the favors you do for him that
you like him and that you've had years and years to do something to
him but never have, so therefore he must be jumping to conclusions.
But say for academic purposes that he somehow did. Your actions would
all be gray stuff to him. If you try to rationally break it down for
him why any assumption he has about you is unfounded and if your
facial expression is horrified, or if you're frantically telling him
off in an unfeigned matter-of-fact tone of voice, and this
coincidentally is one of the rare times that he has had the aptitude
to interpret an expression or tone during another argument he gets his
dumb ass into about the validity of one of his assumptions and if he's
ALSO able to tell that you don't appear like you're being mendacious,
the fact that ALL of your many different expressions and tones are
sincere is a gray issue to him. He wouldn't spend any amount of time
taking into account how you seem like you're meaning what you're
explaining to him. I.e., for about the _time period_ of a quarter of a
second, he'd start to notice you seem like you could be telling the
truth, however, he wouldn't consider this fact something noteworthy.
In other words his observation wouldn't sink in. It would be gone from
his brain anywhere between a split second to under two seconds. While
it was in there, he usually would not know his own mind well enough to
realize that he noticed you seem believable.


As a dog returns to its vomit, a fool repeats his folly. (the Bible)

Teaching a fool is like gluing together a potsherd. (the Bible)

Every fool delights in his cap. (Yiddish?)

The fool thinks that all are fools. (the Bible)

When water will stand up without earth, the sparrow fly without wings,
the raven turn white as snow, and bitter be sweet as honey, then may
the fool become wise. (Yiddish)

There's no fool like an old fool. (English)

A hundred wise men have the same opinion, but fools have every one of
their own. (India)

It is easier for a camel to jump over a pit than for the stupid to
grasp what you say. (Turkish)

If befriend donkey, expect to be kicked.--Charlie Chan

Who is born a fool is never cured. (Italian)

A fool at forty is a fool forever.

A fool at forty is a fool indeed. (English)

Chris Tsao

Jan 15, 2011, 10:36:12 AM1/15/11
to AlexBennettProgram
When you point out to really stupid people specifically why they have
conjured something stupid up in their heads, they're not
intellectually capable of recognizing that you've just explained their
thought-processes to them. This is because they have not a whit of

Stupid people think that if they are to become hip to any one single
little lone individual in the whole entire world who has done
something peculiar, then this means everyone does it.

Stupid people are violent because their brains are primitive.

Chris Tsao

Jan 16, 2011, 3:31:07 PM1/16/11
to AlexBennettProgram
What I mean by stupid people thinking that all they have to do is tell
you something and you'll automatically believe it no matter what it
is, aren't merely things like them trying to soup themselves up by
telling you that they live in a great big mansion of theirs when you
know that they know that you know that they are a factory worker, or
that they were kidnapped by aliens and how they escaped. I am moreover
referring to them telling you that you did not watch a specific movie
on television yesterday due to them not wanting you to know that you
did, and them explaining to a pretty girl who has gotten a ton of
dates before and whose had boyfriends since she was nine and who gets
hit on by men most everywhere she goes etc., that no man on the entire
face of the earth will ever date her and the very numerous reasons
why--thinking that this will all consequently be her brand-new
> ...
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Chris Tsao

Jan 18, 2011, 6:14:23 PM1/18/11
to AlexBennettProgram
Another reason stupid people think that most any major thing that
you're planning to do is something that you shouldn't do is because
the stupidest possible thing to think about an excellent idea is that
it's a shitty idea.

Chris Tsao

Jan 19, 2011, 11:27:34 AM1/19/11
to AlexBennettProgram
The most pathetic thing there is for them to think is that not only is
the idea a shitty one, but that it can't work.

Chris Tsao

Jan 19, 2011, 6:59:28 PM1/19/11
to AlexBennettProgram
> > Another reason stupid people think that most any major thing that
> > you're planning to do is something that you shouldn't do is because
> > the stupidest possible thing to think about an excellent idea is that
> > it's a shitty idea.

I've elaborated on this fact some more:

And your idea can't just not pan out to where the only downside to it
is that you'll merely be wasting your time and energy--you're going to
be creating all sorts of big problems to eventually cope with.
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