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Alembic 1.6.0 has been released!

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Lucas Miller

Jun 30, 2016, 11:53:12 AM6/30/16
Hello Alembic users,

Thanks to your generous feedback and code contributions we are happy
to announce the 1.6.0 release of Alembic.

The latest download can be gotten from here:

We've overhauled our build system, gotten rid of
in favor of going native CMake. We now better support Windows and also
now require at least version 2.8.11 of CMake.

For the latest build instructions please see:

Other changes include:

Moved several core utilities out of examples and into bin.

Make HDF5 an optional dependency.

Allow install directory prefix to be explicitly set.
(pull request 46)

Add CMake generated configure file, so that the version of the project
only needs to be set in one place, users know if Alembic was built
without HDF5 support, and whether it is using tr1, boost, or neither.
(C++11) as a dependency.

Add ability to create a Windows dll, and add symbol visibility flags
for other compilers. (pull request 14)

Improve Ogawa write speeds on Windows by adding a larger buffer.
(pull request 38)

Make the 3 int values on OSubD optional.
(faceVaryingInterpolateBoundary, faceVaryingPropagateCorners, and
interpolateBoundary issue 34)

Remove unnecessary scoped static initialization of some variables. (issue 27)

Arnold Procedural:
Add Ogawa support. (pull request 20)

Support exporting MFnFloatArray. (pull request 45)

Fix bug when Nurbs curves group are only animated via the transforms and speed
up the isAnimated check. (pull request 82)

Many AbcImport/AbcExport changes based on feedback and contributions from
Autodesk, and to bring the plugins more into line with what is in the devkit.
(pull request 51 and 62 through 79)

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