Electron Does not exist in the nucleus.

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Jun 26, 2007, 7:44:35 AM6/26/07
to Science and Sports
Let this be a proper evidence for my explanation that being active on
"Science and Sports" helps.

Everyone try to prove that electron cannot exist in the nucleus in
different methods. The Proof can be either or theoritical.

I am posting two Proof, one based on Schrodinger's Wave Equation and
one based on Heisenberg's uncertainity principle.

Looking Forward for your innovative proofs.

Tarun Ayitam
Science and Sports


Jun 26, 2007, 8:00:13 AM6/26/07
to Science and Sports
My Method(Using Schrodinger's Wave Equation)

Electron is not static, it keeps moving. So KE not equal to zero.

Total Energy - Potential Energy not equal to 0
E - U =! 0 (=! means not equal to)
multiplying both sides by 8*pi*m/(h^2)

We get,
8*pi*m*(E-U)/(h^2) =! 0
- dell square =! 0
-(do ^2 si/do x) + (do ^2 si/ do y) + (do ^2 si/ do z) =! 0
(do ^2 si/do x) + (do^2 si/do y) + (do ^2 si/do z) =! 0

hence x, y or z cannot be zero.
Hence the position of the electron cannot be (0,0,0) i.e. the nucleus.

Hence Electron cannot lie in the nucleus.


Jun 26, 2007, 8:01:25 AM6/26/07
to Science and Sports
Using Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle

If Electron exists inside the nucleus, position of the electron =
According to Heisenberg's Uncertainity principle.
dp * dx >= h/4pi
dx is equal to zero.
Then, this inequality doesnt hold good.
This is a contradiction to our assumption.
Hence our assumption is incorrect.

Hence electron doesnt exist in the nucleus.

This method's credit goes to my classmate in FIITJEE.

But i had a doubt in this method. dp is uncertainity in p and not p,
so dp.dx is not equal to zero. Hence, this method may not be correct.


Jun 27, 2007, 10:24:28 AM6/27/07
to Science and Sports
1)a very simple one: if there is an e- in the nucleus, the meson
diffuses, and a circuit is created, thus no nuke stability, expanding
nuke @ 10^13 m^3/sec, collides with e-.

2)same as jjthomson's failure, neutralisation of charges.

3)no explanation for sharing of e-, formations of gamma+and -, bond
theory is rejected then.

4)every particle starts repelleng other particle, since one portion of
the atom has either an e- or p+ at a side.

5)rutherfords alpha scattering exp....

6)zeemans stark effect.


science and sports
google groups

s sriseshan

Jun 30, 2007, 6:14:39 AM6/30/07
to albertron...@googlegroups.com
consequences contd...
7) no magnetism (electricity)
8) no thermal conduction
9) forget zeeman etc. min. energy reqd for observation of spectra will be very high
10) no periodic table
11) no evidence for temperature of earth's core, Sun, presence of such and such element in such and such a place...
and the list goes on...
( by  the way, all that CEO, cofounder and stuff... does it work?? is there anyone other than a few of us even checking whether the group exists or not??? )
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