Multiple thin servers - how to set it up and what are the benefits

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Miroslav Schlossberg

Dec 3, 2022, 11:52:19 AM12/3/22
Hi all,
I've noticed that the thin server process sometimes gets stuck and during that time IPZ website usually reports error 500 (gateway error). I'm currently handling that with the watchdog script that is checking the website on port 3000 and then if stuck, trigger alaveteli restart. But I have stumbled upon this information in changelog notes for version ( about setting up thin to run as multiple servers:

  • To switch to running multiple thin servers with nginx:

BTW I have checked system uptime and my load is less than 1 (0.12) on 2-CPU server, and there are no significant CPU or memory usage that would lock a thin server resource.

So in order to investigate if multiple thin servers would be helpful for IPZ issues, could you tell me what are general benefits of running multiple thin servers? Why would one start running multiple thin servers?

p.s. Link in the Changelog that should lead to "#thin" heading does not work:

Can you confirm if these are only changes that need to be done in order to start running multiple thin servers:

A) NGINX site config:

If you have configured thin to use more than one server, you will need to edit the Alaveteli upstream directive in your /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/alaveteli file so that it has a server line for each instance you are running (otherwise nginx will only know how to send requests to the first server process). Each address line needs to have a unique port number - start at 3000 and add 1 for each new process. For example if you started your cluster with 4 servers, the upstream directive should look like this:

upstream alaveteli {

B) and this SysVinit configuration:

Using Thin#

Thin is a lighter-weight application server which can be run independently of a web server. Thin will be installed in the application bundle and used to run Alaveteli by default.

Run the following to get the server running:

cd /var/www/alaveteli
bundle exec thin \
  --environment=production \
  --user=alaveteli \
  --group=alaveteli \
  --servers=1 \ <------- I assume this needs to be set to number different than "1"

By default the server listens on all interfaces. You can restrict it to the localhost interface by adding --address=

The server should have told you the URL to access in your browser to see the site in action.

You can daemonize the process by starting it with the --daemonize option.

Next we’ll actually create a SysVinit daemon to run the application, so stop any thin processes you’ve started here.

Is there anything else to do for multiple thin servers?


Miroslav Schlossberg
Code for Croatia

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Miroslav Schlossberg

Jan 17, 2023, 3:59:01 PM1/17/23
Any feedback on multiple thin servers would be appreciated.


Mattias Axell

Jan 25, 2023, 4:09:30 AM1/25/23
I'd love to hear how it goes. Would love to pool resources for Ansible playbook sharing too.

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Gareth Rees

Jan 25, 2023, 4:17:37 AM1/25/23
to Alaveteli Dev
Hey Miroslav,

> Why would one start running multiple thin servers?

The TL;DR is that more servers == ability to handle more concurrent requests [1].

> Can you confirm if these are only changes that need to be done in order to start running multiple thin servers A) NGINX site config B) and this SysVinit configuration:

This was true at the time of writing the documentation, though it's been a long time since it was last tested. I can't see why not though.

We don't use thin here at mySociety, and it's been an eternity since I've used it personally.

> I assume this needs to be set to number different than "1"

Yup. I don't recall how one arrives at a good number. Maybe 1 per CPU core? But that may have been the advice for Mongrel/Unicorn back in the day. You'll have to do some investigation on that.

Sorry that we're of limited help here.



Miroslav (Code for Croatia,

Mar 11, 2023, 2:03:49 PM3/11/23
to Alaveteli Dev
Hi Gareth,
I missed this one - I never got notification on email, not sure why would Google Groups unsubscribe me for the topic.

Thanks for the feedback, will investigate.

Also I think I saw somewhere on Github that you maybe plan to switch from Thin to different server. Found it - it's Puma:

If this is planned soon-ish not sure if I should spend time fixing the thin.


Graeme Porteous

Mar 15, 2023, 2:28:00 AM3/15/23
Yes, We're considering switching to Puma for the next release. Thin hasn't seen much active development other than security patches. Puma is actively being developed and has default web server included with Rails since version 5 and recommended by some cloud hosting providers.

Also we've just added Sidekiq 6 as a background job queue. In Sidekiq 7 (which we can't yet ship due to Redis 6.2 not being available for Debian Bullseye) we can embedded the job queue processor in Puma process which is main reason I opened PR 7581. See:

Puma would be configured differently to thin. We will document on and/or the changelog before the next release.

Graeme Porteous

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