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Ron Leonard

Jun 16, 2021, 5:46:46 AM6/16/21
to Shirley


Jun 19, 2021, 8:05:52 PM6/19/21
Trump is part of the deception and certainly not your savior… he’s the father of the vaccine.
they need everyone exterminated or under control and command by 2024 WHY?
the cosmic event that is a cycle that has been a part of our history they the elite have kept secret from us, it’s an event that wipes out nearly all life on earth and its here again and will ecome self evident by 2024..
Why the Chemtrails?
Why the nano bots?
Why the 5G?
Why the plandemic?
Why the vaccine?
Look up to the sky, it’s a cosmic event we are about to experience..
Scallions Navy Map,
Magnetic north is at what degree? and how many more degrees for a total reversal?
we are in a solar minimum?
Have you noticed the crop cycles lately, even here in Alaska? 

TRUMP, band bum stock firearms, Trump to Pence, “I like to take the guns first, due process later”

YET Plenty of you voted for Trump for a 2nd term? WHY? and are willing to vote again in 2024? HA HA! WHY?

if he was in control and on your side the election would never have been “stolen” it was given, and the 4 years of Trump and Russiagate distractions and QTard theories were all part of the deception to keep you chasing bread crumbs and distracted…

Sorry but Trump is CFR and there is not QFS quantom financial system or any of these DOD and 303 brigade saviors and “we got them” hopium hoaxes…

it’s you me and the rest of the population against the powers that be, and they infiltrate any substantial movement take a look at Jan. 6th GET IT YET?

if you want to know what is really going on… 

quit carrying Trumps water and making excuses and waiting for Qtard kick the can hopium..

if you can’t say FUK the police! FUK the military and Fuk a politician in public then you are part of your own enslavement…
I have a borther who is a cop, my father was an E5 custers unit 1st of the 7th so before you think I am not thankful for vets thing again.. but I am no longer going to carry water for traitors or make excuses for those protecting those who want to kill me and my children…

and if you dont like what I just said you can Fuk off as well…

We are all on our own, and we have less than 2024 

if you think all the vaccinated dying off is a good thing think again? what will fill their vacuum turd worlders? 

Time you Trumptards wake up! you have been deceived!! 

Terral has called it accurately for the past 2 years ON EVERYTHING!!! never once gave bad intel or bad information, he has the playbook and hes been 100% vetted…

Laugh now cry later...

On Jun 16, 2021, at 1:46 AM, Ron Leonard <> wrote:

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Jun 20, 2021, 9:57:40 PM6/20/21

Please use discernment when you hear the threats and rumors, sabre-rattling and the rhetoric of conflict…  We can expect the enemy to pop a few flares along the parameter to able to shake our patriots and militia..      If you are trained and ready, you will have no fear…  be ready then to show the tyranny what you have learned..         



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Scotty Bennett

Jun 21, 2021, 2:17:18 AM6/21/21
Very sage advice Norm.

The devil is in the works.
But, it is God's devil. 
And in the end, God will prevail.

I hope to see that day with a measure of integrity left. 



Jun 21, 2021, 1:19:14 PM6/21/21
yeah because that plan of action has worked thus far? has worked throughout history? 

nope, it only leads to more enslavement and persecution and history has shown only when you stand up to tyranny do you preserve your freedom. the only one saving your @$$ is you when you finally decide to stand up and fight, but divided we are and with no support by the time you realize there is no other force coming to save you, and in the end no savior but yourself by then it’s too late.

people who wait on the almighty to fix their problems are worse than the coward who runs from the battle field

It’s time to stop with the “in the end god wins” routine and kick the can hold the line strategy.. 

It’s never worked in the past, if your truly honest and it will never work in the future, but if that is your strategy to each his own.. I just think it’s a cheap excuse to do nothing while you watch others stand before you.

I will also add that all these rallies for re open America and these new cuckservative movements with “my pillow” Mike and L Wood, the Charlie Wards and plastic patriots selling plastic tamahawks while promoting their channels with useless trinkets and supplements all of which share the same endorsements..

Are using your desperation and “god wins in the end” mentality to squeeze as many donations out of you and line their own pockets…

So where did all that money Trump rallied for post election go for contesting the vote? hmmm? and these My Pillow Mikes and L Woods and Doug billings and alike 
What good is to come of this theater?
more bread crumbs to keep you distracted is all and to keep us divided into controlled groups and boxes…

Wake up and see it for what it is, not what you perceive it to be..
Waiting for the almighty to save you is not the answer in my opinion this is one of the biggest problems and reasons for why we have let this go this far along without fighting back… 

and so we shall perish without a shot even being fired

Todd Sinner

Jun 21, 2021, 2:06:48 PM6/21/21
On that note I'd like to add in that people need to stop this "when the silent majority wakes up" bullshit. I'm so tired of people saying that shit, they didn't wake up years ago and they never will. Just another thing weak people use to justify doing nothing in the face of tyranny. 

Sent from my Galaxy


Jun 21, 2021, 2:57:01 PM6/21/21

Lots of them willingly rolled up their sleeves also to “get back to normal” or “travel” and because “Trump said it was safe” Ah Trump the CFR lifelong democrat ran against the wicked witch, at a time cuckservatives were desperate enough to elect a booger eating Dracula until a politically incorrect “confidence” man started whispering sweet nothings.. and they could not be happier with a new Trump 2024 trucker hat and bumper sticker/
logic anyone?
A. gave the election away
B. if stolen what makes you think 2024 will be corrected?
C. if not prevented in the first place and for 4 years, what would another 4 years be? and why would a 2nd term be any different?
and the list of questions for the cuckservatives goes on and on but yet they are so willing to just be lead around by the nose, it’s really sad what we allowed ourselves to become..
We deserve everybit of hardship coming, every bit of it!

And when will we celebrate the 2nd of July? work a 13 month lunar calendar? rid ourselves of satanic practices that plague our society ever since the masonic churches took over our nation, or developed it from its initiation we have been under satanic rule and each and everyone of us practice these rituals each and everyday.
Look at all the Owl references in D.C. monuments and architectural layout, the pyramids, pentagrams, inverted symbols,  look at all the numerology satanic coding in sports, news headlines, government dates of actions or ritual celebrations, all satanic imagery and numerology all around us all the time right under our noses..

Until we wake up to those tools for programming and free ourselves from their satanic practices then we look like the useful idiots they usefully use us as and in all fairness we deserve the enslavement and government we allow to govern over us..

Oh how I envy the days of self governance and true independent thinkers under “natural law” 
common law is natural law and until we practice this and rid out society of masonic satanists then we shall forever be enslaved under their satanic practices. 
So when I say if you can't say fuk the police, fuk the military, fuk  politicians, judges and lawyers.. if you can’t say that to your fellow man out in public then to some extent you are responsible for your own enslavement. This is the apparatus they the elite use to keep you docile, in fear, separated from one another and reenforce their rule over you, yet in some sick twisted way you actually support these institutions because it’s politically or morally the right thing to do or societal norm to support these institutions and so continue to support your abusers because they will continue to abuse and so goes the cycle.. it’s just that simple, and usually life is but we have to complicate everything don’t we?

 on youtube explains all the owl references and how this has to do with the Anunnaki, the sun people, and our true origins, the history of this planet, the reason ancient civilizations all just “disappear” mysteriously without a trace? Mayans, Egyptians and many others it's a cycle that has repeated itself at various times throughout ancient earths history, look at the Virgo and Leo constelation and its significants right now with the planetary alignment and what that means for us within the 7 years of tribulation which started in what ? Sept 23rd 2017 a secret they keep to themselves one that all of us should start to question. it’s not biblical so much as it is cosmic cycle that is referenced in the bible but it’s constellations, alignments and cycles that are event markers, we are in a solar minimum right now, the volcanic and seismic activity globally is not the white hats clearing out the D.U,M.S. underground.. Terral can explain it for those who like Briteon
Why 1979 was an important year of discovery and creation of the Scallion Navy map, why Hubble telescope was created and launched to “observe” this fast approaching ?  the underground DUMBS ? and the list goes on and on…

yeah all the questions one has about what the government has been up to with area 51, under DIA airport, the above mentioned and many other realted issues we face, all the bogus wars and Rothschild conquests etc.. it all ties into this event that we will all get a front row seat in 2024 what was the FEMA coffins for? COVID-19 certificat of vaccination 19 then there is the Herald strain which is the next wave after the super shedders and spreaders walk about for another year or so…
Always look to the spring cycles of FEB-MAY for the elites to usher in the new phase of their plans, thats when they bought us Covid, again Terral03 is a good source if you want 100% accuracy of the playbook. pass it off as conspiracy but unlike all others this guy has been 100% accurate on timelines and next events to a T and it’s a hard pill to swallow but he’s been the most accurate out of anyone and for that he deserves your time if you are wanting to know the real truth, 

If I am wrong then I will gladly come back here and eat a plate of crow, video it and send it all to you.. :-) 

Until more people wake up, ask questions and push back 
we will continue to practice their satanic rituals without a blink of an eye.. but time simply ran out and you have until 2024 before its total chaos, some may survive most will not so live today to the fullest.

celebrate the 4th on the 2nd, ratification was done years later, the 2nd is most important to our founding fathers not the 4th.. 
that too is a satanic mind fuk! 

and they laugh at you every year you pop off fireworks on the 4th reaffirms their satanic rule over you :-/

Oh and get off the 24 hour news cycle, get a hobby, try to cut off all news for 24 hours okay now go for an entire weekend, can you build up to an entire week? it’s okay your world is not going to collapse around you just because you do not tune in for a week I promise you that, and if its that important you will know any emergencies through other means so go on, cut the news off for a full week if you can.
then I encourage you to tune back in and eves drop?
Do you see the soap opera mind fuk you have been participating in? ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE….
stop watching the cave wall production and get outside and enjoy life :-) while you still can :-)

Todd Sinner

Jun 21, 2021, 5:57:45 PM6/21/21
Exactly, if anyone can't see that Trump was just another pawn to further divide us then it's already too late for them. Think about it, everything that Trump said he was for or used to gain more followers, now needs to be destroyed to make sure another Trump doesn't get in. Blah blah blah, it was a nice thought at first, maybe a President that actually cared about the people for once but no. Just another pawn in the playback of tyranny, and with so may stupid people out there who cannot think for themselves, the future appears to be nothing but bleak and dark. Too many lazy pussies who are too afraid to stand for what they believe in, willing to sacrifice their morals and beliefs to feel safe again, putting all their faith in a government who see them as nothing more than a dollar sign or vote. Pathetic.


Jun 21, 2021, 6:36:01 PM6/21/21
and our ability to identify friend from foe has been hijacked, usurped, infiltrated and censored to the point where freedom to assemble is a moot point.
No substantial movement will ever be assembled in the proper numbers under the proper guidance and leadership necessary to make any substantial progress. 

All I know is that when things go, they will go quick and in those times may all of you find the support network needed to survive another day or at very least die on your feet not your knees -)

bless you all as you are all loved


Jun 21, 2021, 10:35:51 PM6/21/21

The only glue that can hold America and our culture together would have to be a desire on a spiritual level to commit to a certain cause of action… lacking that, we’ll watch the slow destruction of our nation…  Maybe that slow movement of people groups to more desirable habitations can be facilitated.   But it appears that the UNION will divide… maybe we can do it peacefully this time.. ??








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Jun 21, 2021, 11:44:20 PM6/21/21
I feel like a refugee in my own country, having been pushed out of an otherwise “desirable” habitat by foreign mentalities “liberal California type” that brought their vote with them. I think for most Alaskan transplants our story is similar in our quest to find a place more habitable that offered what the lower 48 used to offer, am I wrong?

I once thought the great state of TX was a solution, my business boomed until 2008, but that state has been overcome by Mexican & South American refugees who I eventually had to train and compete against only to be replaced, yup no tears shed for me, it was fine when it was just blue collar workers being replaced but now that the housing boom is over, those white collar jobs are being replaced as well now with mid eastern H1-B visa infiltration. Many baby boomers are not leaving the workforce now which creates a perpetual cycle for all subsequent generations. 
I went overseas to a mideast country for 2 years and what an eye opener when I returned I was done with the lower 48. 

I thought Alaska might hold the ticket being the last frontier and all, a strong militia? but all I have experienced is a renegade state similar to Deadwood South Dakota during it’s pioneer days, a states politicians more corrupt than in D.C. they hide in Juneau cut off from pitch forks and torches. these lawmakers are willing to rape the land of it’s resources and export them to other places while shorting the people's rightful share. They mismanage funds and make you pay the price, they point fingers at each other and soon this state will pass a state income tax thats next after they do away with the PFD funds. Most remote communities depend on a Canadian owned grocery store that was more than thrilled to segregate their customers based on forced mask policies. where are the discrimination lawsuits? private business private owned but operate in the public square and do not require a membership? should not be able to enforce that but I was escorted out of the store, and harassed by law enforcement later with an unlawful stop. No lawyer will touch these cases why not?and now with the Vaccine passports and segregation is this not unlawful? is it not segregation? talk about inversion and mirroring reality, that is the satanic way, wait until all those vaccinated are prohibited from travel on airlines over blood clot issues and complications, yup thats coming as well..
observing how the state reacted to covid and the pandering to those still in fear even after the CDC flip flops and obscured admittance of a disinformation campaign tjhat was weaponized.
Next we come to those "prepared types” I found out that Alaska suckles at the tit of the lower 48 and is a co dependent state and not the independent state it should be. It depends more on tourism and exporting it’s resources along with seasonal workers instead of providing local training, lucrative salaries to offset the expense of living in Alaska. and instead of building up it’s infrastructure and become a more independent sate… we find its a free for all for large corporations to come and rape the land and leave when it’s all used up.

experiencing that and seeing how other states responded to this covid scam, I am not so sure there is any desirable habitations left? and if so most will relocate and again ruin those places as well. people like us are now refugees in our own country.
our founding fathers after a generation of landfall, exploration and trade decided to declare their independence, how do we do that now? who do we declare independence from? we are under admiralty law now correct? and have been for how long?
it’s all a joke in reality, until people get hurt and thats where we are now..people are getting hurt

there are no more desirable habitations we will all soon be refugees in our own native lands.. 

and covid passports will violate your constitutional rights once more so your right to travel freely will soon be prohibited.

dig your heels in because if you have not successfully relocated by now, it’s anyones guess as to when that right to travel will be prohibited but it’s coming folks.

and yes we are a divided nation, generations of satanic practices and mind manipulations have created a population of docile people constantly in conflict and division and the 24 hour news cycle makes it easy to tune in and root for your team, pass the popcorn!


these things I speak of I come from a place of asking you to open your mind, we humans have no idea our actual history, much of it has been kept secret, much of it has been manufactured by the ruling class and I also come from a place of pointing out that it’s not so much what I or you may believe about what I say or ask you to look into, its the fact that the ruling class believes in these practices and events and they are ruling based on these principles, so to know the playbook is a better way of understanding reality in the fog of war, right?
So just know I am not educated I only know what I have discovered on my own, in a world of self proclaimed experts and bull$31t artists with large egos, which social media did a fine job of creating the narcissistic society we now live in… I simply try to open peoples eyes and get them to ask questions not to preach to anyone but in hopes you pass this onto others so we can as a species discover our true origins and history because right now we have been a controlled species and most of what we know other than math and some science ( and they are trying to manipulate that now as well) has all been fabricated lies to deceive and control humanity.

illusions of freedom 


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