How do you discover that you have a son who abuse

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هيثم شرف

Jan 9, 2021, 3:45:46 PM1/9/21
to ALaN Model Activities
How do you discover that you have a son who abuse

At home: an addicted teenager can do the following:

1- He avoids family members. 10- Get caught up in the bustling music.
2- He avoids meeting his parents' eyes 11- His eyes are red and he craves sweets a lot.
3- His mood fluctuates. 12- Sleeping a lot or staying awake for long hours.
4- Argue about anything. 13- He sneaks outside at night.
5- He ignores or deviates from the rules. 14- Receives suspicious phone calls.
6- He always rebels. 15- Run away from home.
7. Uses impolite language. 16- He goes through periods of low spirits
8- He tells lies 17- is against the law.
9- He surrounds his behavior with secrecy or exaggeration. 18- He may attempt suicide.

In school: An addict may be characterized by the following:

1- be poorly focused 7- be well known to management.
2- He lacks strong motivation. 8- He stops participating in forms of outside school activity.
3- The grades he gets are contradictory 9- He arrives late and misses some lessons.
4- Described as unable to learn. 10- Cheats, steals and smashes.
5- He blames teachers for the problems he faces. 11- It creates quarrels.
6- Does not respect authority. 12- Hanging around places where smoking is permitted.

For parents

If the parents notice that there are a number of these behaviors, there is a good chance that the son is already using drugs, as the situation is as follows:

1- They find it difficult to communicate with their son. 11- Each spouse blames the other.
2- They are not comfortable with his appearance. 12- They argue with the other about the son.
3- They are not comfortable with his friends. 13- They feel that the marriage is deteriorating.
4- They don't know his friends. 14- They are afraid to come home.
5- They are afraid of him or of being physically attacked on his part. 15 - They avoid staying with the family.
6- They notice the disappearance of money or valuables. 16- They find reasons to work late, and until weekly rest.
7. They find excuses for his bad behavior. 17- They overreact to outside activity.
8- They blame the school for the problems. 18- Sometimes one of them resorts to alcohol to forget problems.
9- They blame their son's friends. 19- They feel that they are powerless.
10- They blame the parents of their son's friends.

In addition to this, we also emphasize some observations that should be paid attention to:

1- The son appears asleep in his soul.

2- He feels an inexplicable state of pride.

3- There is abnormal behavior emanating from it.

4- Red eyes - they attribute it to smoking cigarettes

5- Use drops to clarify vision (eyes wide, rigid, swollen).

6- Spray is used to cover the smell of smoking.

7- Use frankincense or mint to cover the breath.

8- Aggressive behavior towards parents.

9- Negligence in performing the duties of family life and lack of motivation.

10- He sleeps for hours during the day (disturbed sleep, nightmares, sweating during the night).

11- He cannot sleep in the first hours when going to bed, but he can do so after the third hour.

12- He may feel chills or shake

13- He usually goes directly to his room when entering the house and closes the door behind him.

14- He sneaks outside the house through the window.

15- He loses his appetite, is absorbed by the trifle of food such as sweets.

16- He blames others.

17- The disappearance of some medicines at home: such as allergy pills.

18- Sore throat, cough, runny nose, asthma, chest pain.

19- The color of the face is pale and yellow, and skin spots may appear.

20- Slurred speech, difficulties in speaking, slurred communication.

21- Speak quickly or in a low voice.

22- Poor memory, poor concentration

23- Static facial expressions.

24- He lies a lot.

25- The disappearance of money or things that can be sold.

26 - Increased need for cash.

27- The presence of mortgage receipts in the clothes.

28- Poor performance in school and sports activities.

29- Itch, incense in the room, concealment.

30- Needle marks on his arm and leg.

31- Not paying attention to personal hygiene.

32- Wearing sunglasses at inappropriate times.

33- It is difficult for him to resist colds and infections.

34- Contact with known people from drug abuse.

35- Stomach and colon troubles.

36- Impaired sense of time.

37- Fatigue, nausea, tremors, sweating.

38- Severe anxiety sometimes accompanied by thoughts and obsessive thoughts.

39- Excessive smoking and burns of the fingers. (Are there heavy tobacco stains, burnt toes?)

40- Intoxicating drink: Young people used to using drugs use intoxicants to deceive their parents.

41- Chemical odors such as gum and carbonates.

42- Yawning despite enjoying sleep.

43- Rapid arousal, anxiety and general itching.

44- Movement: There is swaying, slowing down.

45- Finding pipes, razors, small tubes in his room.

Lyon Center for Awareness, Addiction Recovery and Training is a non-profit public utility service center that seeks to enable young people and adults to obtain realistic information about drugs so that they can make informed decisions and live without drugs in the Arab world and strives to defuse this problem from our Arab community from Through awareness, rehabilitation and training with a selected group of specialists in this field in all parts of the Arab world in general and the Arab Gulf states in particular, no one, especially the young man, likes to give a lecture about what he can or cannot do. So we raise awareness of the hard facts that enable young people and others to choose not to take drugs in the first place. In addition, our campaign consists of training activities that they can join that promote drug-free living and awareness of dealing with drug addicts. These activities are simple and effective and can include people of all ages and all classes of students and employees as well as their families These materials and training and awareness activities helped people around the world to recognize the devastating side effects of drugs and deal with addicts and thus make the decision themselves not to use narcotic substances of all kinds.
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