ALAN i18n: Internationalizing Alan

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Tristano Ajmone

Apr 10, 2021, 10:06:00 AM4/10/21
to Alan-IF Google Group
Ciao to everyone,

I'm currently preparing a new ALAN project, which is almost ready, but before I
publish it I needed some feedback from the Alan community, especially the older
members who might remember some details of which I'm not aware.

The project is going to be called "Alan-i18n" (The ALAN Internationalization
Project), it's goal is to offer a basic library and language support for
different locales, based on the old English library v0.6.x.

I've currently included in the project the latest English library from the
v0.6.x series, slightly patched, and its Spanish translation (2010), which I've
found on the Internet.

I'm going to add my own Italian version soon, reusing my core Alan Italian
module which I created for the "Italian StdLib 2.0" (which won't be updated
until the next release of the English version is ready).

The old v0.6 library is a good reference for porting to other languages,
because it's simple to work on and translate, and because verbs are split into
independent files, which makes it a solid starting point for any adventure
while still allowing end authors to customize it and expand it according to

One of ALAN's strongest points is that it can very easily adapted to other
languages, which would be a much harder task in other IF systems. My hope is
that the "Alan-i18n" project will help promoting translations of the library
to other languages (French, German, Swedish, and others), but I also believe
that in order to do so we need to provide a sample library that is easy to
understand and translate, as well as some examples of the same library
translated to other locales, and possibly some guides and tutorials.

I'd really love to see ALAN in Swedish, after all ALAN is Swedish made.

Q: Anyone in this list who could translate the Library to a new language?

Alan Library v0.6.2

I had recently republished on GitHub a copy of the Alan Library v0.6.2 (update
1, 2019-04-04), which I managed to resume from the ALAN repository, and only
needed two minor fixes to work with ALAN 3.0Beta6:


Since the Alan Library used to be hosted in the ALAN repository, which is
governed by the Artistic License 2.0, I'm assuming it's also released under
Artistic License 2.0.

Q: Can anyone confirm to me that the Alan Library v0.6.x was indeed
licensed under Artistic License 2.0?

As for its authorship, my understanding is that it's attributed to Göran
Forslund, Stephen Griffiths and Thomas Nilsson (now Thomas Nilefalk).

Q: Can anyone confirm its authorship is correct? or are there some
people missing in the list, which should also be mentioned?

pALANte: Spanish Library

During my searches, I came across the **pALANte** library, the Spanish
adaptation (2005-2010) by Marcos Donnantuoni and Bruce Humphrey of the English
Alan library v0.6.1:


I've also found a sample adventure, "Vampiro", and tested it with ALAN
3.0Beta7, and everything works just fine, out of the box:


The library itself doesn't contain a license, but I'm assuming it's under
Artistic License 2.0, since it's a derivative work of the English version.

Q: Are Marcos Donnantuoni and Bruce Humphrey present on this list?
Q: If not, is anyone in contact with them?

I would like to at least notify them about their work being republished, and it
would be great if they were still interested in contributing to it.


Any feedback, corrections and suggestions on the upcoming project will be
highly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tristano Ajmone (Italy)

Jürgen Lerch

Apr 11, 2021, 8:12:41 AM4/11/21

Am 10.04.21 um 16:05 schrieb Tristano Ajmone:
> The project is going to be called "Alan-i18n" (The ALAN Internationalization
> Project), it's goal is to offer a basic library and language support for
> different locales, based on the old English library v0.6.x.

I am astonished. I would have expected that such projects would use
newer versions of the library to make use of newer features of Alan

[…]> Q: Anyone in this list who could translate the Library to a new language?

Way ahead of you. Actually by a decade and a half. ;-)
My old German library project (from 2005!) for Alan 3 is/was based on
0.6.1. As far as I remember the translation itself should be complete,
but a) there were problems with the German language that were hard to
adress with at least the then-current Alan 3, and b) it still is
practically untestet, as I never got around to make a proper test
adventure. In 2014 I gave it to another German who was on this list,
but I don't know whether he actually managed to do something with it.

Ad Astra!

-- / The means justify the end. (me)
Jürgen ,,JuL'' Lerch /

Thomas Nilefalk

Apr 11, 2021, 10:08:12 AM4/11/21
to Alan IF discussions

lördag 10 april 2021 kl. 16:06:00 UTC+2 skrev
Ciao to everyone,

Ciao, Tristano!
I'm currently preparing a new ALAN project, which is almost ready, but before I
publish it I needed some feedback from the Alan community, especially the older
members who might remember some details of which I'm not aware.

The project is going to be called "Alan-i18n" (The ALAN Internationalization
Project), it's goal is to offer a basic library and language support for
different locales, based on the old English library v0.6.x.
Wow, interesting choice. But the old library has a different structure which might be easier to work with in this case.

One of ALAN's strongest points is that it can very easily adapted to other
languages, which would be a much harder task in other IF systems. My hope is
that the "Alan-i18n" project will help promoting translations of the library
to other languages (French, German, Swedish, and others), but I also believe
that in order to do so we need to provide a sample library that is easy to
understand and translate, as well as some examples of the same library
translated to other locales, and possibly some guides and tutorials.

I'd really love to see ALAN in Swedish, after all ALAN is Swedish made.

Q: Anyone in this list who could translate the Library to a new language?

I should really step up to the Swedish challenge, shouldn't I ;-) I think at the time we never even thought about translating the library. You're doing a great thing with your interest in translating, Tristano!
Alan Library v0.6.2

I had recently republished on GitHub a copy of the Alan Library v0.6.2 (update
1, 2019-04-04), which I managed to resume from the ALAN repository, and only
needed two minor fixes to work with ALAN 3.0Beta6:


Since the Alan Library used to be hosted in the ALAN repository, which is
governed by the Artistic License 2.0, I'm assuming it's also released under
Artistic License 2.0.

Q: Can anyone confirm to me that the Alan Library v0.6.x was indeed
licensed under Artistic License 2.0?

Yes. I think the Artistic License was not even invented then, but that is as good a choice as any, and logical too. 

As for its authorship, my understanding is that it's attributed to Göran
Forslund, Stephen Griffiths and Thomas Nilsson (now Thomas Nilefalk). 
Q: Can anyone confirm its authorship is correct? or are there some
people missing in the list, which should also be mentioned?

I vaguely remember someone contributing comments and ideas, but primarily me and Göran with a lot of support from Stephen.

pALANte: Spanish Library



Interesting find! Thanks for your archeological work! 

The library itself doesn't contain a license, but I'm assuming it's under
Artistic License 2.0, since it's a derivative work of the English version.

Q: Are Marcos Donnantuoni and Bruce Humphrey present on this list?
Q: If not, is anyone in contact with them?

Both of them have Yahoo-addesses on this list, obviously inherited from the Yahoo-list. Marcos address is bouncing (according to Google Group Manager view), but Bruce's is not.
I would like to at least notify them about their work being republished, and it
would be great if they were still interested in contributing to it.


Any feedback, corrections and suggestions on the upcoming project will be
highly appreciated.

Thank you,

Tristano Ajmone (Italy)

Really interesting initiative, Tristano!


Tristano Ajmone

Apr 11, 2021, 12:17:22 PM4/11/21
to Jürgen Lerch
Ciao @Jul and @Thomas!

> Saluton!

> Am 10.04.21 um 16:05 schrieb Tristano Ajmone:
> […]
 >> The project is going to be called "Alan-i18n" (The ALAN Internationalization
 >> Project), it's goal is to offer a basic library and language support for
 >> different locales, based on the old English library v0.6.x.

> I am astonished. I would have expected that such projects would use
> newer versions of the library to make use of newer features of Alan
> itself.

I chose v0.6.x because of (1) its modularity, (2) its simplicity, and (3) because
it seems that there were many attempts to port that library to other locales.

Nothing prevents us from tweaking it slightly, e.g. get rid of deprecated features
(like '$o', etc.) and add some newly added features, but my general experience is
that it works out of the box in most cases, and there are many sample adventures
for that library version, and some extra modules too.

[&]>> Q: Anyone in this list who could translate the Library to a new language?

> Way ahead of you. Actually by a decade and a half. ;-)
> My old German library project (from 2005!) for Alan 3 is/was based on
> 0.6.1. As far as I remember the translation itself should be complete,
> but a) there were problems with the German language that were hard to
> adress with at least the then-current Alan 3, and b) it still is
> practically untestet, as I never got around to make a proper test
> adventure. In 2014 I gave it to another German who was on this list,
> but I don't know whether he actually managed to do something with it.

It would be nice to add the German library to a development branch, to begin
with, and we could then look if any language specific problems could be fixed,
and if not discuss if some new ALAN features might help better support the language,
after all German is a very important language in the IF world, with many adventures
having been created in that language (e.g. TADS-3 was only ever translated to German,
as far as I know).

Would it be possible to check with the person who supposed to carry on the work, to
see if he developed it further, so we might get hold of the latest version (even if
not fully ultimated)? I could then start adding it to a dev branch.

I'm sure it should be possible to come up with some workarounds for any current
limitations, in some creative way.

Right now I'm finishing to polish the various license and credits, and having read
all the replies (especially @Thomas confirming the use of Artistic License 2.0 as
the way to go) I should be able to finally publish it in a couple of days.

Then I'll start to work on the Italian version, which somehow I had already started
to do for the first Italian sample game (Cloak of Darkness), but it will take some
time to compare it with the English version, etc (which should give me a chance to
see if something in the English library might be worth tweaking).


>          Ad Astra!
>          JuL

> --
>       / The means justify the end. (me)
> Jürgen ,,JuL'' Lerch /

Tristano Ajmone (Italy)

Tristano Ajmone

Apr 11, 2021, 12:31:13 PM4/11/21
to Thomas Nilefalk
Ciao @Thomas!

> lördag 10 april 2021 kl. 16:06:00 UTC+2 skrev

>> Ciao to everyone,

> Ciao, Tristano!

>> I'm currently preparing a new ALAN project, which is almost ready, but
>> before I
>> publish it I needed some feedback from the Alan community, especially the
>> older
>> members who might remember some details of which I'm not aware.

>> The project is going to be called "Alan-i18n" (The ALAN
>> Internationalization
>> Project), it's goal is to offer a basic library and language support for
>> different locales, based on the old English library v0.6.x.

> Wow, interesting choice. But the old library has a different structure
> which might be easier to work with in this case.

Yes, I think it's a good idea to use that one. Library v1.0 packs multiple verbs
into a same module, which might make it harder for an "incremental port" approach.
The StdLib 2.x is definitely something that most developers will be going for,
but only after having created the core language module to handle any special
grammar cases — and since the StdLib is really huge, and complex, it might make
more sense to start with v0.6.x, and then go for StdLib 2 later on — much of the
code from v0.6 would be reusable anyhow.

I also believe that v0.6 is a good starting place for those who wish to take
advantage from ALAN's unique "build your IF world from the ground up" approach,
but without having to reinvent the wheel each time, and benefiting from locale
support modules created by others.

> <snip>

>> One of ALAN's strongest points is that it can very easily adapted to other
>> languages, which would be a much harder task in other IF systems. My hope
>> is
>> that the "Alan-i18n" project will help promoting translations of the
>> library
>> to other languages (French, German, Swedish, and others), but I also
>> believe
>> that in order to do so we need to provide a sample library that is easy to
>> understand and translate, as well as some examples of the same library
>> translated to other locales, and possibly some guides and tutorials.

>> I'd really love to see ALAN in Swedish, after all ALAN is Swedish made.

>> Q: Anyone in this list who could translate the Library to a new language?

> I should really step up to the Swedish challenge, shouldn't I ;-) I think
> at the time we never even thought about translating the library. You're
> doing a great thing with your interest in translating, Tristano!

You really should Thomas! I mean, right now Netflix is being invaded by tons
of Swedish movies (about 4 news ones per week, but no audio translations,
unfortunately) so I guess it means there's a wave of interest for Swedish
fiction in general ;-) I did see quite a few Sweedish IF works popping up
constantly on IF-DB, but I have no clue which systems they are using (now
with the recent proliferation of these nw in-browser IF works, it's getting
harder to track all the systems being used).

In any case, multi-language support (and easiness to implement a new locale) is
definitely a strong "selling point", and I hope that with "Alan-i18n" I'll be able
to promote the adoption of ALAN for new locales, around the various forums, chats,

>> Alan Library v0.6.2
>> ===================

>> I had recently republished on GitHub a copy of the Alan Library v0.6.2
>> (update
>> 1, 2019-04-04), which I managed to resume from the ALAN repository, and
>> only
>> needed two minor fixes to work with ALAN 3.0Beta6:

>> -

>> Since the Alan Library used to be hosted in the ALAN repository, which is
>> governed by the Artistic License 2.0, I'm assuming it's also released
>> under
>> Artistic License 2.0.

>> Q: Can anyone confirm to me that the Alan Library v0.6.x was indeed
>> licensed under Artistic License 2.0?

> Yes. I think the Artistic License was not even invented then, but that is
> as good a choice as any, and logical too.


>> As for its authorship, my understanding is that it's attributed to Göran
>> Forslund, Stephen Griffiths and Thomas Nilsson (now Thomas Nilefalk).


> Q: Can anyone confirm its authorship is correct? or are there some
>> people missing in the list, which should also be mentioned?

> I vaguely remember someone contributing comments and ideas, but primarily
> me and Göran with a lot of support from Stephen.

OK then — we'll be obviously happy to update the Credits if anyone requests us to.


>> pALANte: Spanish Library
>> ========================

> <snip>

>> -

> Interesting find! Thanks for your archeological work!

It had been sitting on my hard drive for quite a while, and finally resolved to
slowly start to put all the various versions and translations together.


>> The library itself doesn't contain a license, but I'm assuming it's under
>> Artistic License 2.0, since it's a derivative work of the English version.

>> Q: Are Marcos Donnantuoni and Bruce Humphrey present on this list?
>> Q: If not, is anyone in contact with them?

> Both of them have Yahoo-addesses on this list, obviously inherited from the
> Yahoo-list. Marcos address is bouncing (according to Google Group Manager
> view), but Bruce's is not.

Good to know, so let's way and see if we get some responses, if not I'll try to
contact Bruce either via his BlogSpot account, or some other way.

>> I would like to at least notify them about their work being republished,
>> and it
>> would be great if they were still interested in contributing to it.

>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>> Any feedback, corrections and suggestions on the upcoming project will be
>> highly appreciated.

>> Thank you,

>> Tristano Ajmone (Italy)

> Really interesting initiative, Tristano!

> /Thomas

Let's cross fingers and hope it will bring a new wave of interest for ALAN as an
IF system to create your first library in unsupported locales. The timing should
be right, since we'll be hitting the road just about when authors are looking for
some summer IF contest.

Best regards,

Tristano Ajmone (Italy)

Tristano Ajmone

May 22, 2021, 10:33:00 PM5/22/21
to Jürgen Lerch

did you by any chance manage to find a copy of your German translation of the
ALAN Library, or got in touch with the developer who took on working on it from
where you left?

Best regards,

Tristano Ajmone (Italy)
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