* * * ALAN Manual Beta8 in exeBook Format * * *

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Tristano Ajmone

Nov 3, 2021, 11:02:52 AM11/3/21
to Alan-IF post message

Ciao everyone!


Below you'll find the GDrive download link for the executable eBook of The ALAN Manual Beta8 (Windows only):



Everyone can download the file.


This is just an early draft I've created using a commercial eBook compiler which I use for work.

The idea of creating exeBook version of the ALAN documentation has been in the air for quite a

while, and this is my first attempt to create one. It's far from the intended goal, where the

eBook program could add lot's of interactive features, but right now I need to create a tool to

chunk up the AsciiDoc generated book and customize it for the goal, which is going to take quite

some time. In the meantime, I've found a good FOSS tool to chunk the HTML manual into split

chapters, but the generated files requires manually tweaking the HTML sources in order to use

it with the eBook compiler.


In the future, we're hoping to provide a single exeBook containing all of the ALAN Documentation

in a single executable file, with advanced features, including self-updating the eBook when new

versions or contents are available.


In any case, I thought of sharing this initial draft with the community, since I'm aware that some

members are currently working on new adventures, and I thought that having the Manual locally in

a single executable would help, especially since the exeBook provides an internal search engine

and the ability to create bookmarks (although only at chapter level right now).


Any feedback is welcome.


Best regards.


Tristano Ajmone (Italy)


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Alan 3 Syntax for Sublime Text:



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