Alan CI is down

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Thomas Nilefalk

Apr 25, 2021, 8:41:49 AM4/25/21
to Alan-IF Discussions
Hi All!

I should probably have mentioned this a while ago, but forgot:

The machine that hosts the CI job had a sudden breakdown in February 2021, and it has not been rebuilt yet. That means that for the time being there will be no new alpha versions built.

Furthermore the last couple of development snapshots seems to have gone bad rendering them unusable if you don't have Cygwin (Linux emulation layer for windows) installed.

So if you have a Development Snapshot/alpha SDK/interpreter that works for you, hang on to it for a while longer ;-)

I'm sorry about that, and will announce here as soon as the CI is up and running again and we have better snapshots for you.

As a compensation I'll announce that I'm working on some changes that over time will make life easier for those of you that are working with Alan in non-Ascii. There is no ETA yet, but the next beta release will have some of these changes. (Just building up some anticipation!)

Also, thanks, Tristano, for pushing Alan and me in this direction!

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