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Planned Parenthood Clinic in Santa Cruz California says no to Bribe & stops Abduction of Federal Informant

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Saint Ram Bone

May 26, 2012, 2:25:11 PM5/26/12
Below is a recounting of horrors endured by a former FDIC bank
examiner and freelance investigative journalist, Kurt Brown -- Saint
Ram Bone. The government has been attacking me illegally for years,
some factions of them, because i have continued to work in research
and busting government criminals in finance and medicine. I do not own
any weapons and do not carry them. If someone ever abducts and injects
me again forcibly, I hope someone else will take my life. I have
already had a stroke as a result of government approved torture and
maiming of this former FDIC Bank Examiner. I need a job so I can get
health insurance. This is from the Mobile Audit Club website found by
internet search.

Daily Foreword May 26, 2012: On May 24 I went to a city clinic for
healthcare in Santa Cruz California.. Allegedly someone came in and
tried to bribe the doctor with money to say that I was insane and
needed confinement.

I had arrived at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Santa Cruz at 11
a.m. and was told to come back at 2 p.m. for the appointment. When I
arrived at 2 p.m. I went to the clinic and was taken to a waiting room
and had to wait a long time.

I was very concerned I would be forcibly injected and incarcerated
again simply for seeking healthcare. I was a jounalist and was first
injected in 2001 with two injections forcibly at a federal facility in
Los Angeles, allegedly the LA VA Westwood, and the first two
injections were under the orders of federal police. Many of them work
for men no different than Al Capone was in his height of power. I was
forced other medical procedures in 2001 and was taken to court to sign
documents under duress and chemical torture. In 2004 in Flagstaff
Arizona I stopped to get healthcare at the Flagstaff Medical Center. I
waited a long time and finally some people came in the room and forced
injections upon me and knocked me unconscious and held me for three
days in their insane asylum. A short time afterward, within a few
weeks, I went to a doctor in Mobile Alabama and I was told I had a
stroke and that I was partially blind. I was very sick from the
injections and stroke and forgot about the diagnosis until 2011.

This visit in Santa Cruz was the first Doctor's visit I had in a state
of federal or city hospital or clinic since the abduction and torture
in Arizona in 2004 which was allowed in their Law, Arizona Title
36-520 law, which was implemented in 2001 before 9/11/2001. In all
likelihood George Bush Sr. had been tampered with and the same goes
for George Bush Jr. George Bush Sr. had been a captive in Vietnam
and some questions were raised about which arm was injured in Vietnam
and he also seemed to be insane in my opinion or working for the wrong
people, or possibly controlled beyond his own volition.

In Santa Cruz California's Planned Parenthood Clinic this week I was
very lucky. The doctor did not take the bribe I was told by someone
that he was offered by someone who alleged to be with police or some
related agency. The doctor said my writing was scribbled on the paper
in which I described why I did not seek VA health care and wanted
Santa Cruz Planned Parenthood healthcare. That was going to be their
basis to substantiate their claim I was insane. I was very nervous,
the writing pad was scratched, and my hand writing was atrocious at
birth and is worse since the stroke from forced injections.

I was warned not work for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(FDIC) in 1999 by another veteran. I have not been able to get a job
since because they blocked me from employment. In 2001 I was injected
and tortured and lost my right to be a freelance journalist. In
addition I had the stroke so I do not deal well with stress now.

A gay man works at the clinic and was in drag. He is a wonderful
person and very helpful. Even he seemed to be a little upset after he
saw my dilemma. Here is a joke for that wonderful man, "It takes a
freak to be dieR". We were all guinea pigs on the USS Reid FFG-30 per
my opinion and they had us on a list as Queer if we were slotted for
experiments in which we were to be used as guinea pigs in tests or to
be altered for not being what they considered the perfect soldiers of
the USA. How odd. How strange. How queer. It is better to be queer
than a guinea pig, and if you are a Queer guinea pig, well, that is
dieR. YE-O-MAN....Gunney!!! That is humor, sort of. Read Mobile
Audit Club's page at Love Line 12 and Quatrains 12 page for an

I, Kurt Brown, publicity name Saint Ram Bone, am currently seeking
employment as an accountant or communications professional and I have
degrees in both. I am also trained in medical laboratory technology
and biotechnology and computer science, and have trained myself in
some physics principles. I would like to work for the FDIC again in an
executive position in banking oversight. I would also work for the
city or county of Santa Cruz. I got a parking ticket that day also,
therefore I am paying my way into employment. A jet was flying by when
I arrived and parked near the clinic, and the jet sounded like it was
diving. I thought of the alleged Korean (?) jet that was shot down
over the Pacific Ocean not too long ago. I suppose that might have
been a reason for my shaking handwriting also. A little PTSD and they
want to cut your throat by locking you up and injecting you forcibly.
That is the nature of the war criminal sect that is part of the regime
in power in the predatory capitalist nation that is the modern USA.
The positive capitalists in the USA are dieing off quickly..

I have a website titled Mobile Audit Club and it is linked on this
post. The Quatrains 12 an Love Line 12 Pages have my news posts since
the stroke recovery and memory recovery.

I also have videos at under the name of saintrambone

Here is a video from that website. It is a police officer sent by the
federal police to my home and on my property without a search warrant
and they wanted to stop me from entering the Mobile Alabama City
Council meeting. Their Sheriff was a thief who I had caught, Jack
Tillman, and the oil companies had been stealing oil from the Mobile
Bay under a Natural Gas Contract. They also have other crimes and I
needed to be inside the government to see what was happening and who
was present. The federal government is a dictator in the South East
USA. The idea of Democracy and freedom is really just an illusion
there and it is all controlled from D.C. and those who pay those in
D.C. to abuse those poor people from that wretched city I call, "The
Village of the Damned", Mobile Alabama. .

I had reported the Sheriff Jack Tillman as a thief in 2001. In 2005
or 2006 he was forced to resign for close to one-half million dollars
of food funds taken from the inmates. They were starving. A concerned
parent of an inmate came to me and I tried to report it. I laid a trap
for the Sheriff in an audit and he responded on 4-3-2001 at the gate
to the Mobile Alabama city council, and he did it on Police video. The
federal government ignored the testimony on camera at LA VA Westwood
on 4/23/2001 before I was forcibly injected. I fled the type of people
who are known for abuses and criminal mischief in the South East USA.
I will soon go to the mid-East to find a holy nation. There are
several. Now only if I can get them to drop their warfare strategies.
All of my charges for being asleep with my belongings in 2001 were
dropped in 2004. They did not take off the record of the charges
forced upon me until 2011 when I got legal help from friends in Santa

Long live towns like Santa Cruz and some of their wonderful
residents. The Jewish people I have met there are some of the
greatest people on Earth in my opinion. Now if only I can get a job
with good health insurance. I am not a guinea pig. I am in dier
straits. Kurt Brown -- Saint Ram Bone. If you do a Google search for
the words Remember The Wire you will see a video I made about forced
injections, torture and maiming in Los Angeles. Many of us guinea
pigs for the federal government have been killed and maimed in

Someone please contact the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
( FDIC ) Board of Directors in D.C. and ask them to re-hire Kurt Brown
as Bank Examiner at San Francisco FDIC

Mobile Audit Club
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