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The full list of productivity apps I use to stay moderately productive despite my akrasia

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Matt Goldenberg

Sep 30, 2014, 4:47:26 PM9/30/14
The reason I use so many is that I feel like I need the extra help to just get even a bit beyond what the average person does naturally :).

Behavioral Economics:
Beeminder: Charges me money if I don't do something X times per week or month. This is how I stay on top of blog posts, guest posts, gym, etc.
HabitRPG: Treats my life like a video game.  I use it to keep on top of daily and weekly routines.
Stickk: Commits money to longer term goals. I only use this very rarely as I'd rather focus on process than results.

Todoist: The best todo app I've found.. I've tried a lot.
Google Calendar: The calendar app I use
MeetMe: How take the headache out of scheduling with clients and contacts with busy schedules across different timezones.

Focus@will This is what I listen to while I'm working (sometimes with binaural beats in the background). I'm not quite convinced with the science, but it does seem to help me focus.
Tomatoes: I use the pomodoro technique to stay focused, because if I don't take breaks I find I burn out quickly.. This helps me stay on top of my timers, as well as see where my time is going.
StayFocusd: will block distracting sites when I spend too much time on them during work hours. There's also Leechblock for chrome, as well Rescuetime for every browser.

Contactually: Hooks in with my phone, email, and social networks, and reminds me to contact people if it's been to long.
Newsle: Let's me keep on top of news items about my network

iDoneThis: Used to keep track of my clients and teams between meetings., Gives them a simple way to record what they got done that day. 
Todoist: Scales seamlessly to teams

I also make heavy use of zapier to make sure everything gets recorded in Beeminder and HabitRPG.

Roman Duda

Oct 3, 2014, 4:25:21 PM10/3/14
Awesome list! Thanks for posting it.

I've been trying out Focus@will the last couple of days, and have been enjoying it. 


Oct 3, 2014, 8:35:55 PM10/3/14
Matt, I wanted to offer a suggestion instead of Stayfocusd that I love. I use SelfControl (Mac), it works pre-browser. SelfRestraint is for PCs. Sometimes they'll be a little buggy and block for longer than I specified, but on the whole much better for me than browser-specific blockers.
I'll be digging into your list more for sure!

Sent from my iPhone
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Daniel Reeves

Oct 7, 2014, 10:24:50 PM10/7/14
to akratics
Thanks for this list, Matt! I've been hearing a lot of people gushing
about Workflowy as a productivity app.

Related Beeminder blog posts: and (i like the idea of doing another post
on general productivity apps, and maybe another on fitness apps.)
-- -- search://"Daniel Reeves"
Goal tracking + Commitment contracts ==
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