Nice timing, Bethany! I was just about to get back into measuring
stuff with Quantified Mind.
I was trying out a custom experiment for attention earlier this year,
to see if my daily Brain Workshop dual n-back practice was affecting
any other tasks. (I know the research; just wanted to see.)
Unfortunately the battery I set up for myself was too much of a time
commitment (around 20 minutes on top of the n-back practice.)
I used a battery that targeted the following:
- Reaction time
- executive function
- motor function
- visual processing
- working memory
I'm putting myself through a bit of a productivity-improvement/ADHD
intervention bootcamp for the next few weeks. So I might have more to
say in a while.
I'll probably just focus on these, to keep the test short:
- reaction time
- executive function
- working memory
About your experiment: how often do you think you'll take the tests?
If it's every day, then the place in the cycle should come out when
you plot the time series. If it's not every day, it might be hard to
distinguish. If you're set on taking the cycle into account, wouldn't
"days since since last" be better than "days until", since the last
occurance was already known? (Please excuse if there's something
obvious I'm missing about this topic, being male and all... :/ )
In any case: interesting experiment idea, Bethany!
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