AKN4Africa Draft Recommendation – for external comment

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Edith V

Apr 9, 2021, 4:20:35 AM4/9/21
to akomant...@googlegroups.com
Dear AKNers

I hope 2021 is treating you better than expected.

We are circulating a draft recommendation for an 'AKN4Africa', which so far includes guidance for generating FRBR URIs for legislation across various African jurisdictions. We plan to add a section on eIds in the coming months.

The aim of the Recommendation is to provide guidance on the implementation of the AKN Naming Convention in the African context, taking into account documents from African countries and regional bodies and their drafting traditions.

Specifically, this first version should help other users of AKN across Africa generate FRBR URIs, and help anyone resolving links to Laws.Africa-generated AKN documents.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, even if your field of expertise isn't African legislation.

The linked document is open to anyone for comment; please feel free to pass it on to anyone not in this group who might be interested.

Many thanks in advance!

Edith V

Software developer | Legislative informatician


Apr 9, 2021, 12:34:18 PM4/9/21
to akomant...@googlegroups.com
Dear Edith,

many thanks for this important work that could encourage for sure the AKN applications in the Africa countries.

Fabio and I will add comments, in case, in the document.

Happy new year and have a good week-end,
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Edith V

May 4, 2021, 9:03:12 AM5/4/21
to akomant...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

If we could have any input by the middle of May that'll help us to finalise and publish the Proposal by the end of the month.

Thanks and best


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