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Right. All I can say now is that we have to and will solve it.
Jonas Bonér
twitter: jboner
On 9 Jun 2010 15:45, "Heiko Seeberger" <heiko.s...@googlemail.com> wrote:
This is a good question, but I doubt we can answer it today, because the efforts to create OSGi support are not yet finished. First step is to provide bundles and second to investigate all the hidden pitfalls.
On 9 June 2010 12:26, Mariusz <mariu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Question to OSGI and Akka experts:...
Heiko Seeberger
Company: weiglewilczek.com
Blog: heikoseeberger.name
Follow me: twitter.com/hseeberger
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However, how to apply the OSGi programming model (service registry,
...) is still open for discussion.
On 9 June 2010 12:26, Mariusz <mariu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> --
Just my 2cts.
Anyone developed any opinions on this in the meantime?
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The activator could then make sure that all activated bundles use the
same actor
I'll have a quick play with trying to get this to work if I get the chance.
Great. Thanks. Please let us know what your conclusions are.
Jonas Bonér
Specialist at Large
work: http://scalablesolutions.se
code: http://akka.io
blog: http://jonasboner.com
twtr: @jboner
I'm not sure if I understand your post correctly, but IMHO it's not
really an issue that all activated bundles should use the same
registry. This is the case as long as you don't include Akka in each
of your bundles (as described earlier). It might become an issue if
you'd deploy two versions of Akka, e.g. when your bundles use
different versions of Akka.
I myself am looking for a way to actually have multiple registries,
one for each bundle. This way I could avoid bundles to access actors
they're not supposed to, as only the actors that are exported as OSGi
services are available to other bundles.
I'm still thinking about what Viktor suggested about classloader
isolation and remote actors. I guess this could indeed be a solution,
although I'm not sure it would be a desirable one. What would be the
impact (e.g. performance?) of using remote actors? This would required
a server (and port) for each bundle?