No messages or uses displayed in Chrome, Keeps spamming in firefox help.

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Chris D

Apr 15, 2015, 3:07:43 PM4/15/15
Ok so I tried out a recommended change earlier, got an error that chat didn't load, so I backed out, ctrl+z'd till it was back to the original ( always save a backup too) reuploaded.

Chat loads up again however it does not populate the user online list, messages in chat or anything else. However if I go into the sql database I can see anything that I did type registered into the database.

If I log in via firefox as a guest it auto kicks me, if I login as a user, it puts me in, however it then starts to give me the chatbot greeting message, then states /login (my username), then gives the timed out msg for my user name, and then repeats as if I just logged back in, over and over and over w/o actually kicking me.

There are no console errors on either chrome or firefox, so I'm really confused at whats going on. Frug mentioned a way to raw debug, but I don't see any raw logs anywhere or if there's a tool I need. Any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate.

Chris D

Apr 15, 2015, 5:09:57 PM4/15/15
Update, I reverted back to an original ajaxchat.php, and used winmerge to move over my modification changes. Chat loads fine, and it shows identical on winmerge however the other ajaxchat.php just breaks chat again.

However the file size diff is about 3k, so I'm guessing winmerge has a bug that doesn't show the additional missing chunks.

That out of the way the new one works fine, though chatbot still says /login vs an actual msg, and now it doesn't support special characters/languages now when logging in. If a user uses a special character to login, the chat logs it as garble... ie. ( ゚Ð)  vs the actual characters, (other languages ).  I can't think of anything that would change that, so open to suggestions! 


Chris D

Apr 15, 2015, 5:33:44 PM4/15/15
Enabled error reporting and only was able to get this.

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at ..../chat/lib/config.php:1) in ..../chat/lib/class/AJAXChat.php on line 2525
^ refers to
 //we started a new session;
->_sessionNew =true'

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ..../chat/lib/config.php:1) in ..../chat/lib/class/AJAXChatHTTPHeader.php on line 36

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ..../chat/lib/config.php:1) in ..../chat/lib/class/AJAXChatHTTPHeader.php on line 37

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ..../chat/lib/config.php:1) in ..../chat/lib/class/AJAXChatHTTPHeader.php on line 41

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at ..../chat/lib/config.php:1) in ..../chat/lib/class/AJAXChatHTTPHeader.php on line 45

Chris D

Apr 16, 2015, 12:24:36 PM4/16/15
Alright I wiped the chat and reinstalled it after backing everything up, however it looks like its not even calling to my database anymore and just acts as a standalone version.

If I'm logged in as admin, and try to login from another computer it says "account in use" vs logging me in showing the forum acceptance, then kicking my previous session.
It just sends me in as guest. Any ideas what might cause this? 
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