How can I add this to chat? using this php source.

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Apr 25, 2017, 9:11:25 AM4/25/17
to AJAX-chat
I am not a php coder, I wonder how to integrate  this php into chat and to have the fields to show up on the header of the chat .
 * PHP code snippet to calculate the distance and bearing between two
 * maidenhead QTH locators.
 * Written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK; losely based on wwl+db by VA3DB.
 * You can do whatever you want with this code.

function valid_locator ($loc) {
if (ereg("^[A-R]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-X]{2}$", $loc)) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

function loc_to_latlon ($loc) {
/* lat */
[0] =
(ord(substr($loc, 1, 1))-65) * 10 - 90 +
(ord(substr($loc, 3, 1))-48) +
(ord(substr($loc, 5, 1))-65) / 24 + 1/48;
[0] = deg_to_rad($l[0]);
/* lon */
[1] =
(ord(substr($loc, 0, 1))-65) * 20 - 180 +
(ord(substr($loc, 2, 1))-48) * 2 +
(ord(substr($loc, 4, 1))-65) / 12 + 1/24;
[1] = deg_to_rad($l[1]);

return $l;

function deg_to_rad ($deg) {
return (M_PI * $deg/180);

function rad_to_deg ($rad) {
return (($rad/M_PI) * 180);

function bearing_dist($loc1, $loc2) {

if (!valid_locator($loc1) || !valid_locator($loc2)) {
return 0;
= loc_to_latlon($loc1);
= loc_to_latlon($loc2);

= cos($l1[1] - $l2[1]) * cos($l1[0]) * cos($l2[0]) +
($l1[0]) * sin($l2[0]);
= atan2(sqrt(1 - $co*$co), $co);
= atan2(sin($l2[1] - $l1[1]) * cos($l1[0]) * cos($l2[0]),
($l2[0]) - sin($l1[0]) * cos($ca));

if ($az < 0) {
+= 2 * M_PI;

[km] = round(6371*$ca);
[deg] = round(rad_to_deg($az));

return $ret;

/* Example usage: Distance and heading from JO60LK to JO61UA: */
= bearing_dist("JO60LK", "JO61UA");
"$bd[km]km, $bd[deg]deg";


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