AJAX Chat + Forum phpBB3 - avatars in the chat

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Łukasz Wyrwoł

Aug 20, 2019, 6:17:55 PM8/20/19
to ajax...@googlegroups.com

I would like to add avatars to massages on ajax chat (source: https://frug.github.io/AJAX-Chat/). I want to use avatars from phpbb3 forum (v 3.1.5).

To make this I edited file chat.js, and for function "getChatListMessageString" I added this code before sending massage.

var PathPic = 'http://phs-phsa.cba.pl/download/file.php?avatar=' + userID + '_#.jpg';
                    var img = new Image();
                    img.src = PathPic;
                    var AvatarPic = '';
                    if( img.height !== 0 ) {
                        AvatarPic = '<img class="avatar'
                                        + '" title="'
                                        + userName
                                        + '" alt="'
                                        + userName
                                        + '" src="'
                                        + PathPic
                                        + '"></img> ';

Problem is generated for this line: "var PathPic = 'http://phs-phsa.cba.pl/download/file.php?avatar=' + userID + '_#.jpg';"

In place of "#" there is a number. I do not know how this number is generated, but in the database there is written this number. 

My question is - how to send request to the DB form this function or maybe exist easier form of reading avatar from forum phpBB3 on the ajax chat?
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