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Pinkatron Pence

Aug 9, 2014, 5:29:57 PM8/9/14
Hello! (Hi Frug, long time no see)

I run a role playing website called GreaterRealms. You can visit if you'd like here: (but the chat room we're currently using and forums are marked 18+ and so guests are restricted from viewing in character forums and chat. Sorry!) 
Forum software: SMF 2.0.8
Modifications (Can list them if needed) 
Hosting: fully, Dreamhost

I purchased a ProChat room for our RP website. Long story short, the features are fantastic...but only when they work. And there is literally no support. And I am code-dumb and php illiterate. I cannot get help in fixing several bugs such as Private Messages/Instant Messages getting eaten, chat sends getting eaten, users being booted, but with no indication they are until they are kicked (sometimes 20 mins, sometimes hours at a time). 

Now that that is out of the way, here's the features ProChat has and I would like to see in a version of Ajax Chat on my site. A guesstimate on this would be great. Gird your loins please.... I am looking to know how much it would run me to a) pay a professional with a clue to: 
  • Install Ajax Chat 
  • Integrate with SMF
  • Integrate members so that as long as they are logged in to SMF they can access, click the chat, and be in it. No guest access and Banned users (which are moved into their own group) cannot access.
  • Have their Chat name be a link that when clicked, opens their profile
  • Chat name colors correspond to SMF member group color
  • Chat moderator privileges can be assigned to any member, but ONLY by the administrator of SMF
  • Have logs view able for public reading, where members can click a link and view the RP (In the chat, and also following a navigation link at the top of the forums) but NOT log: member created rooms, IM's/Whispers, Private/password protected rooms
  • Members able to create their own rooms, password protected or public
  • Member ability to choose a large array of font colors via a color wheel
  • Member ability to choose a small choice of custom bookish-fonts
  • Member ability to display a tiny 16x16 icon beside their names in chat (Example: (TinyTeddyBearIconHere) GreaterRealms: Hi! )
  • A very large, easily customization Status Drop Down List (Example: Lurking, Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Up Stairs, In a Room, Running etc) 
  • Whispers/Private Messages show either in tab or different pop up
  • Clicking user name opens a menu that displays: Private Message/View Profile/Block/Unblock/Report User, while as an administrator or moderator, clicking a user name displays the same options with the added: Kick/Silence/Ban/IP Address
  • Who's Chatting - Listing who is in the room and which room they are in within a Simple Portal Block
  • Customized color & style to match the forum theme
  • Ability to not eat chat messages, private messages and randomly boot people ; ; 

I know this is a steep list, and I know it won't be cheap. I'm asking for a ballpark range and possibly for a miracle. So if it's not possible, that's cool. I've attached some screen shots of what the PHP chat room looks like to help explain (hopefully) what sort of features (style/theme doesn't have to match) I am looking to offer/have/dream of. 

Thank you so much for reading this, I look forward to your advice and replies. 

Powered by Pro Chat Rooms v7.5.4.jpeg

Ingwie Phoenix

Aug 9, 2014, 7:34:03 PM8/9/14
to Pinkatron Pence,
Hey there.

My name is Ingwie Phoenix, and me as well hosts a roleplaying website. But the difference is; I am a PHP codemonkey x). However, you got quiiiite some things wrong about this chat, so let me work the points down.

> Now that that is out of the way, here's the features ProChat has and I would like to see in a version of Ajax Chat on my site. A guesstimate on this would be great. Gird your loins please.... I am looking to know how much it would run me to a) pay a professional with a clue to:
> • Install Ajax Chat
> • Integrate with SMF
> • Integrate members so that as long as they are logged in to SMF they can access, click the chat, and be in it. No guest access and Banned users (which are moved into their own group) cannot access.
> • Have their Chat name be a link that when clicked, opens their profile
This is possible, but not in your description! You can turn the name into a link, however, you will loose the click-to-whisper function. My suggestion: You can add a „Profile“ Entry into the side panel when you click a username there (where it says „Ignore user“ and such)

> • Chat name colors correspond to SMF member group color
That is quite some work, but possible. Note though, that this requires mandatory code manipulation depending on how many groups you have. One or two groups would be ok. But anything above is insane. For each group, one has to go over the code and also ensure that all the permissions are right; and that on the front- and backend. In my case, I introduced one VIP group, and thats it. It has user rights, so I only had to state permissions for one group.

> • Chat moderator privileges can be assigned to any member, but ONLY by the administrator of SMF
A SMF moderator equals a chat moderator.

> • Have logs view able for public reading, where members can click a link and view the RP (In the chat, and also following a navigation link at the top of the forums) but NOT log: member created rooms, IM's/Whispers, Private/password protected rooms
> • Members able to create their own rooms, password protected or public
You can NOT create private/password protected rooms - however, each user does have a private room by default, into which you can invite people. You CAN send private messages in the chat, or whispers in this case.
You can make the logs visible to everyone, but only the admin may peer into the user’s privacy.

> • Member ability to choose a large array of font colors via a color wheel
You can define and add colors via the code. The large choice depends on what you put in.

> • Member ability to choose a small choice of custom bookish-fonts
Only one is available thru the quote-bbcode.

> • Member ability to display a tiny 16x16 icon beside their names in chat (Example: (TinyTeddyBearIconHere) GreaterRealms: Hi! )
SyN created a mod for that; should be possible.

> • A very large, easily customization Status Drop Down List (Example: Lurking, Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Up Stairs, In a Room, Running etc)
You can add „statuses“ via commands. The typical one is /afk. I modified that to also display a reason when somebody goes AFK. Due to the chat structure, it would however take quite a coding and dB manipulation to also display this message even fafter the command was entered. I would go for the traditional afk command.

> • Whispers/Private Messages show either in tab or different pop up

> • Clicking user name opens a menu that displays: Private Message/View Profile/Block/Unblock/Report User, while as an administrator or moderator, clicking a user name displays the same options with the added: Kick/Silence/Ban/IP Address
Yup. Is in there by default. Ever tried a demo?

> • Who's Chatting - Listing who is in the room and which room they are in within a Simple Portal Block
Sorta-sorta. You can see the users in the current room, but not who is in the other. There was a mod for that…but I lost it uvu

> • Customized color & style to match the forum theme
CSS is your friend.

> • Ability to not eat chat messages, private messages and randomly boot people ; ;
Chat messages only get eaten at the worst case. Dont worry for that.

> I know this is a steep list, and I know it won't be cheap. I'm asking for a ballpark range and possibly for a miracle. So if it's not possible, that's cool. I've attached some screen shots of what the PHP chat room looks like to help explain (hopefully) what sort of features (style/theme doesn't have to match) I am looking to offer/have/dream of.
> Thank you so much for reading this, I look forward to your advice and replies.

If you want an example of this chat running in a RP environment, plus my very own additions, visit - WARNING. Unlike you, I did NOT put a age warning on the front page. I coded this software in a rush, so I never got ot make that… ^^;

Since I dont know what to put for a price for that work (Setup, code modification), I would offer you to make me an offer instead.

Kind regards, Ingwie.


Aug 11, 2014, 2:55:47 PM8/11/14
I will say this, 80% of what you are asking for is possible but with some minor limitations or restrictions for I have done most myself with invision, SMF, and Phpbb.

Also pay attention to what Kevin has pointed out.
I had an SMF demo with most of the things you mentioned already but its not online since I started another site that's dedicated to the game arcade and xbox one game(s) Killer Instinct for my facebook group.

If you wanna check it out then visit:

I am using invisions power board mind you but my chat features alot of custom materials that you will not find here in this group plus plenty of things you asked for in your request.

Before offering my services assuming I gave you an idea of what you are asking for, it would be easier if you give us a price range of what you are expecting.
But remember, this is done on our free time for we have lives outside of the internet.

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