Shoutbox log out

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Mark Jones

Aug 6, 2014, 2:51:47 PM8/6/14
I have both the ajax chat and shoutbox installed on my site.  When members log on they are automatically logged into the shoutbox - great, but if they remain idle staring at the screen for over 5 mins the shoutbox stops displaying new messages as they are then effectively logged out.  How can I make it so that the shoutbox never logs a person out but the full ajax chat is still limited to 5 mins idle before being logged out?

Doc gWorldz

Aug 11, 2014, 5:12:27 AM8/11/14
Some forum cookies timeout. SMF in particular has a very short life cookie unless modified to allow for always logged in at login. Unfortunately this is usually fixed with a forum mod specific to the forum being used and the forum communities are usually more apt to know how to make the modification.

If you don't think this is teh issue or if it is a new issue please elaborate and tell us what forum AJAX Chat is integrated with.
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