Chat status goes orange after a while till a user either refreshes or sends data.

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Minako Aino

Jun 26, 2016, 5:58:55 PM6/26/16
to AJAX-chat
So recently my chat's been acting up. Running 0.87

The status light indicator goes from green to orange and stays there. No further messages will show up until I send another message or refresh, then it will resume for a bit polling for messages ( based on the TimerRate) in the config.js file. This is happenning for all my users and starting to think it might be a JS issue. I've attempted to expand the timerrate from 500ms to 5000ms with no avail as the issue persists.

If anyone's experienced this before or knows where I could go to look / how to troubleshoot this I'd appreciate it.

Minako Aino

Jun 27, 2016, 12:26:40 AM6/27/16
to AJAX-chat
Looking further into it seems to be an issue w/ JS and chrome.  On Chat.js  line 810 where it calls it doesn't retry the connection if it fails, though as to why its only failing on chrome I"m not sure. 

Running on a dedicated server btw.

Minako Aino

Jul 17, 2016, 6:04:00 PM7/17/16
to AJAX-chat
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT when using ?ajax=true&lastID=
It's unable to keep the chat refreshed, seems to only be bugged in 0.87


Jul 23, 2016, 4:41:36 PM7/23/16
to AJAX-chat
This issue sounds like a really old issue that I fixed ages ago (badly, with a hack... actually the whole reason you have the status indicator in the top corner that turns red is because I didn't know how else to debug and fix this problem back in those days).

If chat's configured and working properly, the indicator will eventually turn red and force a new request, much like it does when you send a new message. How long it waits orange before doing this depends on your refresh timer and your inactive timeout. 

If you've changed those two values to some extremes, it could have broken this feature. Try using the defaults and see if it resolves the issue.

Minako Aino

Jul 23, 2016, 5:25:41 PM7/23/16
to AJAX-chat
Frug whats the default set for then? I've let it sit upwards a day and it'd sit on orange without refreshing until I manually would input something, then it would immediately die again.

What recommended values should I put then?


Jul 30, 2016, 10:19:23 PM7/30/16
to AJAX-chat

Minako Aino

Aug 1, 2016, 3:29:34 AM8/1/16
to AJAX-chat
Sorry I mean for chat.js not config.php, I've never touched those values, nor have I touched the values on the chat.js for that specific area.
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