Creating Channels

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Sep 17, 2022, 11:26:35 PM9/17/22
to AJAX-chat
I am using the AJAX Chat tied in with a phpBB Forum as a RPG chat for the World of Darkness. Currently the chat has several channels to select from but my idea is that users could create their own channels once in the chat that will then display in the channel list and time-out after X amount of inactivity with no-one in the channel. Trying to wrap my head around it at the moment. How possible/hard do you think this would be to implement using the chat code?


User would enter into a create channel/room field "City-Streets" and then the channel "City-Streets" would display in the channel list and timeout after it has been inactive for X amount of time. That way the list doesn't get spammed with too many channels after the users have logged out who were using the "City-Streets" channel they created and any other created channels log out. Apologizes if I am not describing it well.

Negative Edge

Sep 26, 2022, 5:22:39 PM9/26/22
to AJAX-chat
That would take some work outside of the application but It can bed done. I have made tons of custom and personal mods that can communicate with the chat software. I once made an old admin mod that did something similar but its outdated, however it can be done. I am at work at the moment but perhaps ill attempt this later in the week.

-Negative Edge

Sep 27, 2022, 2:10:07 PM9/27/22
to AJAX-chat
That would be awesome. That is a little above my head where coding with the application is concerned but if you need any help I can attempt to help where I can, lol. User created channels while in-chat and the ability to see a number indicating how many people are in any given channel are two features I always felt the AJAX Chat really needed.

This is the RPG chat we currently use the AJAX Chat for. It replaced a Flashchat we had been using since 2009 up until Abode did away with the Flash application that had the ability for users to create their own rooms while in the chat which would auto-delete after a period of no use, something I thought would be awesome to replicate with the AJAX Chat:

Negative Edge

Sep 27, 2022, 8:48:06 PM9/27/22
to AJAX-chat
So like a temp channel and a number of viewers in that channel? ad auto remove itself if its been inactive for so long?

Sep 28, 2022, 5:34:00 PM9/28/22
to AJAX-chat

Yeah. The ability for users to create their own channels that time-out after a defined period of inactivity so you don’t end up with a list cluttered with user created channels. I feel like this would be a great addition to the AJAXChat. 

And then the ability to have a number or something indicating that users are in any given channel. And if possible how many users are in that channel. You can already do this in a round about way by asking the chat to display users in any given channel, but this would make it a little easier since you would be able to see which channel actually had users in it.

Negative Edge

Sep 30, 2022, 3:10:44 AM9/30/22
to AJAX-chat
going to be busy with work this weekend, however I will attempt this bit by bit going into next week.

Sep 30, 2022, 4:20:43 AM9/30/22
to AJAX-chat
No worries. Work always comes first. If you would like a donation for the time you spend trying to put this together let me know. I am more then willing to compensate you for your time. Outside of that I really appreciate your taking the time too attempt coding the two ideas I outlined previously.

Negative Edge

Oct 10, 2022, 4:09:41 PM10/10/22
to AJAX-chat
Sounds good. Unfortunately I had to work out of town for the past week and the rest of this week. I will be back this weekend. and I should be available as well!

if you have discord feel free to add me.
Negative Edge#8852

Oct 11, 2022, 3:29:55 AM10/11/22
to AJAX-chat
No worries. I work 14 hour shifts on the Ambulance so I know how it is being busy with work. And my Discord is SergeantZombo#6668
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