(New Admin Preview Inside) Hi everyone. Sorry for being MIA for so long. Work and real life gets in the way alot. BUT GOOD NEWS!! Please read!

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Negative Edge

Aug 1, 2016, 11:48:35 AM8/1/16
to ajax...@googlegroups.com
I have a very huge update coming your way before this week is out. (EDIT) Need another week

For those that dont know, I am the person who created the SyNeRGiZeD chat add-on package, by the way it wont be called that anymore since I dropped the ClubSyN-X-TReME name and domain, but anyway here is what this new package can do.

I created a custom installation script that will install the default values of the chat and my new materials. In this installer, you will be able to:
  • enter your database info
  • set a default theme
  • set a default language
  • name your chat bot
Basically the Important stuff for a quick install.
The script will also verify if your database info is accurate and connects successfully or not
and after those few steps, you will see that all info is successfully installed and you will proceed to the registration page
where you will register as the admin/owner of the chat.

Also as a precaution, if someone happens to attempt to access the registration page before or during the installation process will be booted back to the default login page.
Believe me, there are people that's that stupid to do so...

The features of this chat will not only support my past applications such as:
  • Youtube videos
  • Twitch Tv for live streaming "plan on adding hitbox tv and youtube streaming support in the future
  • Avatar support
  • Admin Interface
I added some new features as well.
The new features are:
  • Video Broadcaster - allows those who have it activated to post a video to the chat and the broadcater BOT will play the video for all users simultaneously. "if you are familiar with Xat, then you should know what im talking about"
  • Sound clip bot - allows users to play a sound clip with a command such as !Gunshot and the entire chat who has this feature activated will hear the sound clip
  • the /nick command has been tweaked to where if you change your name, that name will remain even if you log out and back into the chat, but you can still log in with your default credentials. Basically the name changes are permanent until changed again.
  • Admin has been updated and now will allow you to modify your config.php from the admin interface
  • Full screen support added, useful when playing videos in BG Mode
  • For planned forum integrated versions, A Forum Bot for when new posts are made by users and the bot will post the link in the chat
The private messaging system is almost ready and I am working on an image upload system for the chat and a custom lighbox image mod for displaying images in the chat.

Also im no longer using or relying on sessions with this build since many users have both free and shared web hosting services were they aren't able to access the files needed for configuration and adjusting certain elements if needed unlike Those who have a VPS or a Dedicated server like myself.

Im still in the game despite the long periods of inactivity on my end.

That is all for now.



Cuore di angelo

Aug 2, 2016, 5:47:04 AM8/2/16
to AJAX-chat
this is a good news. I waited anxiously improving sending pictures and I'm curious about the audio clip option, and private chat . Thank you for your commitment Negative

Negative Edge

Aug 2, 2016, 3:08:53 PM8/2/16
to ajax...@googlegroups.com

Negative Edge

Aug 2, 2016, 3:09:36 PM8/2/16
to ajax...@googlegroups.com
Here are some screens of the admin section that controls the Config.php
You will no longer have to manually edit the config php.

Images are posted above
The reset button sets all options back to its default settings if needed.

Negative Edge

Aug 2, 2016, 3:26:09 PM8/2/16
to ajax...@googlegroups.com
For those that are wondering what all I have done to the original config.php, I only altered the most common values for use with the admin and is called from a custom settings file with stored variables pointed to certain parts of the config.php values.


 * @package AJAX_Chat
 * @author Sebastian Tschan
 * @copyright (c) Sebastian Tschan
 * @license Modified MIT License
 * @link https://blueimp.net/ajax/


// Define AJAX Chat user roles:
('AJAX_CHAT_STAFF',    7);
('AJAX_CHAT_VIP',    5);
('AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN',    3);
('AJAX_CHAT_USER',    1);

// AJAX Chat config parameters:
= array();

// Database connection values:
['dbConnection'] = array();
// Database hostname:
['dbConnection']['host'] = $localhost;
// Database username:
['dbConnection']['user'] = $user;
// Database password:
['dbConnection']['pass'] = $pass;
// Database name:
['dbConnection']['name'] = $dbname;
// Database type:
['dbConnection']['type'] = null;
// Database link:
['dbConnection']['link'] = null;

// Database table names:
['dbTableNames'] = array();
['dbTableNames']['online']        = 'ajax_chat_online';
['dbTableNames']['messages']        = 'ajax_chat_messages';
['dbTableNames']['bans']            = 'ajax_chat_bans';
['dbTableNames']['invitations']    = 'ajax_chat_invitations';

// Available languages:
['langAvailable'] = array(
// Default language:
['langDefault'] = $lang;
// Language names (each languge code in available languages must have a display name assigned here):
['langNames'] = array(
'ar'=>'عربي', 'bg'=>'Български', 'ca'=>'Català', 'cy'=>'Cymraeg', 'cz'=>'Česky', 'da'=>'Dansk', 'de'=>'Deutsch', 'el'=>'Ελληνικα', 'en'=>'English',
'es'=>'Español', 'et'=>'Eesti', 'fa'=>'فارسی', 'fi'=>'Suomi', 'fr'=>'Français', 'gl'=>'Galego', 'he'=>'עברית', 'hr' => 'Hrvatski', 'hu' => 'Magyar', 'in'=>'Bahasa Indonesia', 'it'=>'Italiano',
'ja'=>'日本語','ka'=>'ქართული','kr'=>'한 글','mk'=>'Македонски', 'nl'=>'Nederlands', 'nl-be'=>'Nederlands (België)', 'no'=>'Norsk', 'pl'=> 'Polski', 'pt-br'=>'Português (Brasil)', 'pt-pt'=>'Português (Portugal)',
'ro'=>'România', 'ru'=>'Русский', 'sk'=> 'Slovenčina', 'sl'=>'Slovensko', 'sr'=>'Srpski', 'sv'=> 'Svenska', 'th'=>'&#x0e20;&#x0e32;&#x0e29;&#x0e32;&#x0e44;&#x0e17;&#x0e22;',
'tr'=>'Türkçe', 'uk'=>'Українська', 'zh'=>'中文 (简体)', 'zh-tw'=>'中文 (繁體)'

// Available styles:
['styleAvailable'] = array('beige','black','grey','Oxygen','Lithium','Sulfur','Cobalt','Mercury','Uranium','Plum','prosilver','subblack2','subSilver','Core','MyBB','vBulletin');
// Default style:
['styleDefault'] = $style;

// The encoding used for the XHTML content:
['contentEncoding'] = 'UTF-8';
// The encoding of the data source, like userNames and channelNames:
['sourceEncoding'] = 'UTF-8';
// The content-type of the XHTML page (e.g. "text/html", will be set dependent on browser capabilities if set to null):
['contentType'] = null;

// Session name used to identify the session cookie:
['sessionName'] = 'ajax_chat';
// Prefix added to every session key:
['sessionKeyPrefix'] = 'ajaxChat';
// The lifetime of the language, style and setting cookies in days:
['sessionCookieLifeTime'] = 365;
// The path of the cookies, '/' allows to read the cookies from all directories:
['sessionCookiePath'] = '/';
// The domain of the cookies, defaults to the hostname of the server if set to null:
['sessionCookieDomain'] = null;
// If enabled, cookies must be sent over secure (SSL/TLS encrypted) connections:
['sessionCookieSecure'] = null;

// Default channelName used together with the defaultChannelID if no channel with this ID exists:
['defaultChannelName'] = $chan_name;
// ChannelID used when no channel is given:
['defaultChannelID'] = 0;
// Defines an array of channelIDs (e.g. array(0, 1)) to limit the number of available channels, will be ignored if set to null:
['limitChannelList'] = null;

// UserID plus this value are private channels (this is also the max userID and max channelID):
['privateChannelDiff'] = 500000000;
// UserID plus this value are used for private messages:
['privateMessageDiff'] = 1000000000;

// Enable/Disable private Channels:
['allowPrivateChannels'] = false;
// Enable/Disable private Messages:
['allowPrivateMessages'] = false;

// Private channels should be distinguished by either a prefix or a suffix or both (no whitespace):
['privateChannelPrefix'] = '[';
// Private channels should be distinguished by either a prefix or a suffix or both (no whitespace):
['privateChannelSuffix'] = ']';

// If enabled, users will be logged in automatically as guest users (if allowed), if not authenticated:
['forceAutoLogin'] = false;

// Defines if login/logout and channel enter/leave are displayed:
['showChannelMessages'] = true;

// If enabled, the chat will only be accessible for the admin:
['chatClosed'] = false;
// Defines the timezone offset in seconds (-12*60*60 to 12*60*60) - if null, the server timezone is used:
['timeZoneOffset'] = null;
// Defines the hour of the day the chat is opened (0 - closingHour):
['openingHour'] = 0;
// Defines the hour of the day the chat is closed (openingHour - 24):
['closingHour'] = 24;
// Defines the weekdays the chat is opened (0=Sunday to 6=Saturday):
['openingWeekDays'] = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6);

// Enable/Disable guest logins:
['allowGuestLogins'] = $allow_guest_login;
// Enable/Disable write access for guest users - if disabled, guest users may not write messages:
['allowGuestWrite'] = true;
// Allow/Disallow guest users to choose their own userName:
['allowGuestUserName'] = $allow_guest_username;
// Guest users should be distinguished by either a prefix or a suffix or both (no whitespace):
['guestUserPrefix'] = $guest_prefix;
// Guest users should be distinguished by either a prefix or a suffix or both (no whitespace):
['guestUserSuffix'] = $guest_suffix;
// Guest userIDs may not be lower than this value (and not higher than privateChannelDiff):
['minGuestUserID'] = 400000000;

// Allow/Disallow users to change their userName (Nickname):
['allowNickChange'] = $allow_change_username;
// Changed userNames should be distinguished by either a prefix or a suffix or both (no whitespace):
['changedNickPrefix'] = $user_prefix;
// Changed userNames should be distinguished by either a prefix or a suffix or both (no whitespace):
['changedNickSuffix'] = $user_suffix;

// Allow/Disallow registered users to delete their own messages:
['allowUserMessageDelete'] = $allow_user_deleteMsg;

// The userID used for ChatBot messages:
['chatBotID'] = 2147483647;
// The userName used for ChatBot messages
['chatBotName'] = $chatBotName;

// Minutes until a user is declared inactive (last status update) - the minimum is 2 minutes:
['inactiveTimeout'] = $inactiveTimeout;
// Interval in minutes to check for inactive users:
['inactiveCheckInterval'] = $inactiveCheckInterval;

// Defines if messages are shown which have been sent before the user entered the channel:
['requestMessagesPriorChannelEnter'] = true;
// Defines an array of channelIDs (e.g. array(0, 1)) for which the previous setting is always true (will be ignored if set to null):
['requestMessagesPriorChannelEnterList'] = null;
// Max time difference in hours for messages to display on each request:
['requestMessagesTimeDiff'] = $MsgTime;
// Max number of messages to display on each request:
['requestMessagesLimit'] = $MsgAmount;

// Max users in chat (does not affect moderators or admins):
['maxUsersLoggedIn'] = $MaxUserAllowed;
// Max userName length:
['userNameMaxLength'] = $MaxNameLength;
// Max messageText length:
['messageTextMaxLength'] = $MaxMsgLegnth;
// Defines the max number of messages a user may send per minute:
['maxMessageRate'] = $MaxMsgPerMin;

// Defines the default time in minutes a user gets banned if kicked from a moderator without ban minutes parameter:
['defaultBanTime'] = 0;

// Argument that is given to the handleLogout JavaScript method:
['logoutData'] = './?logout=true';

// If true, checks if the user IP is the same when logged in:
['ipCheck'] = true;

// Defines the max time difference in hours for logs when no period or search condition is given:
['logsRequestMessagesTimeDiff'] = 1;
// Defines how many logs are returned on each logs request:
['logsRequestMessagesLimit'] = 10;

// Defines the earliest year used for the logs selection:
['logsFirstYear'] = 2007;

// Defines if old messages are purged from the database:
['logsPurgeLogs'] = false;
// Max time difference in days for old messages before they are purged from the database:
['logsPurgeTimeDiff'] = 365;

// Defines if registered users (including moderators) have access to the logs (admins are always granted access):
['logsUserAccess'] = false;
// Defines a list of channels (e.g. array(0, 1)) to limit the logs access for registered users, includes all channels the user has access to if set to null:
['logsUserAccessChannelList'] = null;

// Defines if the socket server is enabled:
['socketServerEnabled'] = false;
// Defines the hostname of the socket server used to connect from client side (the server hostname is used if set to null):
['socketServerHost'] = null;
// Defines the IP of the socket server used to connect from server side to broadcast update messages:
['socketServerIP'] = '';
// Defines the port of the socket server:
['socketServerPort'] = 1935;
// This ID can be used to distinguish between different chat installations using the same socket server:
['socketServerChatID'] = 0;

Banjo Fox

Aug 26, 2016, 3:03:56 PM8/26/16
to ajax...@googlegroups.com
See.... I'm pretty sure that you have built/bundled most of the functionality that i was looking to create already hahaha!

Thanks for this man!
I anxiously await the release.

- Banjo

Github: https://github.com/BanjoFox/AJAX-Chat-RPGMode


Aug 27, 2016, 10:46:59 AM8/27/16
to AJAX-chat
Are you still looking for the Version of this, Modded By Syn?   I have a copy laying around.. Got an E-mail Notif on it but can't seem to find your message.


Banjo Fox

Aug 31, 2016, 11:02:13 AM8/31/16
to AJAX-chat
Hey Mike,

Yeah if you have a copy that would be awesome :D

Although of course it looks like Syn -may- be releasing a new version soon enough.

- Banjo


Aug 31, 2016, 1:09:07 PM8/31/16
to AJAX-chat
Ok Here you go, There's a Patch inside the zip, Forget what it was for...

Android - X86 Forums

Negative Edge

Nov 3, 2016, 10:17:45 PM11/3/16
to AJAX-chat
That is seriously outdated.....

Cuore di angelo

Nov 7, 2016, 6:44:20 PM11/7/16
to AJAX-chat
Good evening to you all. We have some news about?
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