AJAX Chat Drupal Integration Issues

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Lucio Saverio Eastman

Feb 12, 2015, 9:03:30 AM2/12/15

I'm currently doing a project for a client that involved migrating a Drupal 5 site to Drupal 7 (that's a fun story, but I succeeded nonetheless).
There are over 5000 users with 3 Admins and a few chat moderators. The old site was using Flash Chat and they want it to work on all platforms (iPhone and iPad included)
Enter AJAX Chat
I downloaded AJAX Chat standalone and got it to work with no problems.
Then I tried the AJAX Chat drupal module to integrate it into my site to allow registered users and admins to enter chat without re-logging in.
Not meeting with a lot of success. After several tries on my own I followed the instructions at: http://drupalsrq.net/new-module-items/ajax-chat

Still no success. Blank screen.

I did have a moment of pre-celebration when I added the following to custom.php because the migration is still living in a subdirectory until I get everything working before launching at the site root.

('DRUPAL_ROOT', getcwd());

But it still doesn't auto log me in and it logs me out instantly when I log in manually.

I've tried it with the tables in a separate database as well as tables within the existing Drupal database. No difference.

Drupal module: ajaxchat-7.x-1.x-dev

Hopefully that's enough info to start a discussion and get some guidance...

Lucio Saverio Eastman

Feb 20, 2015, 5:07:23 PM2/20/15
to ajax...@googlegroups.com
Anyone? :P


Feb 22, 2015, 8:12:05 PM2/22/15
to ajax...@googlegroups.com
It's pretty hard to diagnose something like this from afar without a drupal install of my own. I'm not at all fond of drupal myself.

I wouldn't use AJAX Chat if you expect anywhere near 5k users to be in at one time anyway. Maybe up to 100 on a good server before it starts to choke up.

If it's not auto logging you in, the issue is with the integration part of the script which will reside in CustomAJAXChat.php. You will probably have more luck if you ask people in the Drupal community https://www.drupal.org/project/ajaxchat
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