Send chat room log to designated email address? /log 'user entered email'

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Apr 25, 2017, 12:51:56 PM4/25/17
to AJAX-chat
I have a question about Ajax Chat.

We have a number of rpgaming people using the chat rooms and we've been asked for a log command that would send a copy of their chat to a designated email address they provide.

They'd like to email their gaming session's log to their email address for posting in their forums.

Something like /log 'then an entered email address'.
They'd also need a /stoplog or /quitlog command, and we'd like if the logging didn't stay on if they leave the room. If they  leave their room or the system, it should stop and send automatically.

Is this possible, and if so, is there a plugin for it somewhere?

They've tried using cut and paste, but often things are missing doing it that way, at least it's what they're telling us.

Thanks in advance for any help with this item.

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