SyN is BACK!!! (Private Chat Mod "-SyN's- Version" In Alpha Stages and free to try out in my chat)

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Nov 11, 2014, 4:57:37 AM11/11/14

Ok, if anyone remembers my old avatar mod  that allows you to have an avatar in your chatroom but only works with a single file format such as .png and it had to be named after you?


If my chat name was ClubSyN-X-TReME, then the image I want to use for my avatar would have to be named, ClubSyNXTreME.png for it to work.

Well I am happy to announce that is no longer an issue. This new version will support any image file you upload and it and you do not have to rename it the file at all. Just upload and it will change on the fly.

I will show some screenshots of my progress:

FYI this is a skin I made for my chat in case anyone asks, look at the bottom right corner where the settings icon is at. there is a grey and white silhouette of a person which is clickable to call the avatar uploader.
clicking that icon will cause this to happen:

It will summon the avatar mod Uploader I created in a floating div. It can be summoned at anytime. For Security purposes I added a login validation to check if whoever is using this option is a valid member of the chat using credentials from my Ajax Chat Admin System (New Version coming soon btw), if not it will ask you to register, any fields left blank will give you a warning. so after identification was successful, you will be presented with this screen:

As I said earlier, Multiple image formats are supported and you do not have to rename anything at all. just find your image and upload. Before you press the upload button, you will get a preview of your avatar like so:

Just a little neat feature I included. Now when you press upload, this will happen:

And there you have it folks. Close the window, no need to refresh the chat, it updates on the fly.

Now say if you want to change your avatar again, just call the avatar window, select your new avatar:

upload it, and close the window. s soon as you type something, it changes on the fly again.

One final thing that also stands out from my last version of this mod, When changing names, your avatar stays!
That was an annoying issue with the last mod, see for yourself:

Also when users joins your chat and are a registered member and they dont have an avatar uploaded yet, they will get the guest avatar by default until they upload their own. that eliminates the broken image issue.

Hope you like.

Mod coming soon.

More updates on the way and will be shared in this section.

Chris D

Nov 11, 2014, 11:24:24 PM11/11/14
Glad to have you back, are you on a new site now or just revamping the old one? Would love to come in and see your chat in action sometime. Also looking forward to your vbulletin bridge tool as well + the custom name colors and more, for the mod above will this still be for standalone only? If so that's fine as I was planning on making a new private chat for some new projects I"m working on, either way looking forward to it and welcome back ! 


Nov 12, 2014, 7:40:25 AM11/12/14
Standalone and integrated. seperate packages.

Same site but a testing directory. when I re-open, ill announce it.

Thumper DC

Nov 12, 2014, 7:59:55 PM11/12/14


Nov 16, 2014, 1:40:22 PM11/16/14
Just want to share and talk over a few things with this group.
Many knows me for writing a registration Mod which was my very first huge Mod for Ajax chat and then came My Admin Mod which was huge and very popular among users who had the standalone version of this chat.

Integrated versions wouldn't work with my admin mod because of the database structure and other things that conflicted with those versions of the chat.

In the past before I vanished without a trace, I put together two custom bridge integration scripts which were highly experimental for Invision Power Board because I was using that forum system and it needed proper integration and with that I did one for SMF 1.1.1x and 2.0.x versions along with phpBB3. | haven't got to Xenforo, VB, PunBB as of yet but I still have my test files from the previous ones I developed. I allowed IPB and SMF versions to circulate a bit and a few sites got everything to work as it should with a bit of trial and error.

Let me explain what these bridge integration script can do. It links accounts from your forum system to the chat, it can pull your forum profile and pull avatars as well with my modified avatar script plus the new one I am finishing up. Also this will allow the use of My previous and newer(coming soon) versions of the admin script which in the past only worked with the standalone version but for my bridge scripts to work, you will need to install the standalone versions of the chat since my bridge integration scripts are an external source, not coded within the core files like that ones for download on the github page.

This also relies on the admin script for proper identification, etc but I am making some needed changes to make everything work flawless or near flawless. Another thing I am trying to accomplish is a way to add extra user groups of your choice to the chat by pulling info from your forum or just doing it for your chat. for the integrated bridge packages, I can retrieve forum member group info along with color, the trick is, I have some ideas for this btw, is to have the chat grab that info and set everything up to show and match your forum.

Trying to make everything user friendly but you still will have to manually add some code to the files that needs it for proper installation, no worries, I will make a detailed guide.
That's my current task at hand.

Also expect a newer version of my Media mod player with better handling and maybe new video support.

I got some work to do but I am glad to be back at it so guys work with me. I will update this section with more info.

P.S. My older mods are discontinued, you will not find them for download unless someone shares them with you.
If so, use at your own risk.


Nov 21, 2014, 9:42:58 AM11/21/14

Ok this here is my Ajax Chat loggedout.html page with my new Chat Viewer script in action on the right side panel (still in development)

Using my custom bridge integration script making this chat work with any forum software I am able to do the following:

  • Determine if a user is a member on the forums or a guest
  • Can Set random names which will be assigned to guest users on login (they can use the /nick command to change their name but I did it for kicks and giggles and thought it would be fun)
  • Pull members forum avatars (wifth a certain condition)
  • Link a registered members forum profile to the chat
  • Auto login with a one time only verification method plus extra security features
  • Includes a script for displaying online users in the chat on your forum or portal
  • Online users script updates in REAL TIME without refreshing your web-browser
  • A cfg file will be included to set custom user groups for your chat, (still requires some core file editing), which will also retrieve your groups color. (Chris D this should be what you are looking for)

More features will come but will be in the admin V2 script.

I will show more progress with the new Chat Viewer script shortly. I am in the middle of an experiment.



Nov 24, 2014, 4:51:45 PM11/24/14

An add on i'm making with my users online mod.
it will look like this for my own skin since its custom,

But you get the idea.

It appears when you hover over a users name thats in the chatroom


Nov 27, 2014, 12:49:46 PM11/27/14
Hy Syn, 

I am also glad to see you again :) ... one question, can i ask you for making in future a standalone chat pre-integrated with your register mod? My website was damaged, and this chat engine was the best at up this time. ;) ... 
Thank you fro your work, and support ... 


Nov 27, 2014, 1:31:08 PM11/27/14
I will, and you are welcome.


Nov 27, 2014, 5:28:29 PM11/27/14
Got linked here from the original topic.  I have SMF New Topic/Post reply notifications working in out chat.  Had to tweak it from an original ajax chat integration, but it works just fine.  If you want the edits I'll be glad to provide them.  Even have it so you can set which boards show only new posts, new replies, both, or none at all from specific boards, individually.  From my recollection, it only requires one edit made to Sources/Post.php

EDIT, my bad, Just noticed you had it listed as completed for SMF, sorry :(   Keep up the great work you do, man!


Jan 13, 2015, 2:40:57 PM1/13/15
I know I have been quiet but I made some progress with something new, well sort of.

I made my own version of a private chat mod for my chat. It's in alpha stages as of now and its coded as an extension to the chat making use of the chats database adding two extra tables to store conversations between you and whoever and records of calls you attempted to contact whoever else is on the forum.

I am polishing this up as of now but its working as intended. Just a bit of fine tuning then ill move on the new Admin system.

Here are some screens:

There is a button on the settings section near the Submit button of the chat that calls for a list of users you can send a private message to. A floating Div will appear with the list, click on a name, send a msg, they will get a notification from the PM Bot indicating a certain user sent them a Private chat request, click it and a floating div will appear on the receivers end and you can converse from there.

Everything will be ready after I finish the admin because my new mod installation system will require that, at least for the things I develop and share in the future. After two weeks of working on this, its almost ready but feel free to check it out and see it in action in my chat is you like.

Btw Enjoy my Random Guest name Mod. LOL!!

Wise Frog

Jan 16, 2015, 3:45:39 PM1/16/15
  I can not wait till this is ready to use

Ingwie Phoenix

Jan 16, 2015, 5:07:45 PM1/16/15
One thing I gotta leave you Syn; that design in the screenies is wicket. =) Looks really neat! Im glad to see you active again, Ill see if i can borrow some of your code for my own purposes.


Jan 18, 2015, 8:16:19 AM1/18/15
Sure. no problem Kevin, and Thanks!

Yahoo !

Jan 25, 2015, 5:44:14 AM1/25/15
Hmm can i have a download link for the old version please?

Chris D

Jan 26, 2015, 3:05:49 PM1/26/15
As Syn stated the old versions are removed / deleted due to depreciation ( security issues, bugs etc ) so you'll have to search around the internet to find them ( if you can find them anywhere)

The new version should be up soon as his progress is greatly increasing.

Yahoo !

Jan 27, 2015, 3:04:56 PM1/27/15
It's a localhost chat and I just need it for me & my friends.


Jan 28, 2015, 9:11:59 PM1/28/15
unfortunately, that doesn't make the content any more available than it already is. We don't have time machines to go back and recover files, but even if we could, why would you want a chat running on your localhost? Your friends would need to be on the same network to use it, and at that point it is not only more economical, but also more efficient to just talk to them.
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