Unable to get into the chat

Skip to first unread message

Laura Pruett

Apr 7, 2018, 8:31:13 PM4/7/18
to AJAX-chat
Hi guys

I'm having trouble with Synz's mods I have added it to the stand alone ajax chat but, I keep getting a message here is the screenshot http://prntscr.com/j2ccbm and the code there I have no clue to what is going on and I have been over this now for a few hours.

<?php ob_start(); ?>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8"></meta>
<title>Ajax Chat (Registration/Login Bridge) by -SyN- (STANDALONE ONLY!)</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/extras.css">



<div id="REG_WRAPPER">



function get_client_ip() {
= '';
else if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
return $ipaddress;

= get_client_ip();


= new mysqli($config['dbConnection']['localhost'],$config['dbConnection']['grumpykitty'],$config['dbConnection']['spargel042165'],$config['dbConnection']['chat02']);

//SyN's Registration Mod Login Bridge for AJAX CHAT (STANDALONE ONLY!)
//                      (VERSION 1.1)
//This will allow users to register with your chat without the constant
//updating of the users.php to add members. This script will handle it!

= $verify->query("SELECT * FROM ajax_chat_ip_bans WHERE IP='$ip'");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($bans);

if($check_bans[IP] === $ip){


    <div id="HEADER" align="center">

    Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
    <font size="5">YOU ARE BANNED FROM THIS CHATROOM!!!<br/>Your Records has been logged!!!</font>


// First we verify if this user is a registered member or guest.

= $verify->query("SELECT * FROM ajax_chat_registered_members WHERE NAME='$_POST[userName]'");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($verify_user);

if($_POST['userName'] !== $user_verify['NAME']){

['rank'] = 'AJAX_CHAT_GUEST';


['rank'] = $user_verify['ROLE'];
['id'] = $user_verify['ID'];


// OWNER ENTRY!!! Allow Admins to join in offline mode?

= $verify->query("SELECT count(*) FROM ajax_chat_online WHERE userRole='0'");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($guest);

= $verify->query("SELECT * FROM ajax_chat_admin_settings");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($guest_access);

if(($getlimit['chat_online'] === "no") && ($getlimit['admin_access'] === "no") && ($_SESSION['rank'] === "AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN")  && ($_SESSION['id'] !== "1")){


    <div id="HEADER" align="center">

    Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
    <font size="5">This chatroom is currently closed.<br/>Please try back later!</font>

}else if(($getlimit['chat_online'] === "no") && ($getlimit['admin_access'] === "no") && ($_SESSION['3'] !== "AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN")){


    <div id="HEADER" align="center">

    Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
    <font size="5">This chatroom is currently closed.<br/>Please try back later!</font>

}else if(($getlimit['chat_online'] !== "no") && ($_SESSION['rank'] !== "AJAX_CHAT_ADMIN")){


    <div id="HEADER" align="center">

    Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
    <font size="5">This chatroom is currently closed.<br/>Please try back later!</font>

// Force Guest users to register or LEAVE!

}else if(($getlimit['guest_access'] === "no") && ($_SESSION['rank'] === "AJAX_CHAT_GUEST")){


<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
<font size="5">The owner of this chatroom has disabled Guest entry.<br/><a href="./register.php">Registration</a> is required to join this chatroom.</font>

// If Guest entry is enabled, Let us check to see how many
// Guest are allowed in your chatroom.

}else if(($limit[1] > $getlimit['guest_limit']) && ($_SESSION['rank'] === "AJAX_CHAT_GUEST")){


<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
<font size="5">Maximum Guest Capacity has been reached!<br/>Please try back later!</font>

}else if(!isset($_GET['recover'])){

// Guest login with random names.
// This only works if they join your chat without submitting a username

if(empty($_POST['userName']) && empty($_POST['password']) && !isset($_GET['info1']) && !isset($_GET['info2'])){

= array(

//Add or edit as many names as you like following the current format.
//Make sure the last name you add or edit does not have a , at the end



= array_rand($ChooseRandomName);

['user'] = $ChooseRandomName[$RandomSelect];



<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
<font size="5">One moment please.....</font>


//If a name is submitted on the login screen but no password, they're
//still a guest but ill retain their login name

if(!empty($_POST['userName']) && empty($_POST['password'])){


    <body onload=document.createElement(\'form\').submit.call(document.getElementById(\'autologin\'))>
    <form id="autologin" name="autologin" action="./" method="post" >
    <input type="hidden" name="userName" id="userNameField" value="'
    <input type="hidden" name="password" id="passwordField" value="">
    <input type="hidden" id="submit" value="Continue" />'


//Below is for the registered users. When logining in, this bridge
//performs a series of checks. I will lable each section starting with
//the conditions below. it makes sure that both the username and
//password fields are not empty.

if(!empty($_POST['userName']) && !empty($_POST['password'])){

= $_POST['userName'];
= sha1($_POST['password']);

//Now we connect to the chats database and try to match the info
//submitted to our stored records.

= $verify->query("SELECT * FROM ajax_chat_registered_members WHERE NAME='$check_name'");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($checkusername);

//We couldn't find your account.....

if($verify_name['NAME'] !== $check_name){



<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
<font size="5">We have no records of the user '
.$check_name.' in our system.<br/>Make sure you entered your user name correctly or register for an account!</font>

//Your password is incorrect...

}else if (($verify_name['NAME'] === $check_name) && ($verify_name['PASS'] !== $check_pass)){



<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Ajax Chat Registration/Login Verfication Bridge
<font size="5">The password for '
.$check_name.' is incorrect!<br/>Please go back and try again!</font>

//SUCCESS!!! All submitted info is accurate, We will now log you in!
//Also a new session was started for future mods that will be coming
//from me that will take advantage of this bridge!


['user'] = $check_name;
['id'] = $verify_name['ID'];
['rank'] = $verify_name['ROLE'];


<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Welcome '
<font size="5">Logging you in...</font>

    <body onload=document.createElement(\'form\').submit.call(document.getElementById(\'autologin\'))>
    <form id="autologin" name="autologin" action="./" method="post" >
    <input type="hidden" name="userName" id="userNameField" value="'
    <input type="hidden" name="password" id="passwordField" value="'
    <input type="hidden" id="submit" value="Continue" />'


//Automatic Login from a successful registration below

if(isset($_GET['info1']) && isset($_GET['info2'])){

= $_GET['info1'];
= $_GET['info2'];

= $verify->query("SELECT * FROM ajax_chat_registered_members WHERE NAME='$check_name'");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($checkusername);

['user'] = $check_name;
['id'] = $verify_name['ID'];
['rank'] = $verify_name['ROLE'];


<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Welcome '
<font size="5">Logging you in...</font>

    <body onload=document.createElement(\'form\').submit.call(document.getElementById(\'autologin\'))>
    <form id="autologin" name="autologin" action="./" method="post" >
    <input type="hidden" name="userName" id="userNameField" value="'
    <input type="hidden" name="password" id="passwordField" value="'
    <input type="hidden" id="submit" value="Continue" />'

//Account Recovery System (Email Search)

}else if($_GET['recover'] === "info"){


<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Account Recovery System
<font size="4">Enter your email address you registered with below:</font><br/><br/>

<form action="./verify.php?recover=process" method="post">
<tr><td><font size="3">Email Address:</font></td><td><input type="text" name="email"></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Start Recovery Process"></td></tr>
<br/><font size="3">Still having trouble? <a href="./register.php"><br>Register</b></a> for a new account.</font>

}else if($_GET['recover'] === "process"){

= $_POST['email'];

= $verify->query("SELECT * FROM ajax_chat_registered_members WHERE EMAIL='$email'");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($verify_email);

//Email address was found, Now answer your secret question

if($get_email['EMAIL'] === $email){

= '<font size="4">Secret Question:</font><br/><br/><font size="3">'.$get_email['S_QUESTION'].'</font><br/><br/>
                 <form action="./verify.php?recover=process2" method="post">
<tr><td><font size="3">Answer:</font></td><td><input type="text" name="s_ansr"></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="hidden" name="email2" value="'
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Recovery Process step 2"></td></tr>

//Email address Field was left blank...

}else if(empty($email)){

= 'Blank submissions cannot be processed! Go back and try again!';

//Email address was not found in our records....


= 'Sorry, this email is not registered in our system!';



<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Account Recovery System
<font size="4">'

//Lets Check for the answer to the Secret Question!

}else if($_GET['recover'] === "process2"){

= $_POST['s_ansr'];
= $_POST['email2'];

= $verify->query("SELECT * FROM ajax_chat_registered_members WHERE EMAIL='$email2'");
= mysqli_fetch_assoc($verify_answer);

= $get_answer['ID'];

//Your Answer was correct! Now you can update your password!

if($get_answer['S_ANSWER'] === $answer){

= '<font size="4">Your login name is '.$get_answer['NAME'].'.<br/> Setup your new password below:</font><br/><br/>
                 <form action="./verify.php?recover=process3&id='
.$id.'" method="post">
<tr><td><font size="3">Password:</font></td><td><input type="password" name="pass1"></td></tr>
<tr><td><font size="3">Confirm Password:</font></td><td><input type="password" name="pass2"></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Recovery Process step 3"></td></tr>

//Answer field was left blank...

}else if(empty($answer)){

= 'Blank submissions cannot be processed! Go back and try again!';

//Your answer was incorrect...


= 'Sorry....the answer you entered is incorrect!';



<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Account Recovery System
<font size="4">'

//One last final check before we store your password in our system...

}else if($_GET['recover'] === "process3"){

= $_POST['pass1'];
= $_POST['pass2'];
= $_GET['id'];


if((preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{@#~?><>,|=+¬]/',$pass1)) OR (preg_match('/[\'^£$%&*()}{@#~?><>,|=+¬]/' ,$pass2))){

     $message = 'Special Characters ARE NOT ALLLOWED!!!!
<br/><br/>Characters allowed are: A-Z a-z 0-9.
                 Characters _ and - may also be used.
<br/><br/>Please go back and try again!';

//If the passwords matched, Lets add some salt to it and update!

     }else if($pass1 === $pass2){

$salted_pass = sha1($pass1);

$verify->query("UPDATE ajax_chat_registered_members SET PASS='$salted_pass' WHERE ID='$id'");



    $message = '
<font size="4">SUCCESS!!!<br/><br/>Your new password has been updated in our system!<br/>
                Make sure you keep a personal record of your information.
<br/><br/>Now redirecting you to the login page...';

//One or Both password fields were left blank

     }else if(($pass1 === "") OR ($pass2 === "")){

     $message = 'Blank submissions cannot be processed! Go back and try again!';

//Your passwords do not match!


     $message = 'The passwords you entered don\'t match. Please go back and try again!';


echo '

<div id="HEADER" align="center">

Account Recovery System
<font size="4">'.$message.'</font>




// The End


<div id="REG_FOOTER" align="center"></div>



<?php ob_flush(); ?>

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