no sounds in chatroom

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Angela Lipscomb

Aug 11, 2014, 3:09:44 AM8/11/14
Hi, I believe I have a standalone type chatroom, I purchased it as an addon to my forum. None of the sounds work on it? Does anyone know why?

Doc gWorldz

Aug 11, 2014, 5:04:53 AM8/11/14
What do you mean by you purchased it? o.O 

AJAX Chat is free and open source, the chat you have could be a modified version of the standard AJAX Chat but modified and released commercially perhaps with support (?) of their own. Without us having access to the source we would be stabbing in the dark trying to solve the issues. The official AJAX Chat offered here by Frug and supported by the community has no issues with sound that I am aware of. Could you send me a link to the site you purchased AJAX Chat from privately?

I am curious about what core modifications may or may not have been made. If there is little to no changes made it still might be possible for us to help solve the problems.

... it is also possible that others around teh community may already have an idea of what the issue is so don't think my response means we can't help it just means *I* can't personally help much without more information o.O


Aug 11, 2014, 2:58:38 PM8/11/14

Check your settings option on the bottom right of your chat.

sometimes it gets disabled, make sure your sounds are on and set


Aug 12, 2014, 2:55:58 PM8/12/14
check your flash, since that's how the sounds get loaded.

On Monday, August 11, 2014 3:09:44 AM UTC-4, Angela Lipscomb wrote:

Angela Lipscomb

Aug 14, 2014, 12:06:39 AM8/14/14
sure, here is the link for the chatroom,, and this is where I purchased it from. As far as support of their own, they dont seem to know much about how it works :/

Doc gWorldz

Aug 14, 2014, 7:39:27 AM8/14/14
It appears to be SMF powered forum using EZ Portal and I'm gpnna guess its 2.0.3+ since it uses a theme I have seen on other SMF 2.0.3 sites I visit allot. It could also be SMF 1.1.7 I suppose but I doubt it considering how antiquated that version is o.O Problem is I joined the site but can't access the chat it redirects me to the chat page when I login but it never loads, I am assuming it is supposed to load the shoutbox or SMF wrapped chatroom but this is not happening for me, It could be a chat/forum js conflict but its been too long since I messed with SMF to be of much assistance :(

I won't go into a rant about the pricing there but I will say I don't think its reasonable ... and follow that up with ... I like free stuff o.O

Angela Lipscomb

Aug 14, 2014, 5:00:20 PM8/14/14
Ok, i am going to change the settings so that you can get into the chat.  Thats why you arent able to access it.  Only certain member groups can.  Ill get that updated right now and then you should be able to access it.  If you cant do anything, I understand, but I would appreciate it you would would take a look.  Thanks!!


Doc gWorldz

Aug 14, 2014, 6:28:30 PM8/14/14
I tried poking around checking the .js files the FABridge and made sure the sounds were where they are supposed to be but they aren't the problem unless I missed something. They appear to be using a custom SMF integration also but I don't really think any of the integration files could cause sounds to break. 

Unless I am mistaken only createaforum could make any required edits :( If its a code issue you would need FTP or file access of some type to edit the files anyway unless one of the above helped but I tried both and didn't make a difference.

In addition to what you have mentioned I also get a error on load 

TypeError: undefined is not a function

... perhaps others have an idea of the causes but I have no idea sorry :( 

Angela Lipscomb

Aug 14, 2014, 7:22:49 PM8/14/14
Ok, I appreciate looking into it for me.  Thank you anyway!!


Angela Lipscomb

Aug 14, 2014, 7:27:46 PM8/14/14
One last question (unless create a forum has changed it). Is there anyway to log the chats?

Doc gWorldz

Aug 14, 2014, 8:19:44 PM8/14/14
This is the ReadMe ( included with the current GitHub version of Ajax Chat. 
EDIT: sorry that the ReadMe from my fork but is similar to the core one lol

This only available for admins (maybe mods?) however and will be at for your site.

Angela Lipscomb

Aug 14, 2014, 9:07:14 PM8/14/14
ok, when I clicked on the monroerepublic link it just took me back to the front page of the forum.  I am the main admin as I created the forum so I should be able to read it.  Ill go through the other link and see if I can find anything.  Thanks

On Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:19:44 PM UTC-5, Doc gWorldz wrote:
This is the ReadMe ( included with the current GitHub version of Ajax Chat. 
EDIT: sorry that the ReadMe from my fork but is similar to the core one lol

This only available for admins (maybe mods?) however and will be at for your site.

Angela Lipscomb

Aug 14, 2014, 9:14:20 PM8/14/14
As far as that goes, where can I find the open source chat room.  Maybe if I use that one, everything will work correctly, lol


Doc gWorldz

Aug 14, 2014, 9:26:57 PM8/14/14
to is the project splash page and 0.8.8 is coming soon with the current GitHub files only a couple edits away from being final if I understand correctly. I'm guessing maybe another month or so at most depending on how much free tie Frug can find to spend on it.

Angela Lipscomb

Aug 14, 2014, 9:51:04 PM8/14/14
Ok, thank you!


Aug 17, 2014, 10:24:50 AM8/17/14
I read through this thread...  and found what I think may help you. 
In a shared web host setting dependent upon how/where the source was built/retrieved from it is most likely a permissions problem in one of the folders in the 'chat sub-directory. So far I have run across this in several places because the permissions were not '755' . I am working to create my own branch and these perms have proven difficult for me to get correct when I create a zipped archive from the sources in my local git repo which is a remote of
I ran into this using my very alpha branch i had to go through all dirs and fix perms by hand. Maybe as I get familiar with what they are supposed to be exactly... and how to process them properly when I create a bundle it will help. I ran into this on the drupal branch as well. it uses 0.8.7 (IIRC).  I would check the perms on a working chat... no matter the branch.. and make the perms the same in the one that isn't working... and you should be good to go. (i.e all the sub-dirs). 

Hope this helps :)

Edit(removed prior posts) oops.
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